Columbia University
Center For Climate Systems Research



   Coupled GCM
Ocean Injection

An interactive utility called OceanInjection was created to allow modification (injection) of data values into a 3D model ocean data set.

The software is written in the IDL language and requires a licensed version of IDL or the IDL Virtual Machine

OceanInjection lets you view and edit the Levitus 4x5 ocean data set, including Mass, Enthalpy, Enthalpy Gradient, Salinity, Salinity Gradient, Temperature, and Temperature Gradient.

In order to run the utility, follow these steps:

  1. If you do not already have IDL installed, download and install the IDL Virtual Machine
  2. Download and unzip the OceanInjection code and data.
    % wget
    % unzip
  3. Launch the utility
    % cd Ocean
    % idl -vm=./ocean.sav
  4. The default data displayed is Temperature. You can browse the data by moving your mouse over any of the 3 images. The top left image is a latitude longitude map of the data set. Color represents temperature (color scale is on the bottom) and the black represents the continets in a 4x5 degree resolution. The text readout box at the bottom right provides information about the value under the mouse (cross-hairs). The bin (index into the data set) is provided, the longitude, latitude, and depth, and the data value.

    The bottom left image (below the map) is a depth profile at the latitude of the cross hairs in the map (top left) image. If you move the mouse over this image the latitude will not change but you can change both depth and longitude

    The top right image is a depth profile at the selected longitude. You can change latitude and depth from within this image.

    You can also navigate via the keyboard rather than using the mouse:
    up/down:    north/south
    left/right: east/west
    UP/DOWN:    up/down a layer (SHIFT + up/down)
  5. To select a different data set than temperature for view/edit, use the following commands:
    1: Mass
    2: Enthalpy
    3: Enthalpy Gradient
    4: Salinity
    5: Salinity Gradient
    6: Temperature
    7: Temperature Gradient
  6. Miscellaneous other commands are:
    s: Smooth
    f: load File
    d: Diff files
    x: eXport (save)
    C: load default Colors
    c: interactive color chooser
    i: Interactive/Inject mode (r: relative, a: absolute)
    I: re-edit last injection
  7. The f, d, x, i, and I commands are explained in more detail below:
    • f: This command prompts for a file to load. Files that OceanInjection recognizes are the *.DEC01S files included in the distribution and any files created with the export command.
    • d: Diff files. This allows you to view a difference (subtraction) between the currently opened file and a 2nd file of your choice.
    • x: eXport the current map. This is only useful if you have made changes to the data set using the inject command.
    • i: When you select i you are prompted to choose asolution or relative. Absolute will set the selected cell to the value you enter. Relative will change the value currently at the selected cell by the value you enter. Injection mode is "sticky" meaning you remain in injection mode until you enter a 2nd value. Therefore, to reducue a region by 10 degrees you can select Injection, select Relative, enter -10, and then use the keyboard to move east, west, north, south, up, and down until the selected region has been cooled. Then, press i again to leave injection mode.