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Pro/Kermit)SH 10 /Times-Italic AF 8280 10566 MT (Program:)SH /Times-Roman SF 14280 XM (Stuart Hecht, David Stevens, Robert C. McQueen, Nick Bush,)SH 14280 11671 MT (Stevens Institute of Technology)SH /Times-Italic SF 8280 12776 MT (Documentation:)SH /Times-Roman SF 14280 13881 MT (Robert C. McQueen, Stuart Hecht,)SH 14280 14986 MT (Stevens Institute of Technology)SH /Times-Italic SF 8280 16091 MT (Version:)SH /Times-Roman SF 14280 XM (1.0)SH /Times-Italic SF 8280 17196 MT (Date:)SH /Times-Roman SF 14280 XM (July 1984)SH /Times-Italic SF 8280 18301 MT (Documentation Date:)SH /Times-Roman SF 14280 19406 MT (October 1984)SH /Times-Italic SF 8280 21195 MT (Pro/Kermit Capabilities At A Glance:)SH /Times-Roman SF 9280 22805 MT (Local operation:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 23910 MT (Remote operation:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 25015 MT (Transfers text files:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 26120 MT (Transfers binary files:)SH 34480 XM (Yes \050with limitations\051)SH 9280 27225 MT (Wildcard send:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH /Courier SF 9280 28330 MT (^X/^Y)SH /Times-Roman SF 12530 XM (interruption:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 29435 MT (Filename collision avoidance:)SH 34480 XM (Unneeded)SH 9280 30540 MT (Can time out:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 31645 MT (8th-bit prefixing:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 32750 MT (Repeat count prefixing:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 33855 MT (Alternate block checks:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 34960 MT (Terminal emulation:)SH 34480 XM (Yes, uses PRO firmware \050VT102\051)SH 9280 36065 MT (Communication settings:)SH 34480 XM (Yes; local echo, parity, baud rate)SH 9280 37170 MT (Transmit BREAK:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 38275 MT (IBM communication:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 39380 MT (Transaction logging:)SH 34480 XM (No)SH 9280 40485 MT (Session logging \050raw download\051:)SH 34480 XM (No)SH 9280 41590 MT (Raw upload:)SH 34480 XM (No)SH 9280 42695 MT (Act as server:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 43800 MT (Talk to server:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 44905 MT (Advanced commands for servers:)SH 34480 XM (Yes)SH 9280 46010 MT (Local file management:)SH 34480 XM (Yes; Full P/OS services)SH 9280 47115 MT (Handle file attributes:)SH 34480 XM (No)SH 9280 48220 MT (Command/init files:)SH 34480 XM (No)SH 9280 49325 MT (Printer control:)SH 34480 XM (No)SH 8280 51717 MT (Pro/Kermit is a program that implements the KERMIT file transfer protocol for the) 61 W( Digital Professional 350 under)60 W 8280 52913 MT (the P/OS operating system. This section will describe) 100 W( the things you should know about the P/OS file system in)101 W 8280 54109 MT (order to make effective use of KERMIT, and then it will describe Pro/Kermit.)SH 14 /Times-Bold AF 8280 57711 MT (1.1. The P/OS File System)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 59829 MT (The features of the P/OS file system of greatest interest to KERMIT users are the form of the file specifications.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 8280 62417 MT (P/OS File Specifications)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 63831 MT (P/OS file specifications are of the form)SH /Courier SF 10680 65486 MT (DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]FILENAME.TYPE;VERSION)SH /Times-Roman SF 8280 67203 MT (where DEVICE is name of the disk drive, DIRECTORY is up to 9 alphanumeric characters enclosed) 149 W( in square)148 W 8280 68399 MT (brackets, FILENAME is up to 9 alphanumeric characters, TYPE is three alphanumeric characters and VERSION) 41 W( is)42 W 8280 69595 MT (a decimal number. DEVICE, DIRECTORY and) 158 W( VERSION may be omitted. The DEVICE and DIRECTORY)157 W 8280 70791 MT (names when omitted) 27 W( will default to the user's current \050default\051 disk and a directory. Then VERSION when omitted)28 W 8280 71987 MT (will default to the highest version of the file. Thus)SH /Courier SF 28834 XM (FILENAME.TYPE)SH /Times-Roman SF 36884 XM (is normally sufficient to specify a file.)SH ES %%Page: 2 3 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 7886 MT (The DEVICE, DIRECTORY, FILENAME and TYPE fields may contain alphabetic) 80 W( or numeric characters. There)79 W 6120 9082 MT (are no embedded or trailing spaces in these fields. Other) 262 W( characters may not be included within the P/OS)263 W 6120 10278 MT (environment. The) 250 W( fields of the file specification are set off from one another by the punctuation indicated above.)SH 6120 12670 MT (The DEVICE name specifies the device upon which the file is) 138 W( resident. The DEVICE name can be BIGDISK,)137 W 6120 13866 MT (BIGVOLUME, DISKETTE1,) 156 W( DISKETTE2, or the volume name of a currently inserted diskette. The directory)157 W 6120 15062 MT (name identifies an area on the device.) 80 W( Pro/Kermit) 409 W( may or may not send the device, directory or generation to the)79 W 6120 16258 MT (remote Kermit. The exact functioning of Pro/Kermit depends on the setting of) 77 W( the File Naming option in the File)78 W 6120 17454 MT (Parameters menu. Normally Pro/Kermit will only send the file name and type.)SH 6120 19846 MT (The file name is a unique identifier for the file. The type, also called the "extension", is an indicator which,) 120 W( by)119 W 6120 21042 MT (convention, tells what kind of file being referenced. For instance)46 W /Courier SF 32982 XM (FOO.MAC)SH /Times-Roman SF 37478 XM (is the source of) 46 W( an assembler program)47 W 6120 22238 MT (named FOO;)168 W /Courier SF 11900 XM (FOO.OBJ)SH /Times-Roman SF 16518 XM (might be the) 168 W( relocatable object module produced by assembling)167 W /Courier SF 43825 XM (FOO.MAC)SH /Times-Roman SF (;)SH /Courier SF 48720 XM (FOO.TSK)SH /Times-Roman SF 6120 23434 MT (could be an executable program produced by task building)SH /Courier SF 29810 XM (FOO.OBJ)SH /Times-Roman SF (, and so on.)SH 6120 25826 MT (P/OS allows a group of files to be specified in a single file specification) 209 W( by including the special "wildcard")210 W 6120 27022 MT (characters,")SH /Courier SF (*)SH /Times-Roman SF (" and ")215 W /Courier SF (%)SH /Times-Roman SF (". A) 680 W( ")214 W /Courier SF (*)SH /Times-Roman SF ("" matches any string of characters from the current position to the end of the)214 W 6120 28218 MT (FILENAME or TYPE fields, including no characters at all. The ")139 W /Courier SF (%)SH /Times-Roman SF (" will match a single character in either) 139 W( the)140 W 6120 29414 MT (FILENAME or TYPE fields. Here are some examples:)SH /Courier SF 6120 31205 MT (*.BAS)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (Will match all files of type)SH /Courier SF 22119 XM (BAS)SH /Times-Roman SF 24169 XM (\050all PRO/BASIC source files\051 in the current directory.)SH /Courier SF 6120 32863 MT (FOO.*)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (Matches files of all types with name)SH /Courier SF 25868 XM (FOO)SH /Times-Roman SF (.)SH /Courier SF 6120 34521 MT (F*.*)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (Matches all files with names starting with F.)SH /Courier SF 6120 36179 MT (*F*.*)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (Matches all files with names containing an F.)SH /Courier SF 6120 37837 MT (F%X*.*)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (Matches all files with names starting with F, containing an X in the third character position.)SH /Courier SF 6120 39495 MT (%.*)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (Matches all files with names are exactly one character long.)SH 6120 41286 MT (Wildcard notation is used on) 16 W( many computer systems in similar ways, and it is the mechanism most commonly used)15 W 6120 42482 MT (to instruct KERMIT to send a group of files.)SH 6120 44874 MT (The Pro/Kermit user must bear in mind that other \050non-P/OS\051 systems use) 12 W( different wildcard characters; for instance)13 W 6120 46070 MT (MS-DOS KERMIT uses ? instead of the % as the single) 81 W( character wildcard. When using Pro/Kermit to request a)80 W 6120 47266 MT (wildcard file group from a KERMIT-86 server, the P/OS "%" must be replaced by MS DOS "?" characters.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 6120 49854 MT (Text Files and Binary Files)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 51268 MT (The file system used by P/OS provides for) 155 W( a large number of attributes to be associated with each file. These)156 W 6120 52464 MT (attributes provide some indication of whether the) 50 W( file is a text file, or is some other type of non-text data. The two)49 W 6120 53660 MT (major attributes that affect Pro/Kermit are the record) 155 W( type and record attribute. The record type describes how)156 W 6120 54856 MT (logical records are) 159 W( stored in the file. Records may be of some fixed length \050specified by another attribute\051, or)158 W 6120 56052 MT (variable length \050specified within each record\051, or stream \050implying no real record divisions\051. The record attributes)68 W 6120 57248 MT (describe how the breaks between records are) 7 W( to be treated. For example, a record attribute of implied carriage return)6 W 6120 58444 MT (means that any program reading the file) 146 W( with intentions of printing it out should add a carriage return/line feed)147 W 6120 59640 MT (sequence between each record. Other attributes include FORTRAN carriage control and print file format.)SH 6120 62032 MT (The "standard") 105 W( method of storing text in a file under P/OS is to store one line of text per record \050variable length)104 W 6120 63228 MT (records\051, with a carriage return/line feed sequence implied by the end of the record \050implied carriage return\051.) 9 W( This) 270 W( is)10 W 6120 64424 MT (the method Pro/Kermit uses to store files it receives when using file type text.)SH 6120 66816 MT (There is no standard) 42 W( format for storing binary files. Basically, any record format with no record attributes are used)41 W 6120 68012 MT (for binary) 118 W( files. Since programs which work with binary files under P/OS expect to see some particular format,)119 W 6120 69208 MT (more infomation is needed for transfer of binary files than for transfer of text files.) 230 W( The) 709 W( current version of)229 W 6120 70404 MT (Pro/Kermit is not capable of transferring all types binary) 140 W( files which were created on a P/OS system to another)141 W 6120 71600 MT (system and retrieving them intact, nor is is capable of transferring all types) 31 W( binary files created on a P/OS system to)30 W ES %%Page: 3 4 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 7886 MT (another P/OS, RSX-11M/M+, or VAX/VMS system intact.) 247 W( However,) 746 W( certain formats of binary files can be)248 W 8280 9082 MT (transferred, and binary files from some other systems may be transferred to a PRO and recovered intact.)SH 8280 11474 MT (Binary files which are created on a PRO \050or other) 65 W( Files-11 systems\051 with fixed 512 byte records \050a fairly common)64 W 8280 12670 MT (format\051 can be transferred using Pro/Kermit. The only required action) 181 W( is to set the file type to "fixed" in the)182 W 8280 13866 MT (receiving Pro/Kermit. Binary files which have variable length records can be transferred from one PRO to) 51 W( another)50 W 8280 15062 MT (providing the maximum record length is less than 8192 bytes. This requires that both the sending) 114 W( and receiving)115 W 8280 16258 MT (Pro/Kermit's be set for file type block.)SH 8280 18650 MT (Using two programs supplied with Pro/Kermit, it is) 74 W( possible to transfer almost any type of sequential file between)73 W 8280 19846 MT (PRO's, or between a) 226 W( PRO and a VAX/VMS or RSX-11M/M+ system. These two programs \050PROHEX and)227 W 8280 21042 MT (PRODEH\051 will convert the binary files to text \050using a variation) 31 W( on Intel hex format\051. The resulting text file can be)30 W 8280 22238 MT (transferred like any other, and finally "dehexified" reproducing the original file, with the) 140 W( major attributes intact.)141 W 8280 23434 MT (Unfortunately, the text files tend to be about twice the size of the original binary files, so the transfers take) 106 W( a bit)105 W 8280 24630 MT (longer than regular) 33 W( text files. On the plus side, the text versions of the files can be transferred to any system with a)34 W 8280 25826 MT (Kermit and still retrieved intact. They can also be transferred over 7-bit data paths without) 129 W( any problems. The)128 W 8280 27022 MT (bootstrap procedure \050described below\051, makes use of hexified versions of the) 324 W( binary files which make up)325 W 8280 28218 MT (Pro/Kermit.)SH 14 /Times-Bold AF 8280 31820 MT (1.2. Program Operation)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 33938 MT (Pro/Kermit is different from most of the Kermit implementations in that) 42 W( it is menu driven. P/OS has a menu based)41 W 8280 35134 MT (command interface with callable routines to display menus. Pro/Kermit utilizes these routines to) 235 W( provide an)236 W 8280 36330 MT (interface that is compatible with P/OS.)SH 8280 38722 MT (Pro/Kermit is run from the menu in which you install it. You select the Kermit application and) 33 W( the press the DO or)32 W 8280 39918 MT (RETURN key. After you have done) 18 W( so, the Pro/Kermit main menu, figure MAINMENU, will appear on the screen.)19 W 8280 41114 MT (After the menu has been displayed you can select the command) 144 W( you wish to execute by positioning the pointer)143 W 8280 42310 MT (before the command and pressing the RETURN or DO key.)SH 8280 44702 MT (At any point you may press the HELP key to get help on the current menu that) 83 W( you are in. Additionally you can)84 W 8280 45898 MT (position the pointer to an item that can be selected and press the HELP key to receive help on that item.)SH 14 /Times-Bold AF 8280 49500 MT (1.3. Pro/Kermit Terminal Emulation)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 51618 MT (Pro/Kermit provides its own terminal emulation. It does not rely on any other software package to provide the)142 W 8280 52814 MT (terminal emulator. When in) 3 W( terminal emulation mode Pro/Kermit will respond to the Professional escape sequences.)4 W 8280 54010 MT (Terminal emulation mode is entered) 84 W( from the Kermit main menu CONNECT command. The following functions)83 W 8280 55206 MT (keys are currently supported in terminal emulation mode.)SH 8280 56997 MT (BREAK)SH 13280 XM (Send a break to the remote computer system.)SH 8280 58574 MT (MAIN SCREEN)SH 13280 59679 MT (Return to the Pro/Kermit main menu.)SH 8280 61256 MT (EXIT)SH 13280 XM (Return to the Pro/Kermit main menu.)SH 8280 62833 MT (HELP)SH 13280 XM (Print a short help message.)SH 8280 64410 MT (F11 \050ESC\051)SH 13280 XM (Send an escape \050octal 33\051.)SH 8280 65987 MT (F12 \050BS\051)SH 13280 XM (Send a backspace character \050octal 10\051.)SH 8280 67564 MT (F13 \050LF\051)SH 13280 XM (Send a line feed \050octal 12\051.)SH 8280 69956 MT (Additionally you can set an escape character specifing the ")122 W /Times-Bold SF (Escape)SH /Times-Roman SF 36624 XM (Character" in) 122 W( the Terminal Emulation menu,)121 W 8280 71152 MT (figure TERMMENU. The) 44 W( default for the escape character is ^\134 \050Control backslash\051. The escape character prefixes)45 W ES %%Page: 4 5 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 7886 MT (the following set of single character commands. If you want to type the escape character at the) 24 W( remote system, then)23 W 6120 9082 MT (you must type two escape characters.)SH 6120 10873 MT (B)SH 11120 XM (Send a break)SH 6120 12450 MT (C)SH 11120 XM (Close the connection.)SH 6120 14027 MT (S)SH 11120 XM (Type a short status display.)SH 6120 15604 MT (?)SH 11120 XM (Display a short help message.)SH 14 /Times-Bold AF 6120 19206 MT (1.4. Pro/Kermit Commands)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 21324 MT (This section contains a description of) 122 W( the Pro/Kermit commands. They are described in detail where they differ)123 W 6120 22520 MT (from the "ideal" KERMIT and briefly where they coincide.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 6120 25108 MT (Main menu)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 26899 MT (*********************** Pro/Kermit) SH( Version) 2250 W( 1.0 ****************)SH 6120 28095 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 29291 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN or EXIT to return to P/OS main menu) SH( *)3500 W 6120 30487 MT (* Press) 250 W( HELP for help information) SH( *)9000 W 6120 31683 MT (* Press) 250 W( ADDTNL OPTIONS for Remote Kermit commands) SH( *)5000 W 6120 32879 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 34075 MT (* ->) 2750 W( *)13750 W 6120 35271 MT (* Bye) 4250 W( - Logout server Kermit and exit to P/OS) SH( *)2000 W 1611 50 11120 35471 UL 6120 36467 MT (* Connect) 4250 W( to host computer) SH( *)6750 W 3333 50 11120 36667 UL 6120 37663 MT (* Get) 4250 W( a file from a server Kermit) SH( *)5000 W 1444 50 11120 37863 UL 6120 38859 MT (* Receive) 4250 W( a file from host) SH( *)6750 W 3221 50 11120 39059 UL 6120 40055 MT (* Send) 4250 W( a file to host) SH( *)8000 W 2000 50 11120 40255 UL 6120 41251 MT (* Enter) 4250 W( server mode) SH( *)8500 W 2166 50 11120 41451 UL 6120 42447 MT (* Set) 4250 W( parameters) SH( *)9250 W 4387 50 12648 42647 UL 6120 43643 MT (* Status) 4250 W( *)11250 W 2445 50 11120 43843 UL 6120 44839 MT (* P/OS) 4250 W( Services) SH( *)9500 W 2112 50 11120 45039 UL 6120 46035 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 47231 MT (* Additional) 9750 W( Options available *)SH 6120 48427 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 49623 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 24604 51233 MT (Figure 1-1:)SH /Times-Roman SF 29853 XM (Main menu)SH 6120 53024 MT (The main menu, as seen in figure MAINMENU, is the first menu that is) 60 W( displayed. The user can select a function)59 W 6120 54220 MT (from this menu or from the Remote Kermit commands menus. The remote Kermit) 6 W( command menus are accessed by)7 W 6120 55416 MT (pressing the ADDTNL OPTIONS key.)SH 6120 57808 MT (The commands that are available in the main menu are:)SH 6120 59599 MT (BYE)SH 11120 XM (Generic LOGOUT command and exit to P/OS)SH 6120 61176 MT (CONNECT)SH 11120 XM (Enter the terminal emulation mode.)SH 6120 62753 MT (GET)SH 11120 XM (Get a file from the remote server Kermit.)SH 6120 64330 MT (RECEIVE)SH 11120 XM (Receive a file from the remote system.)SH 6120 65907 MT (SEND)SH 11120 XM (Send a file or a) 60 W( group of files to the remote host. The user will be prompted with a menu of files that)59 W 11120 67012 MT (can be sent to the remote kermit. The user can press the ADDTNL OPTIONS key) 142 W( and change the)143 W 11120 68117 MT (directory, or type in a full wildcarded file specification.)SH 6120 69694 MT (ENTER)SH 11120 XM (Enter server mode.)SH 6120 71271 MT (Parameters)SH 11120 XM (Enters the Parameter Setting menu \050figure SETMENU\051.)SH ES %%Page: 5 6 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 7886 MT (STATUS)SH 13280 XM (Causes the various counters to be displayed.)SH 8280 9463 MT (P/OS)SH 13280 XM (Enters the P/OS Services menu \050figure POSMENU\051.)SH 8280 11855 MT (Three of the function keys are also valid in the main menu. These function keys are:)SH 8280 13646 MT (ADDTNL OPTIONS)SH 13280 14751 MT (This key will cause the first of two remote Kermit command menus to be displayed. The) 10 W( menu that this)11 W 13280 15856 MT (displays is show by figure REMMENU1.)SH 8280 17433 MT (EXIT)SH 13280 XM (This key will cause Pro/Kermit to exit to P/OS.)SH 8280 19010 MT (MAIN SCREEN)SH 13280 20115 MT (This key will also cause Pro/Kermit to exit to P/OS.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 8280 22703 MT (Remote commands menus)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 24494 MT (*************************** Remote Kermit Commands *********************)SH 8280 25690 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 26886 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the main menu) SH( *)5750 W 8280 28082 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu) SH( *)6500 W 8280 29278 MT (* Press) 250 W( ADDTNL OPTIONS for additional Remote Kermit commands) SH( *)2250 W 8280 30474 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 31670 MT (* ->) 2750 W( *)13750 W 8280 32866 MT (* Type) 4250 W( remote file) SH( *)8750 W 2055 50 13280 33066 UL 8280 34062 MT (* Directory) 4250 W( of remote files) SH( *)6500 W 3832 50 13280 34262 UL 8280 35258 MT (* Disk) 4250 W( usage) SH( *)10250 W 1889 50 13280 35458 UL 8280 36454 MT (* Delete) 4250 W( remote file) SH( *)8250 W 2610 50 13280 36654 UL 8280 37650 MT (* Change) 4250 W( working directory) SH( *)6750 W 3055 50 13280 37850 UL 8280 38846 MT (* Status) 4250 W( of Server Kermit) SH( *)7000 W 2445 50 13280 39046 UL 8280 40042 MT (* Help) 4250 W( on commands the Server Kermit supports) SH( *)2000 W 1944 50 13280 40242 UL 8280 41238 MT (* Logout) 4250 W( Server Kermit) SH( *)7750 W 2889 50 13280 41438 UL 8280 42434 MT (* Finish) 4250 W( using Server Kermit) SH( *)6250 W 2501 50 13280 42634 UL 8280 43630 MT (* Perform) 4250 W( a command on Server's Host) SH( *)4250 W 1889 50 26527 43830 UL 8280 44826 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 46022 MT (* Additional) 9750 W( Options available *)SH 8280 47218 MT (************************************************************************)SH 8280 48414 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 21347 50024 MT (Figure 1-2:)SH /Times-Roman SF 26596 XM (Remote Kermit Commands - Menu #1)SH 8280 51815 MT (There are two menus that provide) 37 W( access to the remote Kermit commands. The first menu, REMMENU1, provides)38 W 8280 53011 MT (the following commands:)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 54802 MT (Type)SH /Times-Roman SF 10697 XM (remote file)SH 13280 55907 MT (Implementing the "REMOTE TYPE" command. You will be prompted) 195 W( to type in the remote file)196 W 13280 57012 MT (specification to be displayed.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 58589 MT (Directory)SH /Times-Roman SF 12639 XM (of remote files)SH 13280 59694 MT (Implementing the "REMOTE DIRECTORY" command. You will be prompted for the directory name.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 61271 MT (Disk)SH /Times-Roman SF 10475 XM (usage)SH 13280 XM (Implementing the "REMOTE DISK-USAGE" command. You will be prompted for the disk area.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 62848 MT (Delete)SH /Times-Roman SF 11195 XM (remote file)SH 13280 63953 MT (Implementing the "REMOTE) 329 W( DELETE" command. You will be prompted for the remote file)328 W 13280 65058 MT (specification\050s\051 to be deleted.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 66635 MT (Change)SH /Times-Roman SF 11808 XM (working directory)SH 13280 67740 MT (Implementing the) 133 W( "REMOTE CWD" command. You will be prompted for the working directory to)132 W 13280 68845 MT (change to and the password that may be required to access that directory.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 70422 MT (Status)SH /Times-Roman SF 11197 XM (of Server Kermit)SH 13280 71527 MT (This command implements the "REMOTE STATUS" generic command.)SH ES %%Page: 6 7 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Bold AF 6120 7886 MT (Help)SH /Times-Roman SF 8426 XM (on commands the Server Kermit supports)SH 11120 8991 MT (This command implements the "REMOTE HELP" generic command.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 10568 MT (Logout)SH /Times-Roman SF 9426 XM (Server Kermit)SH 11120 11673 MT (This command implements the "REMOTE LOGOUT" generic command.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 13250 MT (Finish)SH /Times-Roman SF 9038 XM (using Server Kermit)SH 11120 14355 MT (This menu item implements the "REMOTE FINISH" generic command.)SH 6120 15932 MT (Perform a command on Server's)SH /Times-Bold SF 19367 XM (Host)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 17037 MT (This command implements the "REMOTE HOST" generic) 93 W( command. The user will be prompted for)92 W 11120 18142 MT (the command string to send to the host system.)SH 6120 19933 MT (The commands that can be found in the second remote commands menu are:)SH 6120 21724 MT (**************************** Remote Kermit Commands ********************)SH 6120 22920 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 24116 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the main menu) SH( *)5750 W 6120 25312 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu) SH( *)6500 W 6120 26508 MT (* Press) 250 W( ADDTNL OPTIONS to return to the main menu) SH( *)5000 W 6120 27704 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 28900 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 30096 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 31292 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 32488 MT (* ->) 3750 W( *)12750 W 6120 33684 MT (* Copy) 5250 W( remote files) SH( *)7500 W 2167 50 12120 33884 UL 6120 34880 MT (* Rename) 5250 W( remote files) SH( *)7000 W 3277 50 12120 35080 UL 6120 36076 MT (* Who) 5250 W( is logged into the remote system) SH( *)2750 W 1944 50 12120 36276 UL 6120 37272 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 38468 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 39664 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 40860 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 42056 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 43252 MT (* Additional) 9750 W( Options available *)SH 6120 44448 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 45644 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 19299 47254 MT (Figure 1-3:)SH /Times-Roman SF 24548 XM (Remote Kermit commands - Menu #2)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 49045 MT (Copy)SH /Times-Roman SF 8648 XM (remote files)SH 11120 50150 MT (Implements the generic "REMOTE COPY" command. Pro/Kermit will prompt for) 49 W( the two remote file)48 W 11120 51255 MT (specifications and then will send the command to the remote server Kermit for execution.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 52832 MT (Rename)SH /Times-Roman SF 9869 XM (remote files)SH 11120 53937 MT (Implements the generic "REMOTE RENAME" command. Pro/Kermit will) 55 W( prompt for the two remote)54 W 11120 55042 MT (file specifications and then will send the generic command to the remote server Kermit for execution.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 56619 MT (Who)SH /Times-Roman SF 8426 XM (is logged into the remote system)SH 11120 57724 MT (Will ask for the information that is to be passed to the remote server Kermit for this command.) 98 W( The)445 W 11120 58829 MT (information that you have to type in, if any, depends on the server Kermit implementation.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 6120 61417 MT (Setting parameters)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 62831 MT (The "Setting parameters" menu is entered into) 139 W( from the main menu. This will allow you to choose the type of)140 W 6120 64027 MT (parameters that you can set. Entering this menu is much the type the "SET" of a generic SET command.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 65818 MT (General)SH /Times-Roman SF 9814 XM (parameters)SH 11120 66923 MT (This option will allow you to set general) 31 W( Pro/Kermit parameters. These parameters include the number)32 W 11120 68028 MT (of retries to attempt when sending packets, eigtht bit quoting, the repeat character and the) 82 W( state of the)81 W 11120 69133 MT (debugging flag. The "General Parameters" menu,) 21 W( figure GENMENU, will be displayed to allow you to)22 W 11120 70238 MT (set these parameters.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 71815 MT (Send)SH /Times-Roman SF 8482 XM (parameters)SH ES %%Page: 7 8 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 7886 MT (****************************** Parameter Setting ***********************)SH 8280 9082 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 10278 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu) SH( *)6500 W 8280 11474 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 8280 12670 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 13866 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 15062 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 16258 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 17454 MT (* ->) 5750 W( *)10750 W 8280 18650 MT (* General) 7250 W( parameters) SH( *)5250 W 3165 50 16280 18850 UL 8280 19846 MT (* Send) 7250 W( parameters) SH( *)6000 W 2000 50 16280 20046 UL 8280 21042 MT (* Receive) 7250 W( parameters) SH( *)5250 W 3221 50 16280 21242 UL 8280 22238 MT (* File) 7250 W( parameters) SH( *)6000 W 1556 50 16280 22438 UL 8280 23434 MT (* Line) 7250 W( characteristics) SH( *)4750 W 1833 50 16280 23634 UL 8280 24630 MT (* Terminal) 7250 W( emulation) SH( *)5250 W 3666 50 16280 24830 UL 8280 25826 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 27022 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 28218 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 29414 MT (************************************************************************)SH 8280 30610 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 24250 32220 MT (Figure 1-4:)SH /Times-Roman SF 29499 XM (Parameter Setting menu)SH 13280 34011 MT (Selection this option will cause the "Send Packet Parameters" menu to be) 147 W( displayed. Selecting this)148 W 13280 35116 MT (option is) 5 W( equivalent to typing the generic "SET SEND" command. The "Send Packet Parameters" menu)4 W 13280 36221 MT (is show in figure SENDMENU.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 37798 MT (Receive)SH /Times-Roman SF 11806 XM (parameters)SH 13280 38903 MT (Selecting this option will cause the "Receive Parameters" menu to be displayed. The selection) 88 W( of the)87 W 13280 40008 MT (option is equivalent to typing the "SET RECEIVE" generic command.) 10 W( The) 272 W( "Receive Parameters" menu)11 W 13280 41113 MT (is show in figure RECMENU.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 42690 MT (File)SH /Times-Roman SF 10141 XM (parameters)SH 13280 43795 MT (This option will display the "File Parameters") 36 W( menu. This allows the setting of the file disposition, file)37 W 13280 44900 MT (type and file specification translation. This menu is show in figure FILEMENU.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 46477 MT (Line)SH /Times-Roman SF 10475 XM (characteristics)SH 13280 47582 MT (This option allows) 31 W( changing of some of the communications port \050XK0\051 parameters. These parameters)32 W 13280 48687 MT (include the transmit and receive speeds, parity and flow control.) 209 W( The) 667 W( "Line Parameters" menu is)208 W 13280 49792 MT (displayed when this option is selected. This menu is show in figure LINEMENU.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 51369 MT (Terminal)SH /Times-Roman SF 12530 XM (emulation)SH 13280 52474 MT (The "Terminal Emulation Parameters" menu will be displayed when this) 81 W( option is selected. This will)80 W 13280 53579 MT (allow you to change various terminal emulation parameters like the) 123 W( escape character, local echo and)124 W 13280 54684 MT (others. The) 250 W( menu is show in figure TERMMENU.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 8280 57272 MT (General Parameters)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 58686 MT (The following describes the) 224 W( general parameters that can be set. These parameters are set from the "General)223 W 8280 59882 MT (Parameters" menu, figure GENMENU.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 61673 MT (Block check)SH /Times-Roman SF 13669 XM (type)SH 13280 62778 MT (This will set the new error detection method. This command is similar to the "SET BLOCK-CHECK")46 W 13280 63883 MT (generic command. The default value for this option is 1 character checksums.) 26 W( If) 304 W( this option is selected)27 W 13280 64988 MT (the next menu that will appear is the Block Check Charaters menu as shown in figure CHKMENU.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 66565 MT (Repeat)SH /Times-Roman SF 11529 XM (quoting character)SH 13280 67670 MT (The default for this option is "~" \050octal 176\051.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 69247 MT (Eighth)SH /Times-Roman SF 11420 XM (bit quoting character)SH 13280 70352 MT (The default for this option is "&" \050octal 46\051.)SH 8280 71929 MT (Retries for)SH /Times-Bold SF 12779 XM (initial)SH /Times-Roman SF 15530 XM (packet)SH ES %%Page: 8 9 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 7886 MT (****************************** General Parameters **********************)SH 6120 9082 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 10278 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu.) SH( *)6250 W 6120 11474 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 6120 12670 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 13866 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 15062 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 16258 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 17454 MT (* ->) 1250 W( *)15250 W 6120 18650 MT (* Block) 2750 W( check type) SH( 1) 3750 W( character\050s\051) SH( *)2750 W 4971 50 9620 18850 UL 6120 19846 MT (* Repeat) 2750 W( quoting character) SH( ~) 1750 W( \050176\051) SH( *)4500 W 2777 50 9620 20046 UL 6120 21042 MT (* Eighth) 2750 W( bit quoting character) SH( &) 750 W( \05046\051) SH( *)4750 W 2667 50 9620 21242 UL 6120 22238 MT (* Retries) 2750 W( for initial packet) SH( 5.) 1250 W( *)5750 W 2334 50 14119 22438 UL 6120 23434 MT (* Retries) 2750 W( for subsequent packets 16.) SH( *)5500 W 4444 50 14119 23634 UL 6120 24630 MT (* Debugging) 2750 W( \050ON/OFF\051) 5500 W( *)4250 W 1834 50 21869 24830 UL 4444 50 9620 24830 UL 6120 25826 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 27022 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 28218 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 29414 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 30610 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 21730 32220 MT (Figure 1-5:)SH /Times-Roman SF 26979 XM (General Parameters menu)SH 11120 34011 MT (This command is similar to the "SET RETRY INITIAL-CONNECTION") 214 W( generic command. The)215 W 11120 35116 MT (default for this command is 5.)SH 6120 36693 MT (Retries for)SH /Times-Bold SF 10619 XM (subsequent)SH /Times-Roman SF 15648 XM (packets)SH 11120 37798 MT (This command is similar to) 165 W( the "SET RETRY PACKETS" generic command. The default for this)166 W 11120 38903 MT (command is 16.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 40480 MT (Debugging)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (This command is the same as the "SET DEBUGGING ON/OFF" commands in the generic) 152 W( Kermit.)151 W 11120 41585 MT (Selection of this item will toggle the state of the debugging flag. The default is for debugging to be off.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 6120 44173 MT (Send Packet Parameters)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 45964 MT (**************************** Send Packet Parameters ********************)SH 6120 47160 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 48356 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu) SH( *)6500 W 6120 49552 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 6120 50748 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 51944 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 53140 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 54336 MT (* ->) 5000 W( *)11500 W 6120 55532 MT (* End-of-Line) 6500 W( ^M) 1250 W( \05015\051) SH( *)4500 W 4943 50 13370 55732 UL 6120 56728 MT (* Packet-Length) 6500 W( 80.) 750 W( *)5500 W 5832 50 13370 56928 UL 6120 57924 MT (* Padding) 6500 W( 0.) 2250 W( *)5750 W 3278 50 13370 58124 UL 6120 59120 MT (* Pad) 6500 W( character)SH /Courier SF 19784 XM (^@)SH /Times-Roman SF 21234 XM (\0500\051 *)4750 W 5414 50 13370 59320 UL 6120 60316 MT (* Timeout) 6500 W( 15.) 2250 W( Sec.) SH( *)4250 W 3389 50 13370 60516 UL 6120 61512 MT (* Start) 6500 W( of packet ^A \0501\051) SH( *)4750 W 5832 50 13370 61712 UL 6120 62708 MT (* Quote) 6500 W( #) 2750 W( \05043\051) SH( *)4750 W 2444 50 13370 62908 UL 6120 63904 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 65100 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 66296 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 67492 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 68688 MT (Make selection and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 20855 70298 MT (Figure 1-6:)SH /Times-Roman SF 26104 XM (Send Packet Parameters menu)SH ES %%Page: 9 10 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 7886 MT (This menu implements most of the SET SEND generic Kermit commands. The values) 42 W( will be prompted for on the)43 W 8280 9082 MT (last line of the screen. To set one of the values you should) 5 W( select the item from the menu, press the DO key and then)4 W 8280 10278 MT (enter the value terminated by the DO key.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 12053 MT (End-of-Line)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 13158 MT (This command performs the function of the generic Kermit command SET SEND END-OF-LINE. The)12 W 13280 14263 MT (default value for this is a control-M \050octal 15\051.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 15840 MT (Packet-Length)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 16945 MT (This command performs) 24 W( the function of the generic Kermit command SET SEND PACKET-LENGTH.)23 W 13280 18050 MT (The default value is 80 decimal.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 19627 MT (Padding)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 XM (This command will set the number of padding characters) 51 W( to send. It is the same as the first part of the)52 W 13280 20732 MT (generic command SET PADDING. The default is to send no padding characters.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 22309 MT (Pad character)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 23414 MT (This command will set the padding character that is to be sent. It is the same as the second part of the)48 W 13280 24519 MT (generic command SET PADDING. The default is to send a null character \0500 octal\051.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 26096 MT (Timeout)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 XM (This will set the number of seconds to wait for a packet) 150 W( before trying again. It is the same as the)149 W 13280 27201 MT (generic Kermit command SET SEND TIMEOUT. The default value is 15 seconds.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 28778 MT (Start of packet)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 29883 MT (This command is identical to the SET SEND START-OF-PACKET generic) 139 W( Kermit command. The)138 W 13280 30988 MT (default for this command is a control-A \0501 octal\051.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 32565 MT (Quote)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 XM (This command performs the) 53 W( same function as the SET SEND QUOTE generic command. The default)54 W 13280 33670 MT (value for this is "#" \05043 octal\051.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 8280 36258 MT (Receive Packet Parameters)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 38049 MT (************************** Receive Packet Parameters *******************)SH 8280 39245 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 40441 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu.) SH( *)6250 W 8280 41637 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu.) SH( *)2750 W 8280 42833 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 44029 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 45225 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 46421 MT (* ->) 5000 W( *)11500 W 8280 47617 MT (* End-of-Line) 6500 W( ^M) 1250 W( \05015\051) SH( *)4500 W 4943 50 15530 47817 UL 8280 48813 MT (* Packet-Length) 6500 W( 80.) 750 W( *)5500 W 5832 50 15530 49013 UL 8280 50009 MT (* Padding) 6500 W( 0.) 2250 W( *)5750 W 3278 50 15530 50209 UL 8280 51205 MT (* Pad) 6500 W( character)SH /Courier SF 21944 XM (^@)SH /Times-Roman SF 23394 XM (\0500\051 *)4750 W 5414 50 15530 51405 UL 8280 52401 MT (* Timeout) 6500 W( 15.) 2250 W( Sec.) SH( *)4250 W 3389 50 15530 52601 UL 8280 53597 MT (* Start) 6500 W( of packet ^A \0501\051) SH( *)4750 W 5832 50 15530 53797 UL 8280 54793 MT (* Quote) 6500 W( #) 2750 W( \05043\051) SH( *)4750 W 2444 50 15530 54993 UL 8280 55989 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 57185 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 58381 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 59577 MT (************************************************************************)SH 8280 60773 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 22404 62383 MT (Figure 1-7:)SH /Times-Roman SF 27653 XM (Receive Packet Parameters menu)SH 8280 64174 MT (This menu implements most of the SET RECEIVE generic Kermit commands. The values will be prompted for) 37 W( on)36 W 8280 65370 MT (the last line of the screen. To set one of the values) 24 W( you should select the item from the menu, press the DO key and)25 W 8280 66566 MT (then enter the value terminated by the DO key.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 68341 MT (End-of-Line)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 69446 MT (This option implements the generic Kermit command SET RECEIVE) 69 W( END-OF-LINE command. The)70 W 13280 70551 MT (default for this is a carriage return \050control-M, 15 octal\051.)SH ES %%Page: 10 11 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Bold AF 6120 7870 MT (Packet-Length)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 8975 MT (This option implements the generic Kermit command SET RECEIVE) 94 W( PACKET-LENGTH command.)95 W 11120 10080 MT (The default value for this parameter is 80.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 11657 MT (Padding)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (The generic Kermit command SET RECEIVE PADDING is implmented by this option) 282 W( and the)281 W 11120 12762 MT (following option,)20 W /Times-Bold SF 18355 XM (Pad character)20 W /Times-Roman SF (. This) 290 W( option implements the first part of the command, the number of)21 W 11120 13867 MT (padding characters. The default for this option is no padding characters.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 15444 MT (Pad character)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 16549 MT (This option implements the second part of the) 178 W( SET RECEIVE PADDING generic command. The)179 W 11120 17654 MT (padding charcter is set by this option. The default for this is a null \0500 octal\051.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 19231 MT (Timeout)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (This option implements the generic Kermit command SET) 48 W( RECEIVE TIMEOUT. The default for this)47 W 11120 20336 MT (command is 15 seconds.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 21913 MT (Start of packet)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 23018 MT (This option implements SET RECEIVE START-OF-PACKET generic Kermit command. The) 68 W( default)67 W 11120 24123 MT (for this command is a control-A \0501 octal\051.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 25700 MT (Quote)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (This option implements the SET) 75 W( RECEIVE QUOTE generic command. The default for this option is)76 W 11120 26805 MT ("#" \05043 octal\051.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 6120 29393 MT (File Parameters)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 31184 MT (****************************** File Parameters *************************)SH 6120 32380 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 33576 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu.) SH( *)6250 W 6120 34772 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 6120 35968 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 37164 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 38360 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 39556 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 40752 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 41948 MT (* ->) 1250 W( *)15250 W 6120 43144 MT (* File) 2750 W( type) SH( ASCII) 8250 W( *)2250 W 1722 50 11426 43344 UL 6120 44340 MT (* File) 2750 W( specification) SH( Normal) 6000 W( *)2000 W 5110 50 11426 44540 UL 6120 45536 MT (* Disposition) 2750 W( for incomplete received files Delete) SH( *)2000 W 4612 50 9620 45736 UL 6120 46732 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 47928 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 49124 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 50320 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 51516 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 52712 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 53908 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 22535 55518 MT (Figure 1-8:)SH /Times-Roman SF 27784 XM (File Parameters menu)SH 6120 57309 MT (The File Parameters menu,) 240 W( FILEMENU, implements the SET FILE and SET INCOMPLETE generic Kermit)239 W 6120 58505 MT (commands. This) 250 W( menu will invoke other menus to set the parameters.)SH 6120 60296 MT (File)SH /Times-Bold SF 7926 XM (type)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (Selection of this option will invoke the Set File mode) 130 W( menu, as show in figure FMODMENU. The)131 W 11120 61401 MT (default value for this item is ASCII.)SH 6120 62978 MT (File)SH /Times-Bold SF 7926 XM (specification)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 64083 MT (This option will invoke the File Specification Handling menu, as show in) 92 W( figure FSPECMENU. The)93 W 11120 65188 MT (default for this option is NORMAL.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 66765 MT (Disposition)SH /Times-Roman SF 11149 XM (for incomplete received files)SH 11120 67870 MT (Selection of this option is the) 86 W( same as the SET INCOMPLETE generic Kermit command. The menu)87 W 11120 68975 MT (that is invoked by selection of this) 221 W( option is show in figure FDISPMENU. The default value is)220 W 11120 70080 MT (DELETE.)SH ES %%Page: 11 12 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 12 /Times-Bold AF 8280 8004 MT (File Specification Handling)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 9795 MT (************************ File Specification Handling *******************)SH 8280 10991 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 12187 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu) SH( *)6500 W 8280 13383 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 8280 14579 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 15775 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 16971 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 18167 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 19363 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 20559 MT (* ->) 4250 W( *)12250 W 8280 21755 MT (* Full) 5750 W( file specifications) SH( *)5250 W 1612 50 14780 21955 UL 8280 22951 MT (* Normal) 5750 W( form file specifications) SH( *)3500 W 3055 50 14780 23151 UL 8280 24147 MT (* Untranslated) 5750 W( file specifications) SH( *)3250 W 5110 50 14780 24347 UL 8280 25343 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 26539 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 27735 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 28931 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 30127 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 31323 MT (************************************************************************)SH 8280 32519 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 22292 34129 MT (Figure 1-9:)SH /Times-Roman SF 27541 XM (File Specification Handling menu)SH 8280 35920 MT (This command will set the type of) 11 W( translation that must be done on the file sepcification when sending and receiving)12 W 8280 37116 MT (one. This) 250 W( command is similar to the Kermit-10 and Kermit-32 SET FILE NAMING commands.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 38907 MT (Full)SH /Times-Roman SF 10253 XM (file specifications)SH 13280 40012 MT (This option will cause Kermit to send the full file specification without any modifications.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 41589 MT (Normal)SH /Times-Roman SF 11807 XM (form file specifications)SH 13280 42694 MT (This will cause Kermit) 4 W( to send only the file name and file type, and perform translations on received file)3 W 13280 43799 MT (specifications to force them to be only a valid file name and type.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 45376 MT (Untranslated)SH /Times-Roman SF 14141 XM (file specifications)SH 13280 46481 MT (This option will cause Kermit to send only the file name and type to the remote Kermit.) 49 W( It) 347 W( will not do)48 W 13280 47586 MT (any translations on the name and type. The device) 90 W( and directory information will be removed before)91 W 13280 48691 MT (the transfer. Kermit will do not translation on the incoming file specification.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 8280 51279 MT (File Disposition)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 52693 MT (The File Disposition menu, figure FDISPMENU, implements the SET INCOMPLETE generic) 111 W( Kermit command.)110 W 8280 53889 MT (The options that you can select are the values you can specify for the command.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 55680 MT (Keep)SH /Times-Roman SF 10752 XM (incompletely transfered files)SH 13280 56785 MT (This option implements the SET INCOMPLETE KEEP generic command.) 24 W( This) 296 W( specifies that files that)23 W 13280 57890 MT (are received should always be kept.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 59467 MT (Delete)SH /Times-Roman SF 11195 XM (incompletely transfered files)SH 13280 60572 MT (The SET) 10 W( INCOMPLETE DELETE generic command is implemented by this option. This is the default)9 W 13280 61677 MT (for the command.)SH ES %%Page: 12 13 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 7886 MT (******************************* File Disposition ***********************)SH 6120 9082 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 10278 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu) SH( *)6500 W 6120 11474 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 6120 12670 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 13866 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 15062 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 16258 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 17454 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 18650 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 19846 MT (* ->) 3750 W( *)12750 W 6120 21042 MT (* Keep) 5250 W( incompletely transfered files) SH( *)3250 W 2110 50 12120 21242 UL 6120 22238 MT (* Delete) 5250 W( incompletely transfered files) SH( *)2750 W 2610 50 12120 22438 UL 6120 23434 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 24630 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 25826 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 27022 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 28218 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 29414 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 30610 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 22200 32220 MT (Figure 1-10:)SH /Times-Roman SF 27949 XM (File Disposition menu)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 6120 34808 MT (File mode)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 36599 MT (******************************** Set File mode *************************)SH 6120 37795 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 38991 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to previous menu) SH( *)7500 W 6120 40187 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 6120 41383 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 42579 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 43775 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 44971 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 46167 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 47363 MT (* ->) 7500 W( *)9000 W 6120 48559 MT (* Ascii) 9000 W( *)6750 W 2111 50 15870 48759 UL 6120 49755 MT (* Binary) 9000 W( *)6500 W 2722 50 15870 49955 UL 6120 50951 MT (* Block) 9000 W( *)6750 W 2389 50 15870 51151 UL 6120 52147 MT (* Fixed) 9000 W( *)6750 W 2278 50 15870 52347 UL 6120 53343 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 54539 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 55735 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 56931 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 58127 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 59323 MT (Make choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 23340 60933 MT (Figure 1-11:)SH /Times-Roman SF 29089 XM (File Mode menu)SH 6120 62724 MT (The File Mode menu, figure FMODMENU, implement one of the SET FILE generic Kermit commands.) 8 W( This) 267 W( menu)9 W 6120 63920 MT (is used) 13 W( to sent the type of file that Kermit is dealing with, for more information on file types, see the section on Text)12 W 6120 65116 MT (and Binary files.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 66907 MT (Ascii)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (This is the default for this command.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 68484 MT (Binary)SH /Times-Roman SF 11120 XM (File type BINARY is for non-text files. Note that binary files which are generated) 80 W( on a P/OS system)81 W 11120 69589 MT (cannot be transferred to another VMS system without losing file) 217 W( attributes. This means that \050for)216 W 11120 70694 MT (example\051, an) 65 W( .EXE file cannot be transmitted with Pro/Kermit. \050This problem should be resolved in a)66 W 11120 71799 MT (future verison of Kermit\051.)SH ES %%Page: 13 14 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Bold AF 8280 7870 MT (Block)SH 8280 9447 MT (Fixed)SH 12 SS 8280 12035 MT (Terminal Emulation Parameters)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 13826 MT (************************ Terminal Emulation Parameters *****************)SH 8280 15022 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 16218 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu) SH( *)6500 W 8280 17414 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 8280 18610 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 19806 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 21002 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 22198 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 23394 MT (* ->) 1750 W( *)14750 W 8280 24590 MT (* Local) 3250 W( echo) SH( \050On/Off\051) 4000 W( *)5000 W 1388 50 22778 24790 UL 2277 50 12280 24790 UL 8280 25786 MT (* Turn) 3250 W( around) SH( ^Q) 3750 W( \05021\051) SH( *)5250 W 4971 50 12280 25986 UL 8280 26982 MT (* Escape) 3250 W( Character) SH( ^\134) 2500 W( \05034\051) SH( *)5250 W 2832 50 12280 27182 UL 8280 28178 MT (* IBM) 3250 W( - Flag) SH( \050On/Off\051) 4000 W( *)5000 W 1388 50 22863 28378 UL 4500 50 12280 28378 UL 8280 29374 MT (* Transparent) 3250 W( function keys \050On/Off\051) SH( *)5000 W 1388 50 25055 29574 UL 3333 50 17306 29574 UL 8280 30570 MT (* 7-Bit) 3250 W( character codes) SH( \050On/Off\051) 1250 W( *)5000 W 1222 50 22610 30770 UL 2056 50 12280 30770 UL 8280 31766 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 32962 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 34158 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 35354 MT (************************************************************************)SH 8280 36550 MT (Make a selection and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 21181 38160 MT (Figure 1-12:)SH /Times-Roman SF 26930 XM (Terminal Emulation Parameters menu)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 39951 MT (Local)SH /Times-Roman SF 10919 XM (echo)SH 13280 XM (The default is off.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 41528 MT (Turn around)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 42633 MT (The default character is Control-Q \050Octal 21\051.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 44210 MT (Escape)SH /Times-Roman SF 11530 XM (Character)SH 13280 45315 MT (The default character is Control-\134 \050Octal 34\051.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 46892 MT (IBM - Flag)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 XM (The default is off.)SH 8280 48469 MT (Transparent)SH /Times-Bold SF 13306 XM (function)SH /Times-Roman SF 17112 XM (keys)SH 13280 49574 MT (The default is off.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 51151 MT (7-Bit)SH /Times-Roman SF 10641 XM (character codes)SH 13280 52256 MT (The default is on.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 8280 55372 MT (1.4.1. Parity menu)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 57314 MT (Making a selection from the Parity menu, figure PARMENU, is equivalent to issuing the "SET PARITY" command)20 W 8280 58510 MT (to a generic Kermit. If you were to select the)132 W /Times-Bold SF 28116 XM (Space)SH /Times-Roman SF 30999 XM (option in this menu, it would be equivalent to issuing the)133 W 8280 59706 MT (generic command "SET PARITY SPACE", or selecting)SH /Times-Bold SF 30872 XM (None)SH /Times-Roman SF 33344 XM (would be equivalent to "SET PARITY NONE".)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 61497 MT (Even)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 XM (Selecting this option is equivalent to giving the "SET PARITY EVEN" generic Kermit command.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 63074 MT (None)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 XM (Selecting this option is equivalent to giving the "SET PARITY NONE" generic Kermit command.) 14 W( This)276 W 13280 64179 MT (is the default.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 65756 MT (Mark)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 XM (Selecting this option is equivalent to the "SET PARITY MARK" generic Kermit command.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 67333 MT (Odd)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 XM (Selecting this option is equivalent to the "SET PARITY ODD" generic Kermit command.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 68910 MT (Space)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 XM (Selecting this option is equivalent to the "SET PARITY SPACE" generic Kermit command.)SH ES %%Page: 14 15 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 7886 MT (********************************** Set Parity **************************)SH 6120 9082 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 10278 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to previous menu) SH( *)7500 W 6120 11474 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 6120 12670 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 13866 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 15062 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 16258 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 17454 MT (* ->) 7500 W( *)9000 W 6120 18650 MT (* Even) 9000 W( *)7000 W 2055 50 15870 18850 UL 6120 19846 MT (* None) 9000 W( *)7000 W 2166 50 15870 20046 UL 6120 21042 MT (* Mark) 9000 W( *)7000 W 2166 50 15870 21242 UL 6120 22238 MT (* Odd) 9000 W( *)7250 W 1722 50 15870 22438 UL 6120 23434 MT (* Space) 9000 W( *)6750 W 2388 50 15870 23634 UL 6120 24630 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 25826 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 27022 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 28218 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 29414 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 30610 MT (Make a selection and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 23451 32220 MT (Figure 1-13:)SH /Times-Roman SF 29200 XM (Set Parity menu)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 6120 34808 MT (Set Line Characteristics)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 36599 MT (*************************** Set Line Characteristics *******************)SH 6120 37795 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 38991 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to previous menu) SH( *)7500 W 6120 40187 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 6120 41383 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 42579 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 43775 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 44971 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 46167 MT (* ->) 500 W( *)16000 W 6120 47363 MT (* Receive) 2000 W( speed \050baud\051) SH( 9600.) 1250 W( *)7250 W 3221 50 8870 47563 UL 6120 48559 MT (* Transmit) 2000 W( speed \050baud\051) SH( 9600.) 1000 W( *)7250 W 3611 50 8870 48759 UL 6120 49755 MT (* Parity) 2000 W( None) 4750 W( *)7500 W 2389 50 8870 49955 UL 6120 50951 MT (* XON/XOFF) 2000 W( flow control) SH( \050ENABLED,DISABLED\051) 1000 W( *)4000 W 4666 50 20619 51151 UL 5000 50 8870 51151 UL 6120 52147 MT (* Modem) 2000 W( type) SH( No) 3750 W( modem, hard-wired line) SH( *)2250 W 3111 50 8870 52347 UL 6120 53343 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 54539 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 55735 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 56931 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 58127 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 59323 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 20632 60933 MT (Figure 1-14:)SH /Times-Roman SF 26381 XM (Set Line Characteristics menu)SH 6120 62724 MT (The Set Line Characteristics menu,) 287 W( figure LINEMENU, will allow you to change the communications port)288 W 6120 63920 MT (parameters. These) 542 W( parameters) 146 W( currently include the receive and transmit speeds, the flow control \050XON/XOFF\051)145 W 6120 65116 MT (processing and the type of parity to use.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 66907 MT (Receive)SH /Times-Roman SF 9646 XM (speed \050baud\051)SH 11120 68012 MT (This option will allow you to change the speed that the Professional) 148 W( receives characters at over the)147 W 11120 69117 MT (communications port. The default receive speed is 1200 baud.)SH /Times-Bold SF 6120 70694 MT (Transmit)SH /Times-Roman SF 10370 XM (speed \050baud\051)SH 11120 71799 MT (Selection of this option will allow you) 74 W( to change the transmit speed of the communications port. The)73 W ES %%Page: 15 16 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 13280 7886 MT (default for the communications port is 1200 baud.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 9463 MT (Parity)SH /Times-Roman SF 13280 XM (This option allows you to set the type of parity) 103 W( checking that is done for characters received and the)104 W 13280 10568 MT (type that is added to characters sent. The default is no parity \050)SH /Times-Bold SF (None)SH /Times-Roman SF (\051.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 12145 MT (XON/XOFF)SH /Times-Roman SF 13752 XM (flow control)SH 13280 13250 MT (The default is)SH /Times-Bold SF 19029 XM (ENABLED)SH /Times-Roman SF (.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 14827 MT (Modem)SH /Times-Roman SF 11807 XM (type)SH 13280 15932 MT (The default is "No modem, hard-wired line". This parameter should)106 W /Times-Bold SF 42063 XM (not)SH /Times-Roman SF 43808 XM (be changed) 106 W( even if you are)105 W 13280 17037 MT (using a modem.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 8280 19625 MT (Setting - Line Characteristics)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 21416 MT (***************************** Line Characteristics *********************)SH 8280 22612 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 23808 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu) SH( *)6500 W 8280 25004 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 8280 26200 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 27396 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 28592 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 29788 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 30984 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 32180 MT (* ->) 2500 W( *)14000 W 8280 33376 MT (* Set) 4000 W( default line characteristics) SH( *)5000 W 2777 50 14558 33576 UL 8280 34572 MT (* Set) 4000 W( current line characteristics) SH( *)5000 W 2832 50 14558 34772 UL 8280 35768 MT (* Reset) 4000 W( current line characteristics to defaults) SH( *)1500 W 2222 50 13030 35968 UL 8280 36964 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 38160 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 39356 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 40552 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 41748 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 42944 MT (************************************************************************)SH 8280 44140 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 23556 45750 MT (Figure 1-15:)SH /Times-Roman SF 29305 XM (Line Characteristics menu)SH 8280 47541 MT (Pro/Kermit will allow you to set the default communications line parameters. The Line) 12 W( Characteristics menu, figure)13 W 8280 48737 MT (LCHARMENU, will allow you to modify the default values, the current values or reset the current values from) 48 W( the)47 W 8280 49933 MT (stored defaults. The default values are kept in a binary file on the Professional.)SH 8280 51724 MT (Set)SH /Times-Bold SF 9808 XM (default)SH /Times-Roman SF 13058 XM (line characteristics)SH 13280 52829 MT (Selection of this option will cause) 84 W( the default line characteristics to be modified. The next menu that)83 W 13280 53934 MT (will be displayed is the Set Line Characteristics menu, figure 1-14.)SH 8280 55511 MT (Set)SH /Times-Bold SF 9808 XM (current)SH /Times-Roman SF 13279 XM (line characteristics)SH 13280 56616 MT (Selecting this option will cause) 71 W( the current line characteristics to be modified. The next menu will be)70 W 13280 57721 MT (the Set Line Characteristics menu, figure 1-14, with the current parameters being displayed.)SH /Times-Bold SF 8280 59298 MT (Reset)SH /Times-Roman SF 10862 XM (current line characteristics to defaults)SH 13280 60403 MT (Selecting this option will cause the current line characterics to be reset to the defaults.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 8280 62991 MT (Setting - Modem type)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 64405 MT (The modem type should be set to ")SH /Times-Bold SF (No modem)SH /Times-Roman SF (, hard-wired line. It should never be changed to something else.)SH ES %%Page: 16 17 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 7886 MT (******************************** Set modem type ************************)SH 6120 9082 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 10278 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu.) SH( *)6250 W 6120 11474 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 6120 12670 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 13866 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 15062 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 16258 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 17454 MT (* ->) 3750 W( *)12750 W 6120 18650 MT (* No) 5250 W( modem, hard-wired line) SH( *)5500 W 4472 50 12120 18850 UL 6120 19846 MT (* USFSK-) 5250 W( 0..300 baud Bell 103J) SH( *)4750 W 1889 50 22676 20046 UL 6120 21042 MT (* CCITTV.21) 5250 W( - 0..300 baud European) SH( *)3750 W 4861 50 12120 21242 UL 6120 22238 MT (* CCITTV.23) 5250 W( Mode 1 - 75/0..300 split) SH( *)3250 W 3083 50 17231 22438 UL 6120 23434 MT (* CCITTV.23) 5250 W( Mode 2 - 75/0..1200 split) SH( *)3000 W 3083 50 17231 23634 UL 6120 24630 MT (* DPSK) 5250 W( - 1200 baud Bell 212) SH( *)5500 W 1500 50 21870 24830 UL 6120 25826 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 27022 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 28218 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 29414 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 30610 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 22159 32220 MT (Figure 1-16:)SH /Times-Roman SF 27908 XM (Set modem type menu)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 6120 34808 MT (Setting - Block Check Characters)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 36599 MT (**************************** Block Check Characters ********************)SH 6120 37795 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 38991 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT to return to the previous menu) SH( *)6500 W 6120 40187 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu) SH( *)3000 W 6120 41383 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 42579 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 43775 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 44971 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 46167 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 47363 MT (* ->) 5500 W( *)11000 W 6120 48559 MT (* 1) 7000 W( character checksum) SH( *)5000 W 500 50 13870 48759 UL 6120 49755 MT (* 2) 7000 W( character checksum) SH( *)5000 W 500 50 13870 49955 UL 6120 50951 MT (* 3) 7000 W( character CRC-CCITT) SH( *)4750 W 500 50 13870 51151 UL 6120 52147 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 53343 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 54539 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 55735 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 56931 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 58127 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 59323 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 20549 60933 MT (Figure 1-17:)SH /Times-Roman SF 26298 XM (Block Check Characters menu)SH 6120 62724 MT (The Block Check Characters menu, figure CHKMENU, will allow you to set the) 70 W( check characters that are used in)69 W 6120 63920 MT (the messages that are sent and received. This menu implements the generic command "SET BLOCK-CHECK".)SH /Times-Bold SF 5120 65711 MT (1)SH /Times-Roman SF 5870 XM (character checksum)SH 10120 66816 MT (This option implements the SET BLOCK-CHECK) 222 W( 1-CHARACTER-CHECKSUM generic command.)221 W 10120 67921 MT (This is the default for the SET BLOCK-CHECK.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5120 69498 MT (2)SH /Times-Roman SF 5870 XM (character checksum)SH 10120 70603 MT (This option implements the SET BLOCK-CHECK 2-CHARACTER-CHECKSUM generic command.)SH ES %%Page: 17 18 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Bold AF 7280 7886 MT (3)SH /Times-Roman SF 8030 XM (character CRC-CCITT)SH 12280 8991 MT (This option implements the SET BLOCK-CHECK 3-CHARACTER-CRC generic command.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 8280 11579 MT (P/OS Services)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 13370 MT (******************************** P/OS Services *************************)SH 8280 14566 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 15762 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 16958 MT (* Press) 250 W( EXIT or MAIN SCREEN to return to the Pro/Kermit main menu.) SH( *)750 W 8280 18154 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 19350 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 20546 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 21742 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 22938 MT (* ->) 5500 W( *)11000 W 8280 24134 MT (* Disk/diskette) 7000 W( services) SH( *)4500 W 1889 50 16030 24334 UL 8280 25330 MT (* File) 7000 W( services) SH( *)6750 W 1556 50 16030 25530 UL 8280 26526 MT (* Print) 7000 W( services) SH( *)6500 W 1945 50 16030 26726 UL 8280 27722 MT (* View) 7000 W( Message/Status) SH( *)5250 W 2166 50 16030 27922 UL 8280 28918 MT (* P/OS) 7000 W( Set-Up) SH( *)7250 W 2833 50 18392 29118 UL 8280 30114 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 31310 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 32506 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 33702 MT (* *)17250 W 8280 34898 MT (************************************************************************)SH 8280 36094 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 24694 37704 MT (Figure 1-18:)SH /Times-Roman SF 30443 XM (P/OS Services menu)SH 8280 39495 MT (Pro/Kermit will allow you to enter into any of the normal P/OS services that can be found) 38 W( in the P/OS Main Menu.)39 W 8280 40691 MT (The P/OS Services menu, figure POSMENU, lists the different services that are available.) 15 W( The) 279 W( P/OS Services menu)14 W 8280 41887 MT (will be displayed when you choose the ")SH /Times-Bold SF (P/OS)SH /Times-Roman SF 26909 XM (services" from the Kermit Main menu, figure 1-1.)SH 8280 44279 MT (The P/OS services that are available are:)SH /Times-Bold SF 7280 46070 MT (Disk)SH /Times-Roman SF (/diskette services)SH 12280 47175 MT (This will enter the normal disk/diskette services. You can initialize diskettes, install applications,) 111 W( copy)110 W 12280 48280 MT (diskettes and the other various functions normally found in this menu.)SH /Times-Bold SF 7280 49857 MT (File)SH /Times-Roman SF 9141 XM (services)SH 12280 50962 MT (Provides access to the normal file services on the) 12 W( Professional-350. This will allow you to delete, rename,)11 W 12280 52067 MT (copy files, purge old versions of a file and the other functions associated with the file services.)SH /Times-Bold SF 7280 53644 MT (Print)SH /Times-Roman SF 9752 XM (services)SH 12280 54749 MT (Provides access to the) 115 W( P/OS Print services. This will allow you to print files after you have transfered)114 W 12280 55854 MT (them.)SH /Times-Bold SF 7280 57431 MT (View)SH /Times-Roman SF 9696 XM (messages/status)SH 12280 58536 MT (Will provide access to the message board and the disk drive status information.)SH 7280 60113 MT (P/OS)SH /Times-Bold SF 9642 XM (setup)SH /Times-Roman SF 12280 61218 MT (Displays the) 19 W( Setup menu that you normally get when you have pressed the SET-UP key when in the P/OS)20 W 12280 62323 MT (Main Menu. This will allow you to change the date/time of the machine, key click and other features.)SH ES %%Page: 18 19 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 12 /Times-Bold AF 6120 8004 MT (Transfer task active menu)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 9795 MT (********************** Pro/Kermit transfer task is active **************)SH 6120 10991 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 12187 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 13383 MT (* Press) 250 W( MAIN SCREEN or EXIT to return to P/OS) SH( *)6000 W 6120 14579 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 15775 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 16971 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 18167 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 19363 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 20559 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 21755 MT (* ->) 4500 W( *)12000 W 6120 22951 MT (* Abort) 6000 W( file transfer task) SH( *)5000 W 2333 50 12870 23151 UL 6120 24147 MT (* Resume) 6000 W( transfer status typeout) SH( *)3500 W 3222 50 12870 24347 UL 6120 25343 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 26539 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 27735 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 28931 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 30127 MT (* *)17250 W 6120 31323 MT (************************************************************************)SH 6120 32519 MT (Make a choice and press DO:)SH /Times-Bold SF 22424 34129 MT (Figure 1-19:)SH /Times-Roman SF 28173 XM (Active transfer menu)SH 6120 35920 MT (When Pro/Kermit is asked to perform a) 261 W( function that requires the communications port \050XK0:\051, it will first)260 W 6120 37116 MT (determine if) 80 W( it is currently in use. \050It could be left in use by pressing the MAIN SCREEN key when a transfer is)81 W 6120 38312 MT (active.\051 If) 250 W( the port is active, the menu shown in figure ACTMENU will be displayed.)SH 6120 40704 MT (When this menu is displayed, you have three choices:)SH 8120 42495 MT (1.)SH 9120 XM (You can press either the MAIN SCREEN or EXIT key to return to P/OS.)SH 8120 44705 MT (2.)SH 9120 XM (You can choose the)SH /Times-Bold SF 17229 XM (Abort)SH /Times-Roman SF 20034 XM (option, which will cause the currently active transfer to be aborted.)SH 8120 46915 MT (3.)SH 9120 XM (You can choose the)262 W /Times-Bold SF 18277 XM (Resume)SH /Times-Roman SF 22177 XM (option, which will resume typing the transfer information for) 262 W( the)261 W 9120 48020 MT (currently active transfer. Once the currently active transfer completes the) 16 W( operation that you requested)17 W 9120 49125 MT (before this menu was displayed will be started.)SH 14 /Times-Bold AF 6120 52727 MT (1.5. Installation)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 54845 MT (There are two different ways to) 45 W( install Pro/Kermit. The first and the easiest, is to obtain a version on a floppy disk)44 W 6120 56041 MT (that can be directly installed on your machine. The) 55 W( more difficult way is to downline load Pro/Kermit from a host)56 W 6120 57237 MT (system.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 6120 59825 MT (From a floppy)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6120 61239 MT (If you have obtained a floppy with Pro/Kermit, you can install it using the Disk/Diskette services from) 108 W( the P/OS)107 W 6120 62435 MT (main menu. The following steps will allow you to install Pro/Kermit on your machine.)SH 8120 64226 MT (1.)SH 9120 XM (You begin the installation by inserting the Pro/Kermit floppy, into either of the floppy drives on) 90 W( the)91 W 9120 65331 MT (PRO-350.)SH 8120 67541 MT (2.)SH 9120 XM (After the floppy has been inserted into) 98 W( the drive select ")97 W /Times-Bold SF (Disk)SH /Times-Roman SF (/diskette services" from the P/OS main)97 W 9120 68646 MT (menu.)SH 8120 70856 MT (3.)SH 9120 XM (The "Disk/Diskette) 229 W( Services Menu" should now be displayed on the screen. Select the ")230 W /Times-Bold SF (Install)SH /Times-Roman SF 9120 71961 MT (application" entry from the menu. You will be notified that P/OS is locating the application.)SH ES %%Page: 19 20 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 10280 7886 MT (4.)SH 11280 XM (P/OS will list the applications that can be installed on your machine the) 183 W( "Application Installation)182 W 11280 8991 MT (Menu" should be displayed. The application from the) 158 W( floppy should be "Pro/Kermit version 1.0".)159 W 11280 10096 MT (You should select this application from the menu.)SH 10280 12306 MT (5.)SH 11280 XM (The "Application Group Menu" will now be displayed on the screen.) 3 W( You) 254 W( should position the arrow to)2 W 11280 13411 MT (the group in which you would like Pro/Kermit installed in and press the DO key.)SH 10280 15621 MT (6.)SH 11280 XM (The "Application Group/Name Change Form" will now be displayed on the) 110 W( screen. This form will)111 W 11280 16726 MT (allow you to change the name of the group or the name of) 81 W( the application that you are installing. If)80 W 11280 17831 MT (you do not want to change the name) 61 W( you can just press DO and the Pro/Kermit installation will start.)62 W 11280 18936 MT (Otherwise you can modify the names as you wish and the press DO to start the Pro/Kermit installation.)SH 10280 21146 MT (7.)SH 11280 XM (If you have enough disk space on your machine Pro/Kermit should successfully install with) 244 W( no)243 W 11280 22251 MT (problems. Once) 250 W( it is installed you can run it from the menu in which you have installed it.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 8280 24839 MT (From a hexified version)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 8280 26253 MT (The following will take) 42 W( about two hours at 1200 baud. Much of the time will be spent waiting for the computer so)43 W 8280 27449 MT (this will be a good time to read the Pro/Kermit documentation. You will be needed at various times throughout the)36 W 8280 28645 MT (process so don't stray too far from the computer.)SH 8280 31037 MT (Note that this procedure assumes that you do not have any) 96 W( communications program available on your PRO, and)97 W 8280 32233 MT (therefore do not have any other method) 10 W( of getting the files to your PRO. It is also assumed that you do not have any)9 W 8280 33429 MT (way to change the default parameters for the communications port. This requires that the bootstrap be done at 1200)25 W 8280 34625 MT (baud, eight-bit characters, one stop bit and no parity.)SH 8280 37017 MT (The procedure to bootstrap Pro/Kermit to the Professional is as follows:)SH 10280 38808 MT (1.)SH 11280 XM (First make sure that the 'Caps Lock' indicator is lighted on the Professional's keyboard.) 125 W( This) 499 W( will)124 W 11280 39913 MT (prevent any problems with case sensitive input.)SH 10280 42123 MT (2.)SH 11280 XM (On the Professional,) 100 W( choose the ")101 W /Times-Bold SF (Disk)SH /Times-Roman SF (/diskette services" option from the Professional's Main Menu.)101 W 11280 43228 MT (Insert a blank diskette in drive one and choose ")67 W /Times-Bold SF (Initialize)SH /Times-Roman SF 35188 XM (diskette". Select) 384 W( ")67 W /Times-Bold SF (DISKETTE1)SH /Times-Roman SF (" from) 67 W( the)66 W 11280 44333 MT (menu and then enter 'KERMIT' for the volume name. Now choose) 15 W( ")16 W /Times-Bold SF (Create)SH /Times-Roman SF 42433 XM (directory" and create two)16 W 11280 45438 MT (directories. One) 648 W( called 'KERMIT') 199 W( and one called 'ZZKERMIT' on the floppy \050This is done by)198 W 11280 46543 MT (pressing the ADDITIONAL OPTIONS) 50 W( key, choosing ")51 W /Times-Bold SF (Create)SH /Times-Roman SF 36981 XM (a directory on a different volume" and)51 W 11280 47648 MT (then selecting the KERMIT volume\051. When this is done choose) 85 W( ")84 W /Times-Bold SF (Specify)SH /Times-Roman SF 41618 XM (new current directory" and)84 W 11280 48753 MT (select KERMIT on the KERMIT volume \050the floppy\051.)SH 10280 50963 MT (3.)SH 11280 XM (Next press MAIN SCREEN to return to the Main Menu and choose ")32 W /Times-Bold SF (PRO/BASIC Version 1.2)33 W /Times-Roman SF (" \050or a)33 W 11280 52068 MT (version later than 1.2\051. In Basic type in the Basic loader program \050leave out the REMs so) 120 W( that the)119 W 11280 53173 MT (program will execute faster\051. Once this is done type 'SAVE LOAD'.)SH 10280 55383 MT (4.)SH 11280 XM (Call and login to the mainframe on which Pro/Kermit resides. If you have PRO/BASIC V1.2) 64 W( or later)65 W 11280 56488 MT (and have a 1200 baud line \050the default baud rate when PRO/BASIC starts, then you) 99 W( can type in the)98 W 11280 57593 MT (terminal emulator program given at the end of this document \050don't) 116 W( forget to type 'NEW' and also)117 W 11280 58698 MT (save it using the command) 285 W( 'SAVE PROTERM'\051. If you do not have version 1.2 or later of)284 W 11280 59803 MT (PRO/BASIC, you will not be able to use the basic terminal emulator. You) 35 W( will also need to bootstrap)36 W 11280 60908 MT (Pro/Kermit over the printer port) 36 W( rather than the communications port. This is because earlier versions)35 W 11280 62013 MT (of PRO/BASIC were not capable of performing I/O to the communications port.)SH 10280 64223 MT (5.)SH 11280 XM (Tell the host not) 2 W( to echo characters. If the loader program will be using the printer port then set the line)3 W 11280 65328 MT (speed on the host to be no more then 1200) 43 W( baud \050reset your terminal if necessary\051. The commands to)42 W 11280 66433 MT (do this for a DECsystem-10 are:)SH /Courier SF 13680 68088 MT (SET TTY NOECHO)SH 13680 69743 MT (SET TTY SPEED 1200)SH /Times-Roman SF 11280 71460 MT (Next compile) 53 W( and execute PROBOOT.FOR on the host. When this executes it will ask you for a file)54 W ES %%Page: 20 21 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 9120 7886 MT (name. Respond) 372 W( with the name 'PROLOAD.HEX'. This will be) 61 W( used along with LOAD.BAS on the)60 W 9120 8991 MT (Professional to create the LOAD.TSK program. Once PROBOOT is executing on the mainframe,) 4 W( give)5 W 9120 10096 MT (control back to the Professional \050if you) 151 W( are using a terminal emulator on the PRO\051 or connect the)150 W 9120 11201 MT (modem or hard-wired line to the printer port or communications port depending on which you have)100 W 9120 12306 MT (decided to use.)SH 8120 14516 MT (6.)SH 9120 XM (If you have chosen to use the printer port there are a few things you will need to do. You will need) 40 W( a)39 W 9120 15621 MT (special cable to connect the printer port on the Professional to) 168 W( a modem or hard-wired line. The)169 W 9120 16726 MT (normal printer cable provides a) 386 W( female RS-232 25 pin D connector which is a DCE \050data)385 W 9120 17831 MT (communications equipment\051 interface. This is intended to connect to a DTE \050data terminal equipment\051)4 W 9120 18936 MT (interface, which is what is provided on a printer.) 30 W( Since) 308 W( the communications port \050and most terminals\051)29 W 9120 20041 MT (also provide DTE interfaces, while modems provide) 57 W( DCE interfaces, a null modem must be provided)58 W 9120 21146 MT (between the printer cable and the modem or hard-wired line. It is also) 93 W( possible to construct a cable)92 W 9120 22251 MT (which plugs directly into the printer port connector) 36 W( on the back of the Professional which can connect)37 W 9120 23356 MT (to a modem or hard-wired line. See the technical manual) 25 W( on the Professional for the pin configuration)24 W 9120 24461 MT (of the printer port connector.)SH 8120 26671 MT (7.)SH 9120 XM (The Professional must be told the speed at which the printer port should operate. If you have the)142 W 9120 27776 MT (PRO/Tool kit you can enter it and type:)SH /Courier SF 11520 29431 MT (SET TERM TT2:/SPEED=1200/NOECHO)SH /Times-Roman SF 9120 31148 MT (If you do not have the PRO/Tool kit but you have version 2.0) 73 W( of P/OS or later you can go into Print)72 W 9120 32253 MT (Services and choose ')89 W /Times-Bold SF (Set)SH /Times-Roman SF 19751 XM (printer characteristics', set the) 89 W( printer type to 'Other', press Addtnl Option)90 W 9120 33358 MT (and set the) 20 W( baud rate to the correct value. If you use Print Services to set the baud rate, make sure that)19 W 9120 34463 MT (you print a file that contains) 2 W( at least a carriage return \050but not much more\051 or else the baud rate will not)3 W 9120 35568 MT (actually be set. It is only set when a file is printed. If you do not have either the Tool kit or) 20 W( P/OS 2.0,)19 W 9120 36673 MT (you will have to run the bootstrap process at 4800 baud. This is not very reliable, since the)270 W 9120 37778 MT (PRO/BASIC program cannot always keep up with the data.)SH 8120 39988 MT (8.)SH 9120 XM (Next enter PRO/BASIC) 162 W( and type 'RUN LOAD' on the Professional. This will create a file called)161 W 9120 41093 MT (LOAD.TSK that will) 6 W( do all the rest of the work. It will first type out around seven lines of the alphabet)7 W 9120 42198 MT (from A) 98 W( to Y. This tells you that the program is really doing something. When the BASIC program)97 W 9120 43303 MT (finishes, press the EXIT key to return to the Main Menu.)SH 8120 45513 MT (9.)SH 9120 XM (Connect to the main frame) 61 W( host and press a few carriage returns. This will exit from the FORTRAN)62 W 9120 46618 MT (program \050if pressing return) 275 W( does not work, try pressing control-C a few times\051. Now execute)274 W 9120 47723 MT (PROBOOT.FOR again.) 301 W( This) 854 W( time when it asks you for a file name, respond with the name)302 W 9120 48828 MT ('PROKRM.HEX'. This will be used along with LOAD.TSK on the Professional) 28 W( to load the rest of the)27 W 9120 49933 MT (files that are needed to run Pro/Kermit.)SH 7620 52143 MT (10.)SH 9120 XM (Next enter either PRO/DCL or the PRO/Tool kit and type:)SH /Courier SF 11520 53798 MT (Copy/CONTiguous LOAD.TSK LOAD.TSK)SH /Times-Roman SF 9120 55515 MT (This will create an executable task image.) 21 W( At) 294 W( this point you may either leave the modem connected to)22 W 9120 56620 MT (the printer port \050if it) 81 W( was hooked up to it before\051 or connect the modem to the communications port,)80 W 9120 57725 MT (\050the communications port works slightly better and can operate at any speed your line can handle\051,) 66 W( it)67 W 9120 58830 MT (does not matter. If you use the communications port the program will) 183 W( ask you if the port is set)182 W 9120 59935 MT (correctly. If) 320 W( it) 35 W( is set correctly, then press 'Y' and the Return key; if not, press 'N' and the Return key)36 W 9120 61040 MT (and then choose the baud rate that your host is using.)SH 7620 63250 MT (11.)SH 9120 XM (Now type 'Run LOAD.TSK' from PRO/DCL or the PRO/Tool) 15 W( kit. It will ask you if you are using the)14 W 9120 64355 MT (communications port or the printer port \050or) 129 W( a disk file which you are not\051. If you have the modem)130 W 9120 65460 MT (hooked up to the printer port press a '2' and press the) 127 W( Return key, otherwise you have the modem)126 W 9120 66565 MT (hooked up to the communications port and should press '1' and the Return key.)SH 7620 68775 MT (12.)SH 9120 XM (At this point the computer starts to do a lot of work. It will create every file you need.) 53 W( You) 357 W( will see)54 W 9120 69880 MT (many 'Y' on the) 116 W( screen. Each 'Y' means that a line was read in. Each 'N' means that a line was)115 W 9120 70985 MT (rejected and must be resent. This happens more often on) 42 W( a noisy line. A 'U' means that LOAD.TSK)43 W ES %%Page: 21 22 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 11280 7886 MT (does not recognize a) 81 W( command sent to it from the host. This should never happen but probably will)80 W 11280 8991 MT (not cause a problem if it does occur. You will also see about nine file names come up on the screen.)53 W 11280 10096 MT (These are the files that are being created.)SH 9780 12306 MT (13.)SH 11280 XM (When LOAD.TSK finishes, you will have a copy of Pro/Kermit on your floppy diskette.) 73 W( Now) 395 W( press)72 W 11280 13411 MT (the MAIN SCREEN key to return to the Main Menu.) 166 W( From here follow the instructions to install)167 W 11280 14516 MT (Pro/Kermit from a floppy.)SH 9780 16726 MT (14.)SH 11280 XM (Do not forget that you are still logged in on) 56 W( the host and must log out. This can be done through the)55 W 11280 17831 MT (CONNECT command in Pro/Kermit or the same way that you used to log in.)SH 8280 20223 MT (The Basic program for) 52 W( using the printer port on the PRO-350 is as follows: \050The program should be typed in with)53 W 8280 21419 MT (all upper case letters!\051)SH /Courier SF 8280 23074 MT (10 REM LOADER program for Pro/Kermit for printer port)SH 8280 24105 MT (20 HEX$="123456789ABCDEF")SH 8280 25136 MT (30 OAD=0\134FLAG%=0\134TOT%=0)SH 8280 26167 MT (40 TOT1%=0\134CTR%=0\134NM%=-1)SH 8280 27198 MT (100 OPEN "LP:" FOR INPUT AS FILE #2%)SH 8280 28229 MT (110 OPEN "LP:" FOR OUTPUT AS FILE #3%)SH 8280 29260 MT (170 GOTO 200)SH 8280 30291 MT (180 INPUT #2%,A$\134 GOTO 210)SH 8280 31322 MT (190 PRINT "N";\134 PRINT #3,"N"\134 INPUT #2%,A$\134 GOTO 210)SH 8280 32353 MT (200 PRINT #3,"Y"\134 INPUT #2%,A$)SH 8280 33384 MT (210 IF A$="" THEN FLAG%=FLAG%+1%\134 IF FLAG%>4% THEN 1100 ELSE 180)SH 8280 34415 MT (220 FLAG%=0)SH 8280 35446 MT (230 IF MID$\050A$,1%,1%\051<>":" THEN A$=MID$\050A$,2%,LEN\050A$\051\051\134 GOTO 210)SH 8280 36477 MT (240 H$=MID$\050A$,2%,2%\051\134 GOSUB 1200\134LN%=H\134 REM LENGTH OF DATA)SH 8280 37508 MT (250 REM FIND CHECKSUM OF ALL 8-BIT PAIRS)SH 8280 38539 MT (260 CHKSUM%=LN%)SH 8280 39570 MT (270 FOR L1%=4% TO \050LN%+5%\051*2% STEP 2%\134H$=MID$\050A$,L1%,2%\051\134 GOSUB 1200)SH 8280 40601 MT (280 CHKSUM%=CHKSUM%+H)SH 8280 41632 MT (290 NEXT L1%)SH 8280 42663 MT (300 CHKSUM%=CHKSUM%-256%*INT\050CHKSUM%/256\051)SH 8280 43694 MT (310 IF CHKSUM%<>0% THEN 190)SH 8280 44725 MT (320 IF MID$\050A$,2%,6%\051="000000" THEN 1100)SH 8280 45756 MT (330 H$=MID$\050A$,8%,2%\051\134 IF H$<>"FC" THEN 380)SH 8280 46787 MT (340 H$=MID$\050A$,10%,4%\051\134 GOSUB 1200\134TOT1%=H*256%)SH 8280 47818 MT (350 DIM #1%,ARR%\050TOT1%\051)SH 8280 48849 MT (360 OPEN "LOAD.TSK" FOR OUTPUT AS FILE #1%, VIRTUAL)SH 8280 49880 MT (370 GOTO 490)SH 8280 50911 MT (380 GOSUB 1200\134 IF H<>0 THEN 200\134 REM CHECK FIELD TYPE)SH 8280 51942 MT (390 IF TOT1%=0 THEN PRINT "ERR - No length field"\134 GOTO 1300)SH 8280 52973 MT (400 H$=MID$\050A$,4%,4%\051\134 GOSUB 1200\134OAD1=H\134 REM ADDRESS TO LOAD AT)SH 8280 54004 MT (410 REM UNPACK ANY COMPRESSED NULLS)SH 8280 55035 MT (420 L%=0%\134 FOR LP=OAD TO OAD1-1\134 GOSUB 1000\134 NEXT LP)SH 8280 56066 MT (430 OAD=OAD1)SH 8280 57097 MT (440 REM GET DATA AS 8-BIT VALUES & WRITE TO DISK \050REPEAT LN% TIMES\051)SH 8280 58128 MT (450 FOR L1%=10% TO LN%*2%+9% STEP 2%)SH 8280 59159 MT (460 H$=MID$\050A$,L1%,2%\051\134 GOSUB 1200\134L%=H\134 GOSUB 1000)SH 8280 60190 MT (470 OAD=OAD+1)SH 8280 61221 MT (480 NEXT L1%)SH 8280 62252 MT (490 PRINT CHR$\050CTR%+65%\051;\134CTR%=CTR%+1%)SH 8280 63283 MT (495 IF CTR%>24% THEN CTR%=0%\134 PRINT)SH 8280 64314 MT (500 GOTO 200)SH 8280 65345 MT (510 STOP)SH 8280 66376 MT (990 REM WRITE - PUT THE DATA INTO THE TASK FILE)SH 8280 67407 MT (1000 IF NM%=-1 THEN NM%=L%\134 RETURN)SH 8280 68438 MT (1010 N=NM%+L%*256)SH 8280 69469 MT (1020 IF N>32767 THEN N=N-65536)SH 8280 70500 MT (1030 NB%=N)SH 8280 71531 MT (1040 ARR%\050TOT%\051=NB%)SH ES %%Page: 22 23 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Courier AF 6120 7824 MT (1050 NM%=-1\134TOT%=TOT%+1%)SH 6120 8855 MT (1060 RETURN)SH 6120 9886 MT (1090 REM FINISHED - CLOSE FILE)SH 6120 10917 MT (1100 PRINT \134 PRINT \134 PRINT "TASK FILE WRITTEN.")SH 6120 11948 MT (1110 CLOSE)SH 6120 12979 MT (1120 GOTO 1300)SH 6120 14010 MT (1190 REM HEX-DEC)SH 6120 15041 MT (1200 H=0)SH 6120 16072 MT (1210 FOR LP%=1% TO LEN\050H$\051)SH 6120 17103 MT (1220 H=H*16+POS\050HEX$,MID$\050H$,LP%,1%\051,1%\051)SH 6120 18134 MT (1230 NEXT LP%)SH 6120 19165 MT (1240 RETURN)SH 6120 20196 MT (1300 END)SH /Times-Roman SF 6120 22588 MT (The BASIC program for loading Pro/Kermit using) 56 W( the communications port if you have PRO/BASIC V1.2 or later)55 W 6120 23784 MT (is as follows:)SH /Courier SF 6120 25439 MT (10 REM LOADER program for Pro/Kermit using the communications port)SH 6120 26470 MT (20 HEX$="123456789ABCDEF")SH 6120 27501 MT (30 OAD=0\134FLAG%=0\134TOT%=0)SH 6120 28532 MT (40 TOT1%=0\134CTR%=0\134NM%=-1)SH 6120 29563 MT (100 OPEN "XK:" AS FILE #2%)SH 6120 30594 MT (110 REM)SH 6120 31625 MT (170 GOTO 200)SH 6120 32656 MT (180 REM)SH 6120 33687 MT (190 PRINT "N";\134 PRINT #2,"N"+CHR$\05013\051+CHR$\05010\051\134 GOTO 210)SH 6120 34718 MT (200 PRINT #2,"Y"+CHR$\05013\051+CHR$\05010\051)SH 6120 35749 MT (205 IF POS\050Z$,CHR$\05013\051,0\051<>0 THEN 208)SH 6120 36780 MT (206 LINPUT #2%,X$\134Z$=MID$\050Z$+X$,POS\050Z$+X$,":",0\051,LEN\050Z$+X$\051\051)SH 6120 37811 MT (207 GOTO 205)SH 6120 38842 MT (208 A$=MID$\050Z$,1,POS\050Z$,CHR$\05013\051,0\051\051\134Z$=MID$\050Z$,LEN\050A$\051+1,LEN\050Z$\051\051)SH 6120 39873 MT (209 IF POS\050A$,":",0\051=0 THEN 205)SH 6120 40904 MT (210 IF A$="" THEN FLAG%=FLAG%+1%\134 IF FLAG%>4% THEN 1100 ELSE 205)SH 6120 41935 MT (220 FLAG%=0)SH 6120 42966 MT (230 IF MID$\050A$,1%,1%\051<>":" THEN A$=MID$\050A$,2%,LEN\050A$\051\051\134 GOTO 210)SH 6120 43997 MT (240 H$=MID$\050A$,2%,2%\051\134 GOSUB 1200\134LN%=H\134 REM LENGTH OF DATA)SH 6120 45028 MT (250 REM FIND CHECKSUM OF ALL 8-BIT PAIRS)SH 6120 46059 MT (260 CHKSUM%=LN%)SH 6120 47090 MT (270 FOR L1%=4% TO \050LN%+5%\051*2% STEP 2%\134H$=MID$\050A$,L1%,2%\051\134 GOSUB 1200)SH 6120 48121 MT (280 CHKSUM%=CHKSUM%+H)SH 6120 49152 MT (290 NEXT L1%)SH 6120 50183 MT (300 CHKSUM%=CHKSUM%-256%*INT\050CHKSUM%/256\051)SH 6120 51214 MT (310 IF CHKSUM%<>0% THEN 190)SH 6120 52245 MT (320 IF MID$\050A$,2%,6%\051="000000" THEN 1100)SH 6120 53276 MT (330 H$=MID$\050A$,8%,2%\051\134 IF H$<>"FC" THEN 380)SH 6120 54307 MT (340 H$=MID$\050A$,10%,4%\051\134 GOSUB 1200\134TOT1%=H*256%)SH 6120 55338 MT (350 DIM #1%,ARR%\050TOT1%\051)SH 6120 56369 MT (360 OPEN "LOAD.TSK" FOR OUTPUT AS FILE #1%, VIRTUAL)SH 6120 57400 MT (370 GOTO 490)SH 6120 58431 MT (380 GOSUB 1200\134 IF H<>0 THEN 200\134 REM CHECK FIELD TYPE)SH 6120 59462 MT (390 IF TOT1%=0 THEN PRINT "ERR - No length field"\134 GOTO 1300)SH 6120 60493 MT (400 H$=MID$\050A$,4%,4%\051\134 GOSUB 1200\134OAD1=H\134 REM ADDRESS TO LOAD AT)SH 6120 61524 MT (410 REM UNPACK ANY COMPRESSED NULLS)SH 6120 62555 MT (420 L%=0%\134 FOR LP=OAD TO OAD1-1\134 GOSUB 1000\134 NEXT LP)SH 6120 63586 MT (430 OAD=OAD1)SH 6120 64617 MT (440 REM GET DATA AS 8-BIT VALUES & WRITE TO DISK \050REPEAT LN% TIMES\051)SH 6120 65648 MT (450 FOR L1%=10% TO LN%*2%+9% STEP 2%)SH 6120 66679 MT (460 H$=MID$\050A$,L1%,2%\051\134 GOSUB 1200\134L%=H\134 GOSUB 1000)SH 6120 67710 MT (470 OAD=OAD+1)SH 6120 68741 MT (480 NEXT L1%)SH 6120 69772 MT (490 PRINT CHR$\050CTR%+65%\051;\134CTR%=CTR%+1%)SH 6120 70803 MT (495 IF CTR%>24% THEN CTR%=0%\134 PRINT)SH 6120 71834 MT (500 GOTO 200)SH ES %%Page: 23 24 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 10 /Courier AF 8280 7824 MT (510 STOP)SH 8280 8855 MT (990 REM WRITE - PUT THE DATA INTO THE TASK FILE)SH 8280 9886 MT (1000 IF NM%=-1 THEN NM%=L%\134 RETURN)SH 8280 10917 MT (1010 N=NM%+L%*256)SH 8280 11948 MT (1020 IF N>32767 THEN N=N-65536)SH 8280 12979 MT (1030 NB%=N)SH 8280 14010 MT (1040 ARR%\050TOT%\051=NB%)SH 8280 15041 MT (1050 NM%=-1\134TOT%=TOT%+1%)SH 8280 16072 MT (1060 RETURN)SH 8280 17103 MT (1090 REM FINISHED - CLOSE FILE)SH 8280 18134 MT (1100 PRINT \134 PRINT \134 PRINT "TASK FILE WRITTEN.")SH 8280 19165 MT (1110 CLOSE)SH 8280 20196 MT (1120 GOTO 1300)SH 8280 21227 MT (1190 REM HEX-DEC)SH 8280 22258 MT (1200 H=0)SH 8280 23289 MT (1210 FOR LP%=1% TO LEN\050H$\051)SH 8280 24320 MT (1220 H=H*16+POS\050HEX$,MID$\050H$,LP%,1%\051,1%\051)SH 8280 25351 MT (1230 NEXT LP%)SH 8280 26382 MT (1240 RETURN)SH 8280 27413 MT (1300 END)SH /Times-Roman SF 8280 29805 MT (The terminal emulator program that can be used if you have PRO/BASIC V1.2 or later is:)SH /Courier SF 8280 31460 MT (10 REM TERMINAL EMULATOR FOR PRO/BASIC V1.2 OR LATER)SH 8280 32491 MT (20 REM) SH( USING) 5400 W( THE COMMUNICATIONS PORT)SH 8280 33522 MT (30 REM)SH 8280 34553 MT (40 ESC$=CHR$\05027\051\134CLEAR$=ESC$+"[H"+ESC$+"[J")SH 8280 35584 MT (50 BIGT$=ESC$+"#3"\134BIGB$=ESC$+"#4")SH 8280 36615 MT (60 SAVE$=ESC$+"7"\134UP$=ESC$+"[3A"\134REST$=ESC$+"8")SH 8280 37646 MT (70 INT$=CHR$\050171\051)SH 8280 38677 MT (80 REM For better performance you can change)SH 8280 39708 MT (90 REM) SH( the) 1800 W( values of SPC, MAXLIN & BREAK$)SH 8280 40739 MT (100 SPC=12)SH 8280 41770 MT (110 BREAK$=CHR$\05013\051+ESC$+" "+CHR$\0509\051\134BRLEN%=LEN\050BREAK$\051)SH 8280 42801 MT (120 MAXLIN=65)SH 8280 43832 MT (130 CTR=0)SH 8280 44863 MT (140 PRINT CLEAR$)SH 8280 45894 MT (150 PRINT BIGT$;" type ";INT$;" to send a control-C ")SH 8280 46925 MT (160 PRINT BIGB$;" type ";INT$;" to send a control-C ")SH 8280 47956 MT (170 OPEN 'XK:' AS FILE #1)SH 8280 48987 MT (180 LINPUT #1,A$)SH 8280 50018 MT (190 IF LEN\050A$\051=0 THEN 320)SH 8280 51049 MT (200 A=999)SH 8280 52080 MT (210 FOR LP%=1 TO BRLEN%)SH 8280 53111 MT (220 B=POS\050A$,MID$\050BREAK$,LP%,1%\051,SPC\051)SH 8280 54142 MT (230 IF B<>0 AND BMAXLIN THEN A=1\134 GOTO 280)SH 8280 57235 MT (260 IF A=999 THEN PRINT A$;\134CTR=CTR+LEN\050A$\051\134 GOTO 320)SH 8280 58266 MT (270 PRINT MID$\050A$,1,A-1\051;)SH 8280 59297 MT (280 PRINT SAVE$;UP$\134 PRINT REST$;)SH 8280 60328 MT (290 PRINT MID$\050A$,A,1\051;\134A$=MID$\050A$,A+1,LEN\050A$\051\051)SH 8280 61359 MT (300 CTR=0)SH 8280 62390 MT (310 GOTO 190)SH 8280 63421 MT (320 CALL INKEY \050A$\051)SH 8280 64452 MT (330 IF LEN\050A$\051=0 THEN 180)SH 8280 65483 MT (340 IF A$=INT$ THEN A$=CHR$\0503\051)SH 8280 66514 MT (350 IF ASCII\050A$\051=155 THEN A$=CHR$\05027\051)SH 8280 67545 MT (360 IF ASCII\050A$\051=143 THEN A$=CHR$\05027\051+'[')SH 8280 68576 MT (370 PRINT #1,A$)SH 8280 69607 MT (380 GOTO 320)SH 8280 70638 MT (390 END)SH ES %%Page: 24 25 61200 79200 BS ES %%Page: 25 26 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 16 /Times-Bold AF 8280 8272 MT (Index)SH 8 /Times-Roman AF 12280 10429 MT (DEC Professional) SH( 1)400 W 12280 12277 MT (P/OS 1)400 W 12280 13201 MT (PROFESSIONAL-350 1)400 W 12280 15049 MT (SET PARITY) SH( 13)400 W 12280 16897 MT (Wildcard 2)400 W ES %%Page: 26 27 61200 79200 BS ES %%Page: i 28 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 16 /Times-Bold AF 25591 8272 MT (Table of Contents)SH 12 SS 8280 10684 MT (1. Pro/Kermit)SH 54480 XM (1)SH 10 SS 9780 12074 MT (1.1. The P/OS File System)SH 54580 XM (1)SH 9780 13154 MT (1.2. Program Operation)SH 54580 XM (3)SH 9780 14234 MT (1.3. Pro/Kermit Terminal Emulation)SH 54580 XM (3)SH 9780 15314 MT (1.4. Pro/Kermit Commands)SH 54580 XM (4)SH 11780 16394 MT (1.4.1. Parity menu)SH 54080 XM (13)SH 9780 17474 MT (1.5. Installation)SH 54080 XM (18)SH 12 SS 8280 18998 MT (Index)SH 53880 XM (25)SH ES %%Page: ii 29 61200 79200 BS ES %%Page: iii 30 61200 79200 BS 0 SI 16 /Times-Bold AF 26702 8272 MT (List of Figures)SH 10 SS 9780 10550 MT (Figure 1-1:) SH( Main) 500 W( menu)SH 54580 XM (4)SH 9780 11630 MT (Figure 1-2:) SH( Remote) 500 W( Kermit Commands - Menu #1)SH 54580 XM (5)SH 9780 12710 MT (Figure 1-3:) SH( Remote) 500 W( Kermit commands - Menu #2)SH 54580 XM (6)SH 9780 13790 MT (Figure 1-4:) SH( Parameter) 500 W( Setting menu)SH 54580 XM (7)SH 9780 14870 MT (Figure 1-5:) SH( General) 500 W( Parameters menu)SH 54580 XM (8)SH 9780 15950 MT (Figure 1-6:) SH( Send) 500 W( Packet Parameters menu)SH 54580 XM (8)SH 9780 17030 MT (Figure 1-7:) SH( Receive) 500 W( Packet Parameters menu)SH 54580 XM (9)SH 9780 18110 MT (Figure 1-8:) SH( File) 500 W( Parameters menu)SH 54080 XM (10)SH 9780 19190 MT (Figure 1-9:) SH( File) 500 W( Specification Handling menu)SH 54080 XM (11)SH 9780 20270 MT (Figure 1-10:) SH( File) 500 W( Disposition menu)SH 54080 XM (12)SH 9780 21350 MT (Figure 1-11:) SH( File) 500 W( Mode menu)SH 54080 XM (12)SH 9780 22430 MT (Figure 1-12:) SH( Terminal) 500 W( Emulation Parameters menu)SH 54080 XM (13)SH 9780 23510 MT (Figure 1-13:) SH( Set) 500 W( Parity menu)SH 54080 XM (14)SH 9780 24590 MT (Figure 1-14:) SH( Set) 500 W( Line Characteristics menu)SH 54080 XM (14)SH 9780 25670 MT (Figure 1-15:) SH( Line) 500 W( Characteristics menu)SH 54080 XM (15)SH 9780 26750 MT (Figure 1-16:) SH( Set) 500 W( modem type menu)SH 54080 XM (16)SH 9780 27830 MT (Figure 1-17:) SH( Block) 500 W( Check Characters menu)SH 54080 XM (16)SH 9780 28910 MT (Figure 1-18:) SH( P/OS) 500 W( Services menu)SH 54080 XM (17)SH 9780 29990 MT (Figure 1-19:) SH( Active) 500 W( transfer menu)SH 54080 XM (18)SH ES %%Trailer %%Pages: 30 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Times-Bold Times-Italic Courier