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Sheldon Scheps Memorial Library
Sheldon Scheps Memorial Library

Reading Room
Friday Seminar Series
Library Hours

The Sheldon Scheps Memorial Library
at the Anthropology Department

  Room 457 Schermerhorn Extension

Sheldon Scheps Memorial Library is named after a graduate student in Anthropology, who died while in residence in the Department. Sheldon was well known on the Columbia campus and was enormously popular with staff, faculty and students. When he died his family provided funds to start a student library, and over the years faculty and alumni have donated many books and journals to this facility. The library is for the students and is staffed by graduate students in the department.

Scheps has two functions: as a reading room for graduate and undergraduate students and as the host for the Friday Seminar Series. Both are overseen by the faculty advisor, aided by work study students. Scheps operation is monitored by students of the department in this order:

1) Incoming Ph.D. students (provided that the cohort is large enough).
2) M.A. students eligible for work study.
3) M.A. volunteers non-eligible for work study (they receive a modest compensation depending on need and availability of funds).
4) Volunteer Ph. D. students who have finished their course requirements.

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Reading Room: This is the fundamental function of Scheps. The reading room operates every day, please see hours posted below (Fridays to 12:00) except for weekends, starting the third week of classes and ending the last day of the reading period in May. The Reading Room stays closed during the Boas Seminar, the Friday Series Seminar, and during all University Holidays. The reading room houses books, journals, MA Theses, Ph.D. Dissertations, and holds course packets, that can be broadly taxonomized and classified as follows:

: All the books are taxonomized geographically (Americas, Africa, the Middle East, Pacific Islands, the Subcontinent, Europe) and books under these categories comprise ethnographies of historical importance. These books are found on the shelves that flank the two seminar tables. On the reading stand are current periodicals, current reading packets, and very old books (mainly ethnographies and travelogues up to the 1930s). On the back shelves are the following categories: History of anthropology, Theory, Gender and Feminism, Religion and Magic, Race, Paradigms, Anthropology and Psychoanalysis, Mass Media and Performance Theory, Theory of War and Resistance Movements.

: We have almost complete collections of all the major journals (AA, AE, Cultural Anthropology, Current Anthropology), a decent number of issues of theory journals (Critical Inquiry, Daedalus, October, New Left Review, Journal of Philosophy), and a few errant issues of area-specific or theme-specific journals.

Ph. D. and Master’s Theses
: Master’s Theses are placed in the glass bookshelf in the far end of the reading room, and Ph.D. Dissertations are all around the top shelves of the bookcases.

Reading Packets
: Current reading packets are placed in boxes on the reading stand. Copies of past reading packets can be found in the wooden file cabinet under the title of the course. We ask faculty in the beginning of the academic year to go through those holdings before they order new packets, and also at the end of the academic year we ask them to donate their packets to be placed there for future use and reference.

The collection has been electronically catalogued.

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Friday Seminar Series: It comprises: Seminars given by faculty (ours, visitors from other departments, and visitors from other Universities) who cannot be accommodated in the Boas Seminar and the Wednesday Faculty Workshop but with whom we would very much like to engage in a critical exchange; presentations made by graduate students; and screenings of interviews with major thinkers conducted for the Series Paths of Thought (for the Greek Public Television). We have a very modest budget for a lunch that precedes the seminar. The lunch takes place in the student lounge and the seminar itself in the reading room. The seminar starts at 12:45 and officially ends at 2:00, although the discussion usually goes on much longer than that.

Since the beginning of the Seminar Series Scheps has hosted the following scholars (in alphabetical order):

Alex Alland (Columbia University, Anthropology Department)
Gil Anidjar (Columbia University, MEALAC)
Melissa Cefkin (IBM)
Steve Coleman (University of Cork)
Virginia Jackson (The New School for Social Research)
Henrietta Moore (LSE)
Penelope Papaelias (University of Thessaly, Greece/co-sponsored with Hellenic Studies, Harriman Institute)
Mary Louise Pratt (NYU)
Renato Rosaldo (NYU)
Antonio Lauria Pericelli (NYU-Gallatin)
Renata Selecl (LSE/Ljubliana)
Sam Weber (Northwestern/co-sponsored with Architecture, English, CCLS)
Richard Wilson (University of Connecticut)

Scheps is also organizing colloquia. Radical Politics and the Ethics of Life is the first in the series with the following participants:

Bill Ayers (UIC)
Bernardine Dohrn (Northwestern)
Sally Bermanzohn (CUNY)
Stathis Gourgouris (UCLA)
Georgy Katsiaficas (WIT)
Robin Kelley (Columbia, Anthropology)
Ritty Lukose (U of Pennsylvania)
Beth Povinelli (Columbia, Anthropology)
Felicity Scott (UC, Irvine)
Gayatri Spivak (Columbia, CCLS/English)
Jeremy Varon (Drew University)

The fundamental premise on which the series was conceptualized was the need to develop an informal space of intellectual exchange where students and faculty could engage in critical exchange of ideas, and with each other’s work. For this reason we asked faculty to present work-in-progress, rather than finished or published work. In terms of the student presentations we have been able to pair students with faculty who are not involved with the student’s work.

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