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Doctoral Dissertations

This information is transcribed directly from departmental records, which, starting in 1963, also lists the faculty advisor. The Ph.D. date is based on fulfillment of departmental requirements and not the deposit date, therefore it may differ slightly from official Columbia University records.


Kroeber, Alfred L. Decorative Symbolism of the Arapaho.


Jones, William. Some Principles of Algonquian Word Formation.


Lewis, Albert B. Tribes of the Columbia Valley and the Coast of Washington andOregon.


Lowie, Robert H. The Test-Theme in North American Mythology.


Goldenweiser, Alexander A. Totemism: An Analytical Study.


Radin, Paul. The Ritual and Significance of the Winnebago Medicine Dance.


Benedit, Laura E. W. A Study of Bagobo Ceremonial, Magic and Myth.

Waterman, Thomas T. The Explanatory Element in the Folk-Tales of the North American Indians.


Cole, Fay Cooper. A Study of Tinguian Folk-Lore.

Haeberlin, Herman K. The Idea of Fertilization in the Culture of the Pueblo Indians.


Beckwith, Martha W. The Hawaiian Romance of Laieikawai with Introductions and Translation.


Spier, Leslie. The Sun Dance of the Plains Indians, its Development and Diffusion.


Gamio, Manuel. Traduction of the Introduction, Synthesis and Conclusions of the Work: The Population of the Valley of Teotihuacan.

Sullivan, Louis R. The Frequency and Distribution of Some Anatomical Variations in American Crania.


Benedict, Ruth F. Concept of the Guardian Spirit in North America.


Herskovits, Melville J. The Cattle Complex in East Africa.

Reichard, Gladys A. Wiyot Grammar and Texts.


Carter, Isabel G. Reduction of Variability in an Inbred Population.

Gunther, Erna. A Further Analysis of the First Salmon Ceremony.

Mead, Margaret. An Inquiry into the Question of Cultural Stability in Polynesia.

Schmidt, Erich F. Time-Relations of Prehistoric Pottery Types in Southern Arizona.


Bunzel, Ruth L. The Pueblo Potter; A Study of Creative Imagination in Primitive Art.

Durlach, Theresa Mayer. The Relationship Systems of the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian.

Sawtell, Ruth O. Ossification and Growth of Children from One to Eight Years of Age.


Brenner, Anita. The Influence of Technique on Decorative Style in the Domestic Pottery of Culhuacan.

Carey, Henry A. An Analysis of the Northwestern Chihuahua Culture.

Fortune, Reo F. The Social Organization of Dobu.

Jacobs, Melville Clay. A Sketch of Northern Sahaptin Grammar.


De Laguna, Frederica. A Comparison of Eskimo and Paleolithic Art.

Phelps, Eleanor M. A Critique of the Principle of the Horizontal Plane of the Skull.


Andrade, Manuel J. Quileute.


Aginsky, Bernard W. Kinship Systems and the Forms of Marriage.

Aginsky, Ethel G. A Grammar of the Mende Language.

Briensen, Hans V. Hereditary Chieftainship and Kava in Melanesia.

Garfield, Viola E. Some Aspects of Tsimshian Culture.

Henry, Jules. A Kaingang Text.

Smith, Marian Wesley. The War Complex of the Plains Indians: A Treatment Reflecting the War Complex of the New World.


Goldstein, Marcus S. Changes in Dimensions and Forms of the Face and Head with Age.

Kennard, Edward Allen. Mandan Grammer.

Lewis, Carolyn Adler. Relation Between Basal Metabolism and Adolescent Growth.


Ashley-Montagu, M. F. Coming Into Being Among the Australian Aborigines: A Study of the Procreative Beliefs of the Native Tribes of Australia.

Herzog, George. A Comparison of Pueblo and Pima Musical Styles.

Underhill, Ruth M. Social Organization of the Papago Indians.

Whitman, William, III. The Oto.


Landes, Ruth. Ojibwa Sociology.

Richardson, Jane. Status and the Prosecution of Crime among the Kiowa Indians.

Smith, Marian Wesley. The War Complex of the Plains Indians.

Wagley, Charles. The Economics of a Guatemalan Village.


Edel, May Mandelbaum. The Tillamook Language.

Ehrlich, Clara Hildermann. Tribal Culture in Crow Mythology.

Garfield, Viola E. Tsimshian Clan and Society.


Elkin, Henry. The Northern Arapaho of Wyoming.

Harris, Jack Sargent. The White Knife Shoshoni of Nevada.

Joffe, Natalie Frankel. The Fox of Iowa.

Opler, Marvin Kaufman. The Southern Ute of Colorado.

Siegel, Morris. The Mackenzie Collection: A Study of West African Carved Gambling Chips.


Bram, Joseph. An Analysis of Inca Militarism.

Goldeman, Irving. The Alkatcho Carrier: Historical Background of Crest Prerogatives.

Hoebel, Edward Adamson. The Political Organization and Law-Ways of the Comanch Indians.

Keur, Dorothy Louise. Big Bead Mesa: An Archaeological Study of Navaho Acculturation, 1745-1812.

Mishkin, Bernard. Rank and Warfare Among the Plains Indians.

Stafford, Cora Elder. Paracas Embroideries: A Study of Repeated Patterns.

Wagley, Charles. Economics of a Guatemalan Village.


Hall, Edward Twitchell, Jr. Early Stockaded Settlements in the Governador, New Mexico: A Maginal Anasazi Development from Basket Maker III to Pueblo I Times.

Lewis, Oscar. The Effects of White Contact Upon Blackfoot Culture, with Special Reference to the Role of the Fur Trade.

Willey, Gordon Randolph. Excavations in the Chancay Valley.


Susman, Amelia. The Accentual System of Winnebago.

Weiant, Clarence Wolsey. An Introduction to the Ceramics of Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico.


Benet, Sula. The Paleolithic Period in Poland.

Lipkind, William. Winnebago Grammar.

Richardson, Jane. Law and Status Among the Kiowa Indians.

Ritchie, William Augustus. The Pre-Iroquoian Occupations of New York State.


James, Alica Galligan. Village Arrangement and Social Organization Among Some Amazon Tribes.


Champe, John Leland. AshHollow Cave: A Study of Stratigraphic Sequence in the Central Great Plans.

Spaulding, Albert C. Northeastern Archaeology and General Trends in the Northern Forest Zone.

Stout, David Bond. San Blas Cuna Acculturation: An Introduction.


Barnouw, Victor. Acculturation and Personality Among the Wisconsin Chippewa.

Hu Hsien-Chin. The Common Descent Group in China and its Functions.

Wilson, Pauline Park. College Women Express Futility: A Study of Fifty Case Histories of Women College Graduates.


Baerreis, David Albert. The Preceramic Horizons of Northeastern Oklahoma.

French, David Heath. Factionalism in Isleta Pueblo.

McAllester, David Park. Peyote Music.

Smith, Carlyle Shreeve. The Archaeology of Coastal NewYork.


Aberle, David Friend. The Reconciliation of Divergent Views of Hopi Culture through the Analysis of Life-History Material.

Adams, Dorothy I. The Role of Rice Ritual in Southeast Asia.

Codere, Helen F. Fighting with Property: A Study of Kwakiutl Potlatching and Warfare, 1792-1930.

Cotten, Rena Maxine. The Fork in the Road: A Study of Acculturation Among the American Kalderas Gypsies.

Evans, Clifford, Jr. The Archaeology of the Territory of Amapa, Brazil.

Ford, James Alfred. Cultural Dating of Prehistoric Sites in Viru Valley Peru.

Friedl, Ernestine. An Attempt at Directed Culture Change: Leadership Among the Chippewa, 1640-1948.

Horsley, Margaret Wyant. Sangley: The Formation of Anti-Chinese Feelings in the Philippines: A Cultural Study of the Stereotypes of Prejudice.

Jablow, Joseph. The Cheyenne in Plains Indian Trade Relations, 1795-1840.

Jones, John Allan. The Role of the Sun Dance in Northern Ute Acculturation.

Manners, Robert Alan. Culture and Agriculture in an Eastern Highland Community of Puerto Rico.

Ritzenthaler, Robert Eugene. Chippewa Preocupation with Health: Change in a Traditional Attitude Resulting from Modern Health Problems.

Scheele, Raymond Lewis. Warfare of the Iroquois and their Northern Neighbors.

Service, Elman, Rogers. Spanish-Guarani Acculturation in In Early Colonial Paraguay: The Encomienda from 1537-1620.

Slusser, Mary Shepherd. Preliminary Archaeological Studies of Northern Central Chile.

Thieme, Frederick Patton. Lumbar Breakdown Caused by Erect Posture in Man, with Emphasis on Spondylolisthesis and Herniated Intervertebral Discs.

Weltfish, Gene. The Interrelation of Technique and Design in North American Basketry.


Casagrande, Joseph Bartholomew. Comanche Linguistic Acculuration: A Study in Ethnolinguistics.

Corbett, John Maxwell. A Comparative Analysis of the Cultural Remains from Early Ancon and Early Supe, Peru.

Diamond, Stanley. Dahomey: A Proto-State in West Africa.

Fried, Morton H. Kin and Non-Kin in Chinese Society: An Analysis of Extra-Kin Relationships in Chinese Society with Special Reference to a Selected Community – Ch’u Hsien.

Holder, Preston. The Role of Caddoan Horticulturalists in Culture History in the Great Plains.

Landgraf, John Leslie. Land-Use in the Ramah Navaho Area, New Mexico.

Metraux, Rhoda Bubendey. Kith and Kin: A Study of Creole Social Structure in Marbial, Haiti.

Mintz, Sidney Wilfred. Canamelar: The Contemporary Culture of a Rural Puerto Rican Proletariat.

Padilla, Elena. Nocora: An Agrarian Refrom Sugar Community in Puerto Rico.

Porter, Muriel Noe. The Significance of Tlatilco in the Study of the Pre-Classic Cultures of the New World.

Rosenfeld, Henry Lloyd. Military-Occupational Specialization of the Kin Among Pastoral Bedouins: A Key to the Progress of Caste Formation in the Arabian Desert.

Rubin, Vera Dourmashkin. Fifty Years in Rootville: A Study in the Dynamics of Acculturation of an Italian Immigrant Group in a Rurban Community.

Secoy, Frank Raymond. A Functional-Historical View of Plains Indian War-fare: The Process of Change from the 17th to the Early 19th Century.

Wike, Joyce Annabel. The Effect of the Maritime Fur Trade on Northwestern Coast Indian Society.

Wolf, Eric Robert. Culture Change and Culture Stability in a Puerto Rican Coffee Community.


Dutton, Bertha Pauline. The Toltecs and their Influence on the Culture of Chichen Itza.

Ferreire, Antonia Jose de Lize. An Anthropological Analysis of the Problem of Chronic Diseases Among the Thonga Peoples of Southeast Africa: A Case Study in Applied Anthropology.

Galvao, Eduardo E. The Religion of an Amazon Community: A Study in Culture Change.

Halley, Hellen. A Historical Functional Approach to the Study of a Greek Community of Tarpon Springs.

King, Louise E. Negro Life in a Rural Community.

Leacock, Eleanor Burke. The Montagnais “Hunting Territory” and the Fur Trade.

Liz Ferreira, Antonio J. de. An Anthropological Analysis of the Problem of Chronic Diseases Among the Thonga Peoples of Southeast Africa.

Maggers, Betty J. The Archaeological Sequence on Marajo Island, Brazil, with Special Reference to the Marajoara Culture.

Rands, Robert L. Some Evidences of Warfare in Classic Maya Art.


Harris, Marvin. Minas Velhas: A Study of Urbanism in the Mountains of Eastern Brazil.

Heyer, Virginia. Patterns of Social Organization in New York’s Chinatown.

Rosenstiel, Annette. The Motu of Papua-New Guinea: A Study of Successful Acculturation.

Salzer, Herbert E. A Generalization of Divided Differences, with Applications.


Carrasco-Pizana, Pedro. Tarascan Folk Religion: An Analysis of Economic, Social, and Religious Interactions.

Edwards, William Ellis. The Helen Blazes Site of Central-eastern Florida: A Study in Method Utilizing the Disciplines of Archaeology, Geology and Pedology.

Faron, Louis C. The Acculuration of the Araucanian Picunche During the First Century of Spanish Colonization in Chile: 1536-1635.

Gussow, Zachary. The Contribution of Associations to Evolutionary Changes in Four African Societies.

Hutchinson, Harry William. Vila Reconcavo: A Brazilian Sugar-Cane Plantation Community.

Murphy, Robert Francis. The Rubber Trade and the Mundurucu Village.

Murrill, Rupert. Racial Blood Pressure Studies: A Critique of Methodology with Especial Reference to the Effect of Age, Nutrition, Climate, and Race on Blood Pressure in Puerto Rico.

Posinsky, Sollie Henry. Yurok Ritual.

Ross, Hubert Barnes. The Diffusion of the Maniac Plant from South America to Africa.

Sahlins, Marshall David. Social Stratification in Polynesia: A Study of Adaptive Variation in Culture.

Shaeffer, James Ball. The Mogollon Complex: Its Cultural Role and Historical Development in the American Southwest.

Stigler, Robert L., Jr. Negative Painted Pottery in South America.


Forbis, Richard G. The Mac Haffie Site.

French, Katherine S. Cultural Segments and Variation in Contemporary Social Ceremonialism on the Warm Springs Reservation, Oregon.

Gallagher, Orvoell R. The Cultural and Social Impact of an American Airbase upon an Urban French Community.

McCall, Daniel Francis. The Effect on Family Structure of Changing Economic Activities of Women in a Gold Coast Town.

Millon, Rene F. When Money Grew on Trees: A Study of Cacao in Ancient Mesoamerica.

Okada, Ferdinand E. A Comparative Study of Marginal Societies.

Skinner, Elliott P. Ethnic Interaction in a British Guiana Rural Community: A Study in Secondary Acculturation and Group Dynamics.

Willis, William Shedrick. Colonial Conflict and the Cherokee Indians, 1710-1760.


Cantor, Nathaniel. Primitive Property: A Study of the Relations Between the General Culture of Several Groups and Their Property Rights.

Ducey, Paul Richard. Cultural Continuity and Population Change on the Isle of Skye.

Halpern, Joel M. Social and Cultural Change in a Serbian Village.

Lieban, Richard W. Land and Labor on Kudaka Island.

Lilien, Rose M. A Study of Central Andean Ceramic Figurines.

McCall, Daniel F. The Effect on Family Structure of Changing Economic Activities of Women in Gold Coast Town.

Malouf, Garling. The Cultural Connections Between the Prehistoric Inhabitants of the Upper Missouri and Columbia River Systems.

Smalley, William A. Outline of Khmu Structure.

Vayda, Andrew Peter. Maori Warfare.


Leeds, Anthrony. Economic Cycles in Brazil: The Persistence of a Total Culture Pattern: Cacao and other Cases.

Lehman, Rederic K. Anthropological Parameters of a Civilization: The Ecology, Evolution and Typology of India's High Culture.

Moore, Sally F. Inca Law and Government.

Niehoff, Arthur. Caste, Class and Family in an Industrial Community of Northern India.


Bonilla, E. Seda. The Normative Patterns of Puerto Rican Family in Various Situational Contexts.

Chapman, Anne M. An Historical Analysis of the Tropical Forest Tribes on the Southern Border of Meso-america.

Eglar, Zekiye S. Vartan Bhanji: Institutionalized Reciprocity in a Changing Punjabi Village.

Grace, George William. The Position of the Polynesian Language within the Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian) Language Family.

Jacobson, Claire. The German Petty Bourgeoisie in Transition: Imperial Germany and Yorkville, USA.

Kreiselman, Mariam. The Caribbean Family: A Case Study in Martinique.

Lesser, Alexander. Siouan Kinship.

Mencher, Joan P. Child Rearing and Family Organization Among Purto Ricans in Eastville: El Barrio de Nueva York.

Philips, Jane. Lebanse Folk Cures.

Sinder, Leon. The Instability of Urban and Rural Castes in Northern India Under the Impact of Mohammedanism.

Solecki, Ralph S. The Baradostian Industry and the Upper Paleolithic in the Near East.

Towle, Margaret A. The Ethnobotany of Pre-Columbian Peru as Evidenced by Archaeological Materials.


Dunn, Stephen P. The Influence of Ideology Upon Culture Change: Two Test Cases.

Gonzales, Alberto R. The Stratigraphy of Intihuasi Cave, Argentina and its Relationships to Early Lithic Cultures of South America.

Greenfield, Sidney M. Family Organization in Barbados.

Horowitz, Michael M. Morne-Paysan: Peasant Community in Martinique. An Approach to a Typology of Rural Community Forms in the Caribbean.

Klass, Morton. Cultural Persistence in a Trinidad East Indian Community.

Lehman, Frederic. Some Anthropological Parameters of a Civilization. (The Evolution of India’s High Culture.

Levine, Lewis. Speech Variation and Social Structure in a Group of North Indian Villages.

Slobodin, Richard. Band Organization of the Peel River Kutchin.

Suggs, Robert C. The Archaeology of Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Island, French Polynesia.

Tolstoy, Paul. Surface Survey of the Northern Valley of Mexico: The Classic and Post-Classic Periods.

Wood, Lucie A. An Inquiry into the Preferences for Parallel Cousin Marriage Among the Contemporary Arabs.


Abramson, Arthur S. The Vowels and Tones of Standard Thai: Acoustical Measurements and Experiments.

Conant, Francis P. Dodo of Dass: A Study of a Pagan Religion on Northern Nigeria.

Fink, Ruth A. The Changing Status and Cultural Identity of Western Australian Aborigines: A Field Study of Aborigines in The Murchison District.

Freilich, Morris. Cultural Diversity Among Trinidadian Peasants.

Hartle, Donald D. RockVillage, An Ethnohistorical Approach to Hidatsa Archaeology.

Malefijt, Anna M. de W. The Javanese Population of Surinam.

Moore, Frank William. The Foundations of New World Agriculture.

Raulet, Harry M. Some Ecological Determinants of Social Structure in Northwest Melanesia.

Sinder, Leon. The Instability of Urban and Rural Castes in Northern India Under the Impact of Islam.

Strickson, Arnold. The Grandsons of the Gauchos: A Study in Subcultural Persistence.


Hammer, Muriel. An Analysis of Social Networks as Factors Influencing the Hospitalization of Mental Patients.

Johnson, Erwin H. Nagura Mura: An Historical Analysis of Stability and Change in Community Structure.


Andromedas, John Nicholas. The Inner Maniat Community Type: A Study of the Local Community's Changing Articulation with Society.

Balikci, Asen. Development of Basic Socio-economic Units in Two Eskimo Communities.

Champion, J. R. A Study in Culture Persistence: The Tarahumaras of Northwestern Mexico.

Comitas, Lambros. Fishermen and Cooperation in Rural Jamaica.

Crab, David W. Nasal and Nasalized Roots in Proto Southwest Bantu.

Eveleth, Phyllis B. Climatic Effects on the Physical Growth of Children with Special Reference to American Children Residing in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Hartle, Janet A. A Study of Certain Features of the Mongoloid Face.

Icken, Helen M. From Shanty Town to Public Housing: A Comparison of Family Structure in Two Urban Neighborhoods in Puerto Rico.

Noble, G. Kingsley, Jr. Proto-Arawakan and its Descendants.

O’Neill, George C. Postclassic Ceramic Stratigraphy at Chalco in the Valley of Mexico.

Stover, Leon Eugene. “Face” and Verbal Analogues of Interaction in Chinese Culture: A Theory of Formalized Social Behavior Based Upon Participant-Observation of an Upper Class Chinese Household, Together with a Biographical Study of the Primary Informant.


Carter, William E. The Ambiguity of Reform: Man and the Land in Highland Bolivia.

Fraser, Thomas Mott, Jr. Directed Change in India.

Gorestein, Shirley Slotkin. The Differential Development of Military and Political Organization in Prehispanic Peru and Mexico.

Hammond, Dorothy. The Image of Africa in British Literature of the Twentieth Century.

Harwood, Ruth. An Experiement in Community Development in El Salvador.

Jablow, Alta. The Development of the Image of Africa in British Popular Literature, 1530-1910.

Lewis, Herbert S. Jimma Abba Jifar: A Despotic Galla Kingdom.

Marenco, Ethne K. Caste and Class Among the Sikhs of Northwest India.

Rubel, Paula Glicksman. The Kalmyk Mongols: Maintenance of a Social Unit.

Silverman, Sydel Finfer. Landlord and Peasant in an Umbrian Community.

Vizedom, Monika Basch. The Concept of Rites of Passage in the Light of Ethnographic Data from 15 Cultures.

Wallrath, Matthew. Excavations in the Tehuantepec Region, Mexico.

Bordaz, Jacques. Pre-Columbian Ceramic Kilns at Penitas, a Post-Classic Site in Coastal Nayarit, Mexico.

Fortier, David H. Culture Change Among Chinese Agricultural Settlers in British North Borneo.

Fuchs, Estelle S. The Compatibility of Western Education with Ibo Culture.

Marshall, Gloria A. Women, Trade and the Yoruba Family.

Miller, Solomon. Haciendas and Plantations in Northern Peru.

Riegelhaupt, Joyce F. In the Shadow of the City: Integration of a Portuguese Village.


Bendix, Edward H. Semantic Analysis of a Set of Verbs in English, Hindi, and Japanese.

Salwen, Bert. Sea Levels and the Archaic Archaeology of the Northeast Coast of the U.S.

Skinner, James H. Variations in the Flake Tool Industries of Southwest Asia: A Typological Study.

Stevenson, Robert Findlay. Population Density and State Formation in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Zenner, Walter P. Syrian Jewish Identification in Israel.


Buechler, Hans Christian. Bases for Change: Agrarian Reform and Migration in an Altiplano Community.

Crane, Julia. Concomitants of Selective Emigration on a Caribbean Island.

Forman, Shepard Lewis. Jangadeiros: The Raft Fishermen of Northeast Brazil.

Funk, Robert Ellsworth. Archaic Cultures of the Hudson Valley: A Culture-Historical Synthesis.

Kottak, Conrad Phillip. The Structure of Equality in a Brazilian Fishing Community.

LaRuffa, Anthony L. Pentecostalism in Puerto Rican Community.

Lynch, Owen M. The Politics of Untouchability: Social Change in an Indian City.

Marks, Anthony Edward. The Mousterian Industries of Nubia.

Moore, Alexander G. Festivals and Social Change in a Guatemalan Village.

Okediji, Oladejo Olatokunbo. Policy Decisions in Planned and Directed Change: The Nigerian Experience.

Raphael, Dana. The Lactation-Suckling Process within a Matrix of Supportive Behavior.

Rappaport, Roy A. Ritual in the Ecology of a New Guinea People: An Anthropological Study of the Tesmbaga Maring.

Smith, David Beardsley. Occupational Multiplicity and the Negro Family in the Caribbean.

Stancliff, Merton W. Cultural and Ecological Aspects of Marriage, Succession, and Migration in a Peasant Community in the Catalan Pyrenees.

Treistman, Judith. An Appraisal of Prehistory and Early History of Southwest China.


Burger, Henry G. Telesis: Facilitatating Directed Cultural Change by Strategically Designing Chain Reactions.

Cohen, Myron Leon. A Case Study of Chinese Family Development and Economy: The Hakka of Yen-liao, South Taiwan.

Gwaltney, John L. Role of Expectation of Blindness in a Oaxaca Village.

Harwood, Allan. Witchcraft, Sorcery, and Social Classification in a Banty-Speaking Tribe of Southwestern Tanzania.

Lewis, Ralph Kepler. Hadchite: A Study of Emigration from a Lebanese Village.

Pasternak, Burton. Agnatic Atrophy and Village Integration in a Taiwanese Village.

Pendrell, Nan. An Exploratory Study of Squatting in Salvador.

Shirley, Robert Weaver. Urbanization and Culture Change in the Municipio of Cunha, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil: The End of a Tradition.


Bowers, Nancy. The Ascending Grasslands: An Anthropologcial Study of Ecological Succession in a High Mountain Valley of New Guinea.

Briggs, Jerome R. A Steppe-Oasis Association in Native North America.

Brush, Ellen. The Archaeology Significance of Ceramic Figurines from Guerrero, Mexico.

Curry, Donald Edward. Lusiada: An Anthropological Study of the Growth of Protestantism in Brazil.

Ebihara, May. A Study of a Cambodian Village.

Hopkins, Elizabeth. The Politics of Conquest: The Pacification of Kigezin District, Uganda.

Hughes, Jack. Prehistory of the Caddoan Speaking Tribes.

Jablonko, Allison Peters. A Study of Movement Among the Making of New Guinea.

Knight, Rolf. Why Don't You Work the Way Other Men Do?: Second and Short Term Employment in Zafria and Non Zafria Sugar Cane Regions.

McDonald, Mary L. Ecclesiastical Orientation in Programs in Latin America.

Sanders, Edith R. East African Age-Grade System: Structure and Origin.

Siskind, Janet. Reluctant Hunters.

Swidler, Warren. Technology and Social Structure in Baluchistan, West Pakistan.

Taylor, James. The Neanderthal Tibia.

Vincent, Joan Eveline. Status and Leadership in an African Community: A Case Study.

Wilson, Charles J. The Social Organization of the Mexican Factory [2nd copy].


Brush, Charles F. A Contribution to the Archaeology of Coastal Guerrero, Mexico.

Denitch, Bette S. Social Mobility and Industrialization in a Yugoslave Town.

Epstein, David George. Planned and Spontaneous Urban Settlement in Brasilia.

Erickson, Edwin. The Song Trace: Song Styles and the Ethnohistory of Aboriginal America.

Gregor, Thomas A. Roles in a Small Society: A Study of Mehinacu Indians (Ansley).

Gregson, Ronald Edgar. Work and the Social Process: Agricultural Strategies Among the Tumbuka of the Henga Valley.

Hendel, Giselle. The Sephardic Home: Ethnic Homogeneity and Cultural Traditions in a Total Institution.

Kessler, Evelyn S. Mesoamerican Contacts in the Southwest and the Southeast.

Mitchell, William E. Cognatic Descent Groups in an Urban-Industrial Society: The Jewish Kinship Clubs of New York City.

Price, Barbara. The Analysis of Settlement Pattern: Towards a Methodology of Archaeological Inference.

Schoepf, Brooke G. A Doctor-Patient Communication in a Plastic Surgery Clinic.

Schroeder, Bruce. The Lithic Industries from Jerf Ajla and Their Bearing on the Problem of Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition.

Siroto, Leon. Masks and Social Organization Among the Bakwele People of Western Equatorial Africa.

Smollett, Eleanor Wenkart. Occupational Change in an Urban Fringe Village in Mysore, India.

Sorenson, Arthur. Morphology of Tukane.

Steed, Gitel Poznanski. Caste and Kinship in Rural Gujarat (India).

Sutton, Constance. The Scene of Action: A Spontaneous Strike in the Barbados.

Swartzberg, Jr., Leon. The North Indian Peasant Goes to Market.

Swidler, Nina B. The Khanate of Qalat.

Wilson, Charles Joslyn. The Social Organization of the Mexican Factory.


Crapanzano, Vincent. The 'Hamadsha': The Structure of a Primitive Psychotheraphy.

Goossen, Jean Griffin. Kin to Each Other: Integration in Guadeloupe.

Gottlieb, Erich. Chalma Pilgrimage Pattern.

Gross, Daniel. Sisal and Social Structure in North East Brazil.

Hanchett, Suzanne Lorraine. Changing Economic, and Ritual Relationship in a Modern South Indian Village.

Jacobson, Dorothy Ann. Purdah in Central India.

Jacobson, Jerome. Stone Age Man in Early Historic Period of Central India.

Lapointe, Jean. Residence Patterns and Wayana Social Organization.

Loeb, Laurence Delemos. The Jews of Southwest Iran.

Paulson, Allison. A Chronology of Guangala and Libertad Ceramics. Santa Elena Peninsula, So. Coastal Ecuador.

Pollard, Gordon Clark. The Cultural Ecology of Ceramic-Stage Settlement in the Atacama.

Sarma, Akkaraju V. The Cultural Implications of Upper Pleistocene and Holocene Ecology of the Santa Elena Peninsula.

Schaeffer, Joseph Herbert. Videotape Techniques in Anthropology: The Collection and Analysis of Data (vol.s 1 and 2).

Schaeffer, Joseph Herbert. Videotape Techniques in Anthropology: The Collection and Analysis of Data (2nd copy).

Schein, Muriel Dimen. Social and Economic a Greek Village.

Solimene, Alfonso. An Experimental Investigation of Primate Pelvic Morphology.

Vastokas, Romas. The Aboriginal Use of Copper in the Great Lakes.

Walker, Malcolm Trafford. Power Structure and Political Behavior in a Community of the Domican Republic.


Campbell, Joan. Agricultural Development in East Africa: A Problem in Cultural Ecology.

Cohen, Mark. Settlement Pattern and Subsistence Analysis on the Peru Coast.

Garrison, Vivian. Social Networks, Social Change and Mental Health Among Migrants in a New York City Slum.

Harrison, Robert. A Comparative Analysis of the Variation in Social Structure Among Ranau Dusun Communities of Sabah, Malaysia.

Katzer, Bruce. The Caughnawaga Mohawks: Occupations, Residence and the Maintenance of Community Membership.

Lander, Patricia Slade. Cleavages and Convergences in a Finnish Commune.

Leibowitz, Lila. Family Among Humans: A Dissertation on Origins.

Lubell, David. The Fakhurian: A Late Paleolithic Industry form Upper Egypt and Its Place in Nilotic Prehistory.

Manning, Alice. Calama: Patterns of Interaction in a Chilean City.

Margolis, Maxine, Luanna.. Ouro Verde: A Frontier Community in Northern Parana, Brazil.

Post, Peter. Pigmentation and its Role in Human Adaptation.

Regelson, Stanley. Some Aspects of Food Behavior in a South Indian Village.

Ruyle, Eugene Edward. The Political Economy of the Japanese Ghetto.

Wallach, Irving Albert. The Police in an Urban Negro Neighborhood.


Asch, Michael. A Social Behavioral Approach to the Analysis of Music.

Bean, Susan Sharf. Kannada Kinship Terms: Use and Meaning.

Bonvillain, Nancy. A Grammar of Akwesasne Mohawk.

Brownrigg, Leslie. The Nobles of Cuenca: The Agrarian Elite of Southern Ecuador.

Byers, Paul. From Biological Rhythm to Cultural Pattern: A Study of Minimal Units.

Chodkiewicz, Jean-Luc. “Fictive” Kinship and Real Politics.

DuBois, Hazel. Courtship and Marriage in Puerto Rico.

Ehrman, Susan Barbara. Wayuunaiki: A Grammar of Guajiro.

Friedman, Jonathan. System, Structure and Contradiction in the Evolution of 'Asiatic' Social Formations.

Friedman, Jonathan. System, Structure and Contradiction in the Evolution of 'Asiatic' Social Formations [second copy].

Gamburd, Geraldine DeNering. The Hatmutu Paramparawa (Generations of the Seven Grandparents: Lineality and Locality in Sinhalese Kinship and Caste).

Glick, Nina Karen Barnett. The Formation of a Haitian Ethnic Group.

Gorlin, Peter. Health, Wealth, and Agnation Among the Abelam: The Beginnings of Social Stratification in New Guinea.

Lander, Patricia. Cleavages and Convergences in a Finish Commune.

Margolis, Luise. Subcultural Diversity in a Mexican Regional Network.

Montgomery, Edward. Stratification and Nutrition in a Population in Southern India.

Pollard, Helen. Prehispanic Urbanism at Tzintzuntzan, Michoacan.

Reyna, Stephen Perry. The Costs of Marriage: Some Factors Affecting Northwest Barma Fertility.

Sanjek, Roger. Ganaian Networks: Interethnic Relations in Urban Situations.

Shapiro, Judith. Sex Roles and Social Structure Among the Yanamamo Indians of Northern Brazil.

Washburn, Dorothy Koster. An Analysis of the Spatial Aspects of the Site Locations of Pueblo I-III Sites Along the Middle Rio Puerco, New Mexico.


Davis, Richard. The Late Paleolithic of Northern Afghanistan.

Bloch, Harriet Hall. Household Economy and Entrepreneurial Activity in a Polish Peasant Village.

Buchbinder, George. Maring Microadaptation: A Study of Demographic, Nutritional, Genetic and Phenotypic Variation in a Highland New Guinea Population.

Cramer, Eugenia. Sacred and Profane Livestock in Southwest Donegal.

Dornstreich, Mark David. An Ecological Study of Gadio Enga (New Guina) Subsistene (vol.s 1 and 2 with a map supplement).

Donrnstreich, Mark. An Ecological Stufy of Gadio Enga (New Guinea) Subsistence.

Gorlin, Peter. Health, Wealth and Agnation Among the Abelam.

Hagman, Roy. Nama Hottentot Grammar.

Klein, Harriet. A Grammar of Argentine Toba: Verbal and Nominal Morphology.

Lewis, Lucille. A Computer Aided Attribute Analysis of Lithic Artifacts fron North Chile.

Meltzer, Stanley. The Salar de Talabre, Northern Chile: The Utilization of a Paleoindian Locality.

Perey, Arnold. Oksapmin, Society and World View.

Pillsbury, Barbara Linne Kroll. Cohesion and Cleavage in a Chinese Muslim Minority.

Torry, William. Subsistence Ecology among the Gabra: Nomads of the Kenya/Ethiopian Frontier.


Bartlett, Peggy F. Agricultural Change in Paso: The Structure of Decision Making in a Costa Rican Peasant Community.

Bick, Mario J.A. Power and the Allocation of Rights in Women in African Societies.

Brintnal, Douglas Edgar. Revolt Against the Dead: Religious Change in the Western Highlands of Guatemala.

Britan, Gerald M. Fishermen and Workers: The Processes of Stability and Change in a Rural Newfoundland Community.

Brown, Diana Deg. Umbanda: Politics of an Urban Religious Movement.

Chibnik, Michael Steven. Economic Strategies of Small Farmers in Stann Creek District, British Honduras.

Giford, Philip C., Jr. The Iconology of the Uli figure of the Central New Ireland.

Gruph, Ronald. Local Dynamics of Revolution in a Tlaxcalan Village.

Lopate, Carol Bergman. Power and Authority in a Rural School: A History of the Green Valley Central School System.

Morren, George Edward Bradshaw Jr. Settlement Strategies and Hunting in a New Guinea Society.

Olmstead, Judith. Female Fertility, Social Structure, and the Economy: A Controlled Comparison of Two Southern Ethiopian Communities.

Roy-Choudhury, Dibyendu. A Reexamination of the Concept of Homogeneity of Indian Caste Groups with Respect to Morphological Characters.

Saucier, Jean-Francois. The Patron-Client Relationship in Traditional and Contemporary Southern Rwanda.

Schwartz, Jeffrey. Dental Development and Eruption in the Prosimians and its Bearing on their Evolution.

Scrimshaw, Susan Crosby. Culture, Enviornment and Family Size: A Study of Urban immigrants in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

Waldron, Sidney. Social Organization and Social Control in the Walled City of Harar, Ethiopia.


Arocha, Jaime. “La Violencia” I Monteverde (Colombia) Environmental and Economic Determinants of Homicide in a Coffee-Growing Municipio.

Jack, Lucas. The Fate of Tribesmen: Chotanagpur: 1765-1855 Toward a Comparison of Movements.

Joseph, Suad. Borj Hammoud: A Case Study in the Politicization of Religion and Ethninity.

Kopper, John. Dating and Interpretation of Archaeological Cave Deposits by the Paleomagnetic Method.

Larson, Barbara, K. The Impact of National Government on Local Life and Politics in a Tenisian Village.

McCay, Bonnie J. "Appropriate Technology" and Coastal Fishermen of Newfoundland.

Mikell, Gwendolyn. Cocoa and Social Change in Ghana: A Study of Development in the Sunyani District.

Pillai, A. K. Balakrishna. The Culture of Social Stratification: The Economics, Politics, and Rituals of Marriage--A Case Study of the Nayars.

Strug, David Lawrence. An Evaluation of a Program of Applied Anthropology in Michoacan, Mexico.


Armstrong, Este Hammer. A Quantitative Comparison of the Hominoid Thalamus.

Andors, Ellen B. The Rodi: Female Associations Among the Gurung of Nepal.

Cinquemani, Dorothy Kyte. Drinking and Violence among Middle American Indians.

Cole, John R. Stone Tools from Ceramic Period Cultures of Southwest Ecuador.

Cooper, Eugene Jay. The Social Evolution of Craft Production: The Woodcarvers of Hong Kong.

deWind, Adrian. Peasants Become Miners: The Evolution of Industrial Mining System in Peru.

Dillon, Robert. Carpet Capitalism and Craft Involution in Kirman, Iran: A Study in Economic Anthropology.

Hyslop, John. An Archaeological Investigation of the Lupaca Kingdom and its Origins.

Katz, Roberta Reiff. The Potters and Pottery of Tonala, Jalisco, Mexico: A Study in Aesthetic Anthropology.

Levine, Robert. Haida Grammar (Skidegate Dialect).

Morse, Mary Lynn. A Sketch of the Phonology and Morphology of Bobo (Upper Volta).

Murray, Gerald Francis. The Evolution of Haitian Peasant Land Tenure: A Case Study in Agrarian Adaptation to Population Growth.

Petersen, Glenn. Prestige Economies and Political Economics in the Caroline Islands.

Roosevelt, Anna. Subsistence and Demography in the Prehistory of Parmana.

Ross, Eric Barry. The Achuara Jivaro: Cultural Adaptation in the Upper Amazon.

Sacks, Maurie. Structure and Process in a Turkish Village.

Sedlak, Lynn. Cultural Patterns in Huichol Art.

White, Benjamin. Production and Reproduction in a Javanese Village (vol.s 1 and 2).


Belmonte, Thomas. Poverty and Social Life Among the Neapolitan Underclass.

DeHavenon, Anna Lou. Rank-Ordered Behavior in Four Urban Familes: A Comparative Video-analysis of Patterns of Superordination in Request-Compliance and Food-Control Behavior in Two Black and White Families.

Druss, Mark. Environment, Subsistence Economy and Settlement Patterns of the Chiuchiu Complex (Ca. 2700-1600 BC) of the Atacama Desert.

Goodell, Grace. The Elementary Structures of Political Life.

Hammond, William M. An Analysis of Correlations Between Raw Material and Tools of a Lithic Industry from Tell El Hesi, Israel.

Hesse, Brian. Evidence of Husbandry from the Early Neolithic Site of Ganj Dareh in Western Iran.

Johnson, Orna Roth. Interpersonal Relations and Domestic Authority Among the Machiguenga of the Peruvian Amazon.

Johnson, Twig W. Work and Life in a Portuguese Fishing Village.

Leymarie, Isabelle. The Role and Functions of the Griots Among the Woloff of Senegal.

Maack, Stephen Charles. Urban Change and Quarter Routinization in Pikine, Senegal (vol.s 1, 2, and 3).

Minge-Kalman. The Evolution of Family Productive Changes During the Peasant to Worker Transition in Europe.

Murray, Gerald Francis. The Evolution of Haitian Peasant Land Tenure: A Case Study in Agrarian Adaptation to Population Growth (vol.s 1 and 2).

Peranio, Roger D. The Structure of Bisaya Society: A Ranked Cognatic Social System.

Tenenbaum, Joan Marsha. Morphology and Semantics of the Tanaina Verb.

Turner, Brian. The Social Origins of Academic Sociology: Durkheim.

Sontz, Ann L. Neighbors and Stranger-Factory and Community in a West German Immigrant Zone.


Coleman, Samuel J. Induced Abortion and Contraceptive Method Choice Among Urban Japanese Marrieds.

Farber, Anne. Social and Sexual Constraints on Bilingualism in a Highland Mayan Town.

Kaprow, Miriam Lee. An Ethnic Group in Spite of Itself: Gypsies of Saragossa.

Padoch, Christine. Migration and Its Alterations Among the Iban of Sarawak.

Peet, Robert Creighton. Migration, Culture and Community: A Case Study from Rural Nepal.

Sharff, Jagna Wojcicka. Patterns of Authority in Two Puerto Rican Households.

Snarkis, Michael. The Archaeology of the Central Atlantic Watershed of Costa Rica.


Carupana, Douglas V. An Analysis of use-wear Patterns on Natufian and Proto-Neolithic Bone Implants.

Gilbert, Allan S. Urban Taphonomy of Mammalian Remains from the Bronze Age of Godin Tape, Western Iran.

Groger, Burghild Lisa. The Transformation of Peasants Into Consumers of Machines: Big Tractors on Small Fields in a French Community.

Haas, Jonathan. The Development of the Prehistoric State: Toward an Archaeological Analysis of Political Organization.

Imokhai, Charles A. The Missionization of Uzairue: A Study of Missionary Impact on Traditional Marriage.

Kerner, Karen. Building God’s Kingdom.

Kramer, Betty Jo. Urarina Economy and Society: Tradition and Change.

Laderman, Carol C. Conceptions and Preconceptions: Childbirth and Nutrition in Rural Malaysia.

Lindholm, Charles. Generosity and Jealousy: Social and Emotional Structures of the Swat Pakhtun.

McGovern, Thomas Howatt. The Paloeconomy of Norse Greenland.

Susser, Ida. Poverty and Politics in a NYC Working Class Neighborhood.

Vance, Carole S. Female Employment and Fertility in Barbados.


Begler, Elsie B. Modernization of Agricultural Production and the Problem of Rural Unemployment: The Search for Work Among the Rural Protelariate of the Peruvian North Coast.

Feldan-Bianco, Bela. The Petty Supporters of a Stratified Order: The Economic Entrepreneurs of Matpir, Sao Paulo, Brazil (1877-1974).

Chaki-Sircar, Manjusri. Lai Harouba: Social Position and Ritual Status of Meitei Women of Manipur, India.

Gordon, Connie L. An Anthropo-Geographic View of an Economy: The Late Pre-Conquest Basin of Mexico.

Kendall, Laurel. Restless Spirits: Shaman and Housewife in Korean Ritual Life.

Lowman, Cherry. Environment, Society and health: Community Growth and Decline Papua, New Guinea.

Nolan, James L. Prehispanic Polity in the Lambayaquie Sphere, Peru.

Selling, Eleanor. Trade and State Formation in the Pre-Colonial Southeast Asia.

Sheehan, Brian. The Boston School Integration Dispute: Legal Maneuvers and Social Change.

Sircar, Manjusri. Lai Harouba: Social Position and Ritual Status of Meitei Women of Manipur, India.

Wander, Nathaniel. The World as Incantation. A Structural Study of the Attribution of Order Through Caste, Sacrifice, and Mythology.

Weil, James Ernest. The Organization of Work in a Quechua Pioneer Settlement: Adaptation of Highland Tradition in the Lowlands of Eastern Bolivia.


Foran, Neil. We Are All Related Here: Fishing, Land Tenure, and the Consequences of Kinship in a Small Hebridean Community.

Geismar, Joan H. Skunk Hollow: Archaeological Perspectives on Social Disintegration in a Rural 19th Century Black Community.

Hide, Robin Lamond. Aspects of Pig Production and Use in Colonial Sinasina, Papua New Guinea.

Hudelson, John E. The Expansion and Development of Quichua Transitional Culture in the Upper Amazon Basin.

Kehl, Frank. Hong Kong Shanty-Towns: The Demography and Household Economy on Intra-urban Migration and Housing.

Losche, Diane. Abelam Ritual and Society.

Marshall, Sydne B. Artifact form and Function: Implications of Morphological Classification and Wear Pattern Analysis for Cultural Interpretation.

Mazer, Rona S. Town and Tribe in Conflict: A Study of Local-Level Politics in Mashpee, Massachusetts.

Moser, Michael. Mediation and Litigation in Rural Taiwan: An Ethnographic Study of Law and Dispute Settlement in a Modern Chinese Community.

Orgel, Celia. Structuring Social Conflict: The Politics of Space in a Long Island Town.

Waldstein, Alfred S. A Hydro-Agricultural Zone in the Global Economic System: Adaptation to the Constraints on Development in the Senegal River Delta.

Witkin, Joan Wharton. Primate Brain and Life History.

Yates, Michael. Factors Affecting Economic Behavior in Rural in Rural Paraguay.


Atran, Scott. The Phenomenal Foundations of Biological Classification: An Anthropological Inquiry into the Scope and Limits of Common Sense Thought.

Bonner, Jeffrey P. The Impact of the Consolidation of Agricultural Holdings on Village Socio-Economics in the Fine Foodgrains Region of Haryana.

de Lacoste, L., M.C. Anatomical and Morphological Aspects of the Human Corpus Callosum.

Butler, Fay E. The Conditioning of Medical Culture of an Inner City Population.

Cerf, Barry J. The Dimensions and Causes of Child Malnutrition in a Balinese Village.

Ehrlich, William D. Hong Kong: Economic Organization and Language Diversity.

Ghani, Ashraf. Production and Domination: Aghanistan, 1747-1901.

Godoy, Ricardo A. From Indian to Miner and Back Again: Small Scale Mining in the Jukumani Ayllu, Northern Potosi, Bolivia.

Greenhalgh, Susan. Demographic Differentiation and Income Distribution: The Taiwan Case.

Laderman, Rena. Mendi Twem and Sem: A Preliminary Analysis of the Social Relationships of Exchange and Production in a Highland New Guinea Society.

Meltzoff, Sarah K. Custom Versus Civilization: A Japanese Fishery’s Multinational in Solomon Islands Development 1971-1981.

Ong, Aihwa. Malay Peasants from Subsistence Production to Industrial Capitalism, Coastal Selangor, West Malaysia 1974-80.

Stoler, Ann L. In The Company’s Schadow: The Politics of Labor Control in North Sumatran Agribusiness.

Strongin, Jonathon D. Machiguenga, Medicine and Missionaries: The Introduction of Western Health Aids Among a Native Population of Southeastern Peru.

Szanton, Maria Christina Blanc. People in Movement: Social Mobility and Leadership in Small Town Thailand.


Burkhalter, Steve Brian. Amazon Gold Rush: Markets and the Mundurucu Indians.

Chernela, Janet M. Hierarchy and Economy: A Study of the Uanano (Kotiria) Indians of the Northwest Amazon.

Coleman, Robert Griffin Jr. Pakpak Batak Kin Groups and Land Tenure: A Study of Descent Organization and its Cultural Ecology.

Dahbany-Miraglia, Dina. An Analysis of Ethnic Identity Among Yemenite Jews in the Greater New York Area.

Flanders, Nicholas Edward. Socioeconomic Change and Cultural Continuity in an Alaskan Community.

Galin, Anne. Spatial Organization in Lushootseed Culture, Texts and Language.

Lennihan, Louise. The Origins and Development of Agricultural Wage Labor in Northern Nigeria: 1886-1980.

Magnetti, Linda A. Verb Morphology in Mori, An Austronesian Language Spoken in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Raphael, Terrie G. “Rise Before the Hoary Head”: A Study of Socialization to Old Age in an Israeli Town.

Yongerman, Suzanne. “Shaking is No Foolish Play”: An Anthropological Perspective on the American Shakers--Person, Time, Space, and Dance-Ritual.


Atran, Scott. The Phenomenal Foundations of Biological Classification: An Anthropological Inquiry into the Scope and Limits of Common Sense (vol.s 1 and 2).

Balee,William L. The Cultural Persistence of Ka'apor Indians of Brazil.

Brock, Lina Lee. The Tamejirt: Kinship and Social History in a Tuareg Community.

de Zengotita, Thomas. The Functional Reduction of Kinship in the Social Thought of the French Enlightment.

Edelman, Marc. Land and Labor in an Expanding Economy: Agrarian Capitalism and the Hacienda System in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, 1880-1982.

Espeland, Christine E. The Rural Side of Urbanization: Migration and Change in an Andean Village.

Hanson, Karen Joyce. Development and Preventive Health Practices: in Taipei, Taiwan.

Hirschfeld, Lawrence Adolph. The Mental Representation of Human Groupings: Inherent Levels in Classifying People.

Gill, Lesley. Capitalist Agriculture and Peasant Production: A Case Study of Northern Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Kreniske, John. Sociobiology, the Runcible Science: An Examination of the Claims and Contentions of Sociobiology.

Lewis, Linda Sue. Mediation and Judicial Process in a Korean Court.

Lopez, Iris. Sterilization and Puerto Rican Women in New York City.

Lutkehaus, Nancy. The Flutes of the Tenepoa: The Dynamics of Hierarchy and Equivalence in Manam, Papa New Guinea.

Motta, Roberto. Meat and Feast: The Xango Religion in Recife, Brazil.

Mwaria, Cheryl Benoit. The Changing Conditions of Social Production and Reproduction Among the Kitui Kamba: 1800-1976.

Reiss, Nira. Speech-Act Taxonomy as a Tool for Ethnographic Description.

Roach, Elizabeth Marchette. From English Mission to Samoan Congregation: Women and the Church in Rural Western Samoa.

Romanoff, Steven A. Matses Adaptations in the Peruvian Amazon.

Roy, John Dennis. An Investigation of the Processes of Language Variation and Change in a Speech Community in Barbados.

Russell, Christine H. Upper Class Women and Men in the United States: An Investigation into the Significance of Gender and Class.

Wali, Alaka. Kilowatts and Crisis Among the Kuna, Choco, and Colonos: National and Regional Consequences of the Bayano Hydroelectric Complex in Eastern Panama.

Waldstein, Alfred Solomon. A Hydro Agricultural Zone in the Global Economic System: Adaptation to the Constraints on Development in the Seneral River Delta.


Barstow, Alan Moser. The Politics of Employee Participation: A Case Study of Changing Power Relationships in Work and Management at a Swedish Manufacturing Plant.

Berlin, Margalit. Manufacturing Clothes: Work and Home for the Colombian Female Worker in Venezuela.

Dei, Carleene Hope. Political Activity Among Urban African Women: Le Groupe d'Animation Culturel de Cocody.

Edmondson, Janet C. Fertility Decline in a Balinese Village.

Engebretsen (Ferguson) Janet E. Hunter-Gatherer Models and North-west Plains Paleoindians.

Ferguson, Brian Richard. Class Transformations in Puerto Rico.

Gaughan, Joseph P. Narrative Tradition and Social Structure: Peasant Folktales in the Tregor, Brittany.

Georges, Eugenia. The Causes and Consequences of International Labor Migration From a Rural Dominican Sending Community.

Lutkehaus, Nancy Christine. The Flutes of the Tanepoa: The Dynamics of Hierarchy and Equivalence in Manam.

Murphy, Martin F. Historical and Contemporary Labor Utilization Practices in the Sugar Industries of the Dominican Republic.

Mwaria, Cheryl Benoit. The Changing Conditions of Social Production and Reproduction Among the Kitui Kamba: 1800-1976.

Panagopoulou, Helen. Form Versus Function: Lithic Use-Wear Analysis and Its Application to a Class of Levantine.


Ausenda, Georgio. Leisurely Nomads: The Hadendowa (Beja) of the Gash Delta and Their Transition to Sedentary Village Life (vol.s 1 and 2).

Berger, Allen H. Cooperation, Conflict, and Production Environment in Highland Sardinia: A Study of the Associational Life of Transhumant Shepherds (vol.s 1 and 2).

Golla, Susan M. Hellas a Name: Continuity and Chance in a Vancouver Island Indian Community.

Gort, Enid. Changing Traditional Medicine in Swaziland: A World Systems Analysis.

Heilbroner, Peter I. Cerebral Symmetry and Sexual Dimorphism in Non-Human Primates: A Study of Five Species.

Henderson, Carol Elaine. Life in the Land of Death: Famine and Drought in Arid Western Rajasthan (vol.s 1 and 2).

Jervis, Nancy. Retracing a Chinese Landscape: The Interaction of Policy and Culture in a North China Village.

Meissner, Jeffrey R. Tribes at the Core: Legitimacy, Structue and Power in Zaydi Yemen.

Novac, Cynthia Jean. Sharing the Dance: An Ethnography of Contact Improvisation.

Ross, Jane Bennett. A Balance of Deaths: Revenge Feuding Among the Achuara Jivaro of the Northwest Peruvian Amazon.

Saenz, Candelario. “They Have Eaten our Grandfathers.”


Alterman, Michael. A Reassessment of Late Archaic Settlement and Subsistence Along the Upper Savannah River Valley: A View from the Richard B. Russell Reservoir.

Biolsi, Thomas John. Organizing the Sioux: The Implementation of the Indian Reorganization Act on Rosebud and Pine Ridge Reservations.

Fisher, William F. Ethnicity, Migration, and Social Change: The Thakali of Central Nepal.

Gort, Enid. Changing Traditional Medicine in Rural Swaziland: A World Systems Analysis.

Hirota, Janice M. The Making of Meaning: The Work World of 'Creatives' in American Advertising Agencies.

Manson, William Chase. The Kardiner-Linton Synthesis: Culture, Psychodynamics, and "Basic Personality" (1933-1945).

Owens, Bruce. The Politics of Divinity in the Kathmandu Valley: The Festival of Bungadya/Rato Matsyendranath (vol.s 1 and 2).

Saltzman, Cynthia. Women and Unions at Yale University: An Ethnohistorical Account.

Santoro, Geraldine. "We Don't Need the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station": Perceptions on and Responses to Technological Risk of Three American Anti-Nuclear Protest Groups.

Scheer, Jessica. The Social Consequences of Mobility Impairment in a New York City Neighborhood (vol.s 1 and 2).

Shaw, Thomas Anthony. Emerging Persona: Youth Subculture, Social Identity, and Social Mobility in an Urban Chinese Setting.

Smith, Stephen Richard. Drinking and Sobriety in Japan.


Antoniello, Patricia. Women’s Reproductive Health in a Polyethnic Neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York.

Bauch, Elizabeth Ann. We Shall Not Lose the Bread of Our Children: Strikes at a U.S. Copper Company in Southern Peru.

Bosco, Joseph. Rural Industrialization in a Taiwanese Township.

Burges, Judith. Women’s Migration and Work: Caribbean Nurses in New York City.

Flory, Michael John. More Japanese than Japan: Adaptation and Social Network Formation Among the Wives of Japanese Businessmen Temporarily Residing in Bergen County, New Jersey.

Krute, Laurence Dana. Piaroa Nominal Morphosemantics.

Lagos, Maria Laura. Paths to Autonomy, Roads to Power: Peasant-Elite Relations in Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1900-1985.

Motta, Roberto Mauro. Cortez. Meat and Feast: The Xango Religion of Recife, Brazil.

Nugent, David Leslie. The Mercantile Transformation of Provincial Urban Life: Labor, Value and Time in the Northern Peruvian Sierra (vol.s 1 and 2).

Owens, Bruce. The Politics of Divinity in the Kathmandu Valley: The Festival of Bungadya/Rato Matsyendranath (vol.s 1 and 2).

Quaggiotto, Pamela Kay. Altars of Food to Saint Joseph in Sicily.

Quinones, Maria. Gender, Power and Politics Among the Rural Working Class in Barbados, West Indies.

Simich, Laura Lee. Comiso: The Politics of Peace in a Sicilian Town.


Agelarakis, Anagnostis. The Paleopathological Evidence, Indicator of Stress, of the Shanidar Proto-Neolithic and Ganj Dareh Neolithic Human Skeletal Remains.

Florance, Charles. A Survey and Analysis of Late and Terminal Preclassic Settlement Along the Lerma River in Southesastern Guanajuato, Mexico.

Hahn, Hanhee. Songje's Transformation: Social and Economic History of a Korean Village, 1910-1987.

Kubik, Jan. The Role of Symbols in the Legitimation of Power: Poland 1976-1981 (vol.s 1 and 2).

Mills, Sharon G. The Social Construction of Contemplation (vol.s 1 and 2).

Wallman, Joel A. A Critique of Ape Language.


Cerf, Charlotte. Waters of Change: The Impact of Industrial Water Pollution on Small Scale Fishing Communities in North Eastern Brazil.

Fried-Foster, Nancy.

William, Annie K. The Evolution of Mitochondrial DNA in the Silenus-Sylvanus Species Group of Macaques (Macaca).


Chairetakis, Anna L. The Past in the Present: Community Variation and Earthquake Recovery in the Sele Valley, Southern Italy, 1980-1989.

Dudley, Kathryn Marie. Betrayed in America: The Politics of Meaning in a Plant Shutdown.

Fenton, James P. The Social Uses of Dead People.

Goodman, Jacqueline. Politics of the White Collar Workers: Proletariat or Professional?

Hawkeswood, William G. One of the Children: An Ethnography of Identity and Gay Black Men.

He, Yong. Aspects of Discourse Structure in Mandarin Chinese.

Holleman, Linda Carlene. Vietnamese Medical Beliefs in the Context of the American Medical System: Cultural vs. Medical Efficacy.

Mizrahi, Daryo. Diversity and Comedy in Ottoman Istanbul: The Turkish Shadow Puppet Performance.

Pivnick, Anitra Margot. Victims and Saviors: The Meanings of Motherhood and Children Among Poor, HIV Infected, Drug Using Women (vol.s 1 and 2).

Shapiro, Delores Jeanne. Symbolic Fluids: The World of Spirit Mediums in Brrazilian Possession Groups.

Vom Eigen, Keith. Science and Spirit: Doctors and Healers in Jamaica.

Worley, Barbara. Livestock, Vassals, Slaves, and Drum: These are the Property of Women: The Cultural Construction of Twareg Gender Relations.


Ciekawy, Diane. Witchcraft Eradication Movements as Political Process in Kilifi District, Kenya, 1955-1987.

Karakasidou. Fields of Wheat, Hills of Shrub: Agrarian Development and the Dialectics of Ethnicity and Nationality in Northern Greece, 1870-1990 (vol.s 1 and 2).

Mahler, Sarah Jean. Tres Veces Mojado: Undocumented Central and South American Migration to Suburban Long Island (vol.s 1 and 2).

Savishinsky, Neil J. Rastafari in the Promised Land: The Spread of a Jamaican Socio-Religious Movement and its Music and Culture Among the Youth of Ghana and Senegambia.

William, Peace J. Symbolic Fluids: The World of Spirit Mediums in Brazilian Possession Gropus.

Zent, Standord Rhode. Historical and Ethnographic Ecology of the Upper Cuao River Wothiha: Clues for an Interpretation of Native Guianese Social Organization (vol.s 1 and 2).


Canin, Eric Joan. Between Religion and Revolution: A study of Grassroots Christian Communities in Managua, Nicaragua.

Goldberg, Neil.

Gounis, Kostas. The Domestication of Homelessness: The Politics of Space and Time in New York City Shelters.

Herrera, Jesus. "Free as a Hare": A Slave Rebellion in Colonial Venezuela.

Marakowitz, Ellen. Gender and Nationalism in Finland: The Domestication of the National Narrative.

McLaughlin, Irene C. Colonialism, Cattle, and Class: A Century of Ranching on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation.

Mescher, Gary W. Fisheries Industrialization and the Consequences for Small-Scale Fisherman: The Weir Fishermen of New Brunswick’s Bay of Fundy Shore.

Nagle, Robin A. On Earth as it is in Heaven: Narrative, Ritual and the Construction of Faith in Northeast Brazil.

Putra, Heddy Shri Ahimsa. The Politics of Agrarian Change and Clientelism in Indonesia: Bantaeng, South Sulawesi, 1883 to 1990 (vol.s 1 and 2).

Ruf, Gregory A. Pillars of the State: Laboring Families, the Structuring of Authority, and the Crafting of Community in West Chinca Village, 1930-1990.

Scandlyn, Jean Naomi. When the Social Contract Fails: Intergenerational and Interethnic Conflict in an American Suburban School District (vol.s 1 and 2).

Weisgrau, Maxine. Social and Political Relations of Development: NGOS and Adivasis in Rajasthan.

Xia, Ningsheng. Chinese/English Bilingual Communication.


Bushell, William C. Psychophysiological and Cross Cultural Dimensions of Ascetico-Meditational Practices: Special Reference to the Christian Hermits of Ethiopia and Application to Theory in Anthropology and Relgious Studies (vol.s I and II).

Herrera, Jesus . "Free as a Hare": A Slave Rebellion in Colonial Venezuela.

Murphy, Eugene Thomas. WillowPond Village: Family, Marriage, and Social Stratification in a Yangzi Delta Farming Community.

Pires-Hester, Laura J. A Study of Cape Verdean-American Ethnic Development: The Emergence of Bilateral Diaspora Ethnicity and its Impact in a Southeastern New England Locality.

Watson, Carol J. Women and the Development Apparatus in Chad: A Critical Analysis of Institutions and Ideologies in Action with Case Studies from UNICEF.


Blincoe, Deborah A. Miniatures of the Upper Delaware: The Delineation of a Regional Aesthetic Category.

Kyle, Christopher. The Ecology and Political Economy of Maize in Upper Rio Atempa Basin, Gurerrero, Mexico.

Robins, Steven L. The Social Impact of a Resettlement in Zimbabwe.

Rubenstein, Steven Lee. Death in a Distant Place /or/ The Politics of Shuar Shamanism, (vol.s I and II).

Shapiro, Jill S. A Craniometric Analysis of Subspecific Variation in Pongo: Implications for Hominoid Evolution.

Stevens, Carolyn S. A Purehabu with a View: Volunteer Activities and Social Marginality in Urban Japan.

Sundar, Nandini. In Search of Gunda Dhur: Colonialism of Conflict in Bastar Central India, 1854-1993.

Weiss, Martin D. Japanese Immigrants in Brazil: A Quantitative Study of Two Postwar Africultural Colonies.


Cameron, Louisa. White Collar Women in the Japanese Workplace.

Wagner, Catherine C. Burden of Dreams: History Memory and the Making of National Identity in Post-Soviet Union.

Williams, Dee Mack. Subjective Landscapes and Resource Management on the Chinese Grasslands of Inner Mongolia.


Bornstein, Avram. Give Me Your Identity: Palestinian Border Struggles in the West Bank.

de Carvalho, Joao Filipe Soutelo Soeiro. Choral Musics in Maputo: Urban Adaptation, Nation Building and the Performance of Identity.

Edell, James M. Political Control of a ‘Throw Away’ Population. Examination of Sex Education in Foster Care.

Ramos-Zayas, Ana Y. Nationalistic Ideologies, Ethnic Ideologies, Ethnic Identity and “Community Building” Among Puerto Ricans in Chicago.

Rosenblum, Lisa L. Population Genetics and Molecular Evolution of Pigtail Macaques and Silver Leaf Monkey.

Snyder, Corinna A. Locating Crosses in Lithuania.


Eitzen, Hilda. Scenarios of Statehood: Media and State Ceremonials in Kazakstan.

Kanaaneh, Rhoda. Conceiving Difference: Gender, Class, Nation and Family Planning in the Galilee.

Walker, Drew. Naming the Cause: A Cultural Critique of the Alzheimer's State.

Zhang, Hong. Social Transformations, Family Life, and Uxorilocal Marriages in a Hubei Village, 1870-1994.


Clemons, Eric W. Transcending National Identity: Foreign Employees and Organizational Management in Corporate Japan.

McLean, Stuart J. The Event and its Terrors: Memory Transformation and Death in Narratives of the Irish Famine.

Matthews, Christopher N. An Archaeology of History and Tradition: Anapolis and the Making of the Modern Landscape.

Isabelle F. Rey-Lescure. The Party-State and Society: The Dynamics of the Encounter Between the Party-State and the Family in Northeast China.


Cuddy, Thomas W. Socioeconomic Integration of the Classis Maya State: Political and Domestic Economies in a Residential Neighborhood.

Fashing, Peter J. Behavior and Ecology of Abyssinian Black and White Colobus Monkeys (Colobus guereza) in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya.

Gathua, Joel Mwangi. Intraspecific Variation in Foraging Patterns of Redtail Monkeys (Cerocopithecus ascanius) in the Kakamega Forest, Kenya.

Hoffman, Katherine E. The Place of Language: Song, Talk and Land in Southwestern Morocco.

Jackson, John L. Doing Harlem: Practicing Race and Class on Post Civil Rights America.

Lennon, Chauncy H. Home Rule.

MacLachlan, Elizabeth Naoko. National Television News in Japan: A Production Study.

Swedell, Larissa. Social Behavior and Reproductive Strategies of Female Hamadryas Baboons, Papio hamadryas hamadryas, in Ethiopia.

Tosi, Anthony J. Evolutionary Relationships Among Members of the Genus Macaca as Inferred from Paternal, Maternal, and Biparental Molecular Markers.

Yuan, Michael S. Perikymata Counts in Two Modern Human Sample Populations.


Ellis, Catherine. The Legacy of Jim Crow in Rural Louisiana.

Hancock, Nelson C. Ethnicity and State Measures: Social and Political Constructions of Kamchadal Identity, 1700-2000.

Kim, Hanna H. Being Swaminarayan: The Ontology and Significance of Belief in the Construction of a Gujurati Diaspora.

MdZain, Badrul M. Molecular Systematics of the Genus Presbytis.

Weidman, Amanda J. The Politics of Classical Music in South India.


Gifford, Clarence C. Imperial Negotiations in the Northern Calchaqui Valley.

Jordan, Kurt A. Settlement, Housing and Economy at a Disparate Seneca Community, ca 1715-1754.

Karkazis, Katrina A. Beyond Treatment: Mapping the Connections among Genitals, Gender and Sexuality in Recent Controversies Inter-sexuality.

Perez-Sweeney, Beatriz. Lion Tamarin Conservation and Genetics.

Porcu, Leide. The Way We Deal with Harsh Reality: The Rhetorics of Stealing, Selling, Hoarding and Humor at the Fish Market of Cagliari.

Ramsey, Kate. Performances of Prohibition: Law, "Superstition," and National Modernity in Haiti.

Valderrama, Ximena. Population Structure in Wedge-capped Capuchin Monkeys.

Varzi, Roxanne. Visionary Terrains of Post-revolution War Iran:Youth Culture, Media and Public Space.


Abowd, Thomas P. Landscape Exclusion.

Arai, Andrea G. Effects of Time and Value: The Child, Modernity and Turn-of-the-Century Japan.

Bayo, Holsey. Routes of Remembrance: The Transatlantic Slave Trade in the Ghanan Imagination.

Fisher, Melissa Suzanne Wang. Wall Street Women: Gender, Culture, and History in Global Finance.

Khan, Naveeda Ahmed. Grounding Sectarianism: Islamic Ideology and Muslim Everyday Life in Lahore, Pakistan Crica 1920s/1990s.

Kramer, Jennifer. Switchback: Art, Cultural Revival and Nuxalk National Identity. in Bella Cola, British Columbia.

Lele, Veerendra P. The Archaeology of Identity in Aran.

McCabe, Marikay. Parameters of the Public Commercial and Legal Topographies of 19th Century Havana, Cuba.

Peluso, Daniela M. Ese Eja Epona: Women’s Social Power in Multiple and Hybrid Worlds.

Seif, Huda. Castes and Outcastes: Domination and Allegories of Resentment.

Sherwood, Chester C. Co-Evolution of Communication and the Brain in Primates: Evidence from Brainstem and Motor Cortex.

Warfield, James J. Individual Differences in Infant Rhesus Macaque Attachment Behavior.

Zamindar, Vazira. Divided Families and the Making of Nation-hood in India and Pakistan.


Allen, Jafari. Counterpoint: Black Masculinities, Sexuality and Self-Making in Contempoary Cuba.

Arai, Andrea G. Effects of Time and Value: The Child, Modernity and Turn-of-the-Century Japan.

Buzzard, Paul J. Assessing the Effects of Interspecific Competition in Tai guenons.

Gupta, Pamila. The Relic State: St. Francis Xavier and the Politics of Ritual in Portuguese India.

Khan, Naveeda A. Grounding Sectarianism: Islamic Ideology and Muslim Everyday Life in Lahore, Circa 1920s/1990s.

Mitchell, Lisa A. From Medium to Marker: The Making of a Mother Tongue in Modern South India.

Myrivili, Eleni. The Liquid Border: Subjectivity at the Limits of the Nation-State in Southeast Europe.

Neuman, Dard A. A House of Music: The Hindustani Musicians and the Crafting of Traditions.

Ruppel, Kristin T. Nations Undivided, Indian Land Unearthed: The Dis-Owining of US Federal India Trust.

Sangchantr, Sasimar. Social Organization and Ecology of Mentawai Leaf Monkeys.

Subiaul, Francys. Assessing the Initiative Abilities of Humans and Non-Human Primates.

Sutton, Wendy Ann Swanson. Economic and Social Change During a Critical Transition: The Protohistoric in the Powder River Basin and Big Horn Mountains.

Unsal, Deniz. The Multicultural Ordeal: Race, Nation and Sexuality in Dutch Postcoloniality.


Brown, Emily J. Instruments of Power: Musical Performance in Rituals of the Ancestral Puebloans of the American Southwest.

Miller, Thomas. Songs from the House of the Dead: Sound, Shamans and Collecting in the North Pacific (1900-2000).

Oushakine, Serguei. The Patriotism of Despair: Symbolic Economies, National Memory, and Communities of Loss in Russia.


De la Cruz, Deirdre. All His Instruments: Mary, Miracles, and the Media in the Catholic Philippines.

Gandolfo, Daniella. The City at Its Limits: Taboo, Transgression, and Urban Renewal in Lima, Peru.

Huq, Maimuna. The Politics of Belief: Women’s Islamic Activism in Bangladesh.

Kernaghan, Richard. Coca’s Gone: An Ethnography of Time and the Political in Peru’s Upper Huallaga Valley.

Lazzari, Marissa. Traveling Things and the Production of Social spaces: An Archaeological Study of Circulation and Value in North Western Argentina.

Ochoa, Todd R. The Living and the Dead in a Cuban-Congo Sacred Society.

Obarrio, Juan Manuel. The Spirit of the Laws in Mozambique.

Zitzewitz, Karin. The Aesthetics of Secularism: Modernist Art and Visual Culture in India.


Boozer, Anna. Housing Empire: The Archaeology Of Daily Life In Roman Amheida, Egypt.

Chaturvedi, Ruchi. Down By Law: Violence and the Work of Politics in Kerala, South India.

Haniffa, Fathima. In Search of an Ethical Self in a Beleaguered Context: Middle ClassMuslims in Contemporary Sri Lanka.

Hatcher, Jeffrey. Paternity and Population Genetics in Blue Monkeys, Cercopithecus Mitis Stuhlmanni: Methods for Non-Invasive DNA Sampling, Strategies for Laboratory Analysis and an Assessmentof the Role of Paternity in the Microevolution of a Local Population in Western Kenya.

Horowitz, Mara. Monumentality and Social Transformation at Late Bronze I Phlamoudhi-Vounari, Cyprus.

Meeker, Lauren. Musical Transmissions: Folk Music, Mediation, and Modernity in Northern Vietnam.

Campbell, Michael C. Worldwide Survey of Haplotype Variation and Linkage Disequilibrium at the Sort 1 and Sorl 1 Genes: Implications for Human Demographic History, Modern Human Origins and Complex Disease.

Cook, Matthew Alain. After Annexation: Colonialism and Sindh During the 1840s After Annexation:Colonialism and Sindh Duringthe 1840s.

Lukic, Dejan. Inscriptions of the Apparitional: Interrogating Ex-Yugoslavia.

Pahwa, Sonali.  Staging Difference: An Ethnography of New Generation Egyptian Theatre.

Spadola, Emilio. Rites of Reception:The Jinnsin Moroccan Mass Society.

Talebi, Shahla. Discriminatory Discourses of Self-Sacrifice and Martydom: State and Dissident Martyrs in Post-Revolutionary Iran.

Wu, Kaming. Specter of the Folk:The Making of Culture in Contemporary China.


Bridges, Khiara. Reproducing Race, an Ethnography of Pregnancy as a Site of Racialization.

Costley, Alex W. “I Can Manage”: The Measure and the Meaning of Daily Life Amongthe Elderly of Washington Heights in New York City.

Chaney, Ryan D. Signing Sounds of the South: Performing “Heritage” and Representing Culture in Appalachia Virginia.

Çubukçu,Ayça."Humanity must be Defended?" 

Dewan, Jennifer. The Practice of Politics: Feminism, Activism and Social Change in Ireland.

Drybread, Kristen. Funeral Rights:An Ethnography of the Physical Lives and Social Deaths of Brazilian “Street Children"

Erdur, Oguz. Nietsche and the Neolithic: An Excavation Diary.

Grey, Jacquelyn L. Beyond Words: Interrogating Violence on the Island of Noepe.

Hasinoff, Erin Louise. Seeing Through Things: Material Burma,The Missionary Exhibit and its Object Lessons.

Hopkins, Drew. Junctures: An Historical Ethnography of Networking and Surviving in the Mountains of Western Fujium.

Kabamba, Patience. Trading on War: New Forms of Life in the Debris of the State.

Koga, Yukiko. The Double Inheritance: The Afterlife of Colonial Modernity in the Cities of Former “Manchuria.”

Linn, Meredith. From Typus to Tuberculosis and Fractures in between: A Visceral Historical Archaeology of Irish Immigrant Life in New York City 1845-1870.

Nakamura, Carolyn Matsuko. The Matter of Magic: Material Figures of Memory and Protection in Neu Assyrian Apotropaic Figurine Rituals (First Millenium BC).

Naqvi, Syed N. Mourning Indo-Muslim Modernity: Moments in Post-Colonial Urdu Literacy Culture.

Roberts, Nathaniel. The Power of Conversion and the Foreignness of Belonging: Domination
and Moral Community in a Paraiyar Slum.Britt, Kelly.
Lancaster Renaissance:Urban Revitalization, Heritage, Tourism, and Community Archaeology.

Chang, Ho-jun. Economy Compromised, Law Contested:The Social/Cultural Construction of Informality/Illegality in Beijin’s Zhongguancun, China.

Collins, Rodney William James.From Coffee to Manhood: Grounds for Exchange in the Tunisian Coffeehouse, CA 1898-2008.

Erami, Narges. Rates of Influence:Revolution, Religion, and Ritual in a Holy Iranian City.


Fisch, Michael Adam. Dissertation Title:Commuting Times:Modernity on the Rails in Contemporary Japan

Harmon, Brian Duane. Opening Luzhou:Representation, Visuality, and Consumer.

Holmberg, Karen Geneil. Nature, Material, Culture, and the Volcano: The Archaeological of the Volcán Barú in Highland Chiriquí, Panamá.

Kapadia, Anush Darius. States, Markets and Control Mechanisms:Monetary Politics in India.

Kim, David Jee-Yoon. Divining Capital:Spectral Returns and the Commodification of Fate

Krishnan, Rajan. Cultures of Indices:Anthropology of Tamil and other Cinemas.

Merabet, Sofian. Social Transformations in a War Torn City:The Production of Queer Spaces and the Formation of Identities in Post Civil-war, Beirut

Nadkarni, Maya. Remains of Socialism:Memory and National Identity in Postsocialist

Olesen, Morten Sylvest. The Discursive Dimensions of the Sri Lankan Conflict.

Plourde, Lorraine D. Difficult Music: An Ethnography of Listening for the Avant-Garde in Tokyo.

Sime, Jennifer N. The Long Night of Stone:From National Catholicism to Cultural Heritage on the Camino de Santiago.

Weiss, Lindsay Moira. Diamond Mine:Diamond Yours:Illegal Diamonds Buying on the Late 19th Century Diamond Fields and its Relationship to Apartheid Landscapes of South Africa.


Bardawil, Fadi A. Why all that is Revolution Melts into Air.” The Disenchantment of Levantine Marxists.

Buyuksarac, Guldem Baykal. "The Politics of Loss and the Poetics of Melancholy: A Case Study on Iraqi Turkmen"?

Garriga-Lopez, Adriana M. Viral Citizens: The Coloniality of HIV/AIDS in Puerto Rico.

Dinovelli-Lang, Danielle. Nature Value and Territory in Alaskan Subsistance Politics: The View from Brown Bear Bay.

Kilroy-Marac, Kathleen P. The Impossible Inheritance:Memory and Postcolonial Subjectivity at the Fann Psychiatric Hospital in Dakar, Senegal.

Latif, Nadia. Kinship, Narrative and Belonging to Place: Home and Homeland in a Palestinian Refugee Camp.

Lazzari, Axel César. Autonomy in Apparitions: Phantom Indian, Selves, and Freedom (on the Rankülche in Argentina).

Matthew Palus. Materialities of Government: A Historical Archaeology of Infrastructure in Annapolis and Eastport, 1865-1961.

Paidipaty, Poornima. Tribal Nation:Politics and the Making of Anthropology in India, 1874-1967.

Skrydstrup, Martin Christian Hugo. Once Ours:The Making and Unmaking of Claims to Cultural Property.

Sriramachandran, Ravindran. Life is where we are not: Making the Tamil Coolie.

Uperesa, Lisaclaire Fa’anofo. Fabled Futures:Development, Gridiron Football and Transnational Movements in American Samoa.

Von Schnitzler, Anna.Liberation in a Time of Neoliberalism: Citizenship, Technology and Politics in Post-Apartheid South Africa.

Wu, Yi. Transforming Rural Land Ownership in Southwest China:Local Government, Village Collectives, and Rural Households in Conflict and Negotiation.


Pecelli, Morgan V.Tendrils of Lost Prime and the Self: An Aesthetic Anthropology of New York City’s “Post” Avant Garde.

Guessous, Nadia. Geneologies of Feminism:  Leftist Feminist Subjectivity in the Wake of the Islamic Revival in Contemporary Morocco.

Leal, Alejandra. For the Enjoyment of all:  Cosmopolitan Aspirations, Urban Encounters and Class Boundaries in Mexico City

Suren Pillay.  The Assassination of Mathew Goniwe and the Cradock Four: Mediation of Pain and Suffering in the Apartheid Colony.

Saleh, Zainab. Iraqui Exiles in the U.K.: Nation-Building, Violence and Identity

Ayyathurai, Gajendran. Foundations of Anti-Caste Discourse:  Tamil Buddhism and the Marginalized in South Asia

Blanton, Anderson Hall. Hittin’ the Prayer Bones:  Materialities of Faith in Southern Appalachia

Jennings, Ronald C. Dusko Tadic, Cosmopolitan Subject:  The Global Criminal Tribunals, the Globalization of the Political, and the New Nomos of the Earth


Abelin, Mireille S. Fiscal sovereignty:  Reconfigurations of value and citizenship in post-financial crisis in Argentina.

Arumugam, Sivakumar V. Cricket after Liberalization:  Tracing Affect, Body, and Number

Carter, Jon. H. Splendor of Ruins:  Gangs, State, and Crime in Honduras

Gaitan, Felipe Ammann. Daring Trade: An Archaeology of the Slave Trade in Late 17th-Century Panama (1663-1674)

Hatsumi, Kaori. War and Bereavement:  A Fishing Village in Sri Lanka

Hohman, Kathryn Anne. Brooklyn Country: Class, Culture and the Politics of 'Alternativity' 

Loan, Nadia. Critical Readings:  Devotional Reflections in the Pursuit of Quranic Understanding in Contemporary Pakistan

Mishra, Vishnupad. Parables of the Market:  Advertising, Middle Class, and Consumption in Post-Reform India.

Tomas, Antonio A.   Refracted Governmentality: Space, Politics, and Social Structure in Contemporary Luanda.



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