Summer Funding

You may apply to the department for funding (usually about $2,500 maximum) for summer preparatory research or language study. Support comes from the department’s Scheps fund and from GSAS. A brief proposal and a budget must be submitted in the spring.

Funding for summer research and training early in one’s graduate career is meant to promote theoretically and methodologically refined and highly feasible dissertation research proposals, based on enhanced language skills, preliminary visits to potential sites and archives, and contacts with colleagues and research institutions.

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Work-study jobs are available in the department and at other locations on campus. You need first to establish your eligibility with the Graduate School (107 Low Library).  You can then see Joyce Monges for possible openings in the department.  Be sure to get the eligibility paperwork done early.  Such funding is only available to United States citizens and permanent residents.

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Annual Form for Department Funding

Every year you must request support for the next year.  Failure to submit the required form, even when in the field, indicates that you do not intend to be enrolled or do not need financial assistance during the semester.  Resources that might have been available to you could be allocated to other students in need.  Do not delay in submitting the form if you plan to be continuing in the program.

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Applications for External Funding

GSAS requires all students receiving or requesting fellowship aid to apply to at least two external sources for support for their graduate study.    These may include FLAS awards available from some of the regional institutes at Columbia.  See below for information about grant applications.

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