Columbia University
Center For Climate Systems Research



   Coupled GCM
GISS Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model

The GISS Coupled Model is a 12 atmosphere layer 13 ocean layer coupled GCM with a resolution of 4x5 latitude by longitude. In order to run the model on an Apple G5 running OS X 10.X follow the instructions below

  1. Download the model and the input files
    % wget
    % wget
  2. Unpack the model and the input files into a directory of your choice. In this example we choose a folder named GCM
    % unzip
    % mv GSO_inputs.tar.gz GSO/
    % cd GSO
    % tar -zxvf GSO_inputs.tar.gz
    % ls -l
    -rw-r--r--    1 mankoff  mankoff      4471 May 29 08:32 GSOfoo.R
    -rw-r--r--    1 mankoff  mankoff      4477 May 29 08:32 GSOpH2M12.R
    drwxr-xr-x   52 mankoff  mankoff      1768 May 29 08:32 code
    drwxr-xr-x   27 mankoff  mankoff       918 Apr  8 17:50 input
  3. Compile the code. You need the IBM XLF compiler.
  4. Start the run
    cd output/GSOfoo
    ./GSOfoo.exe < ../../I