Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 3)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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contains a list of the leading hotels, schools, courts, theatres, and pubhc buildings, as well
as the piers, ferries, etc.

The west side of the island above 5gth Street appears in its undeveloped state. On the
opposite shore of New Jersey may be seen the Elysian Fields, at Hoboken, for many years
a favourite resort of New Yorkers,

Reproduced here for the first time.

Plate 155-a

[Panoramic View of New York from the Post Office]
Photograph by W. W. Silver,                                                     Date depicted: 1874.

102 Fulton Street, New York.
Owner: John N. Golding, Esq.
Other copy: N. Y. Hist. Society.

The copy of this photograph In the N. Y. Hist, Society, presented on April 29, 1875, by
Edmund Blunt, Jr., bears the following title, in manuscript: "Photographic View of New
York city taken from the Roof of the New Post Office 1874."

At the extreme left of the photograph Is seen the unfinished top of the Post Office, be¬
yond which appears the Western Union Building, on the north-west corner of Broadway
and Dey Street, in process of construction. This building, which was an example of early
so-called iron fireproof construction, was begun in 1872 and completed in 1875. To the
right appear St. Paul's Chapel and the upper storey and roof of the Astor House, on Broad¬
way between Vesey and Barclay Streets. The two streets running west, seen above the Astor
House, are, of course, Barclay Street and Park Place, while Broadway and the City Hall
occupy the centre of the photograph. Back of the City Hall appears the County Court
House, begun in 1861 and first occupied In 1867; and, on the corner of Broadway and Cham¬
bers Street, Stewart's drygoods store. To the right of the City Hall is the Hall of Records,
formerly the Gaol, back of which is the Staats Zeltung Building, In the triangle bounded by
Chambers and Centre Streets and Park Row.

The building on the north-east corner of Frankfort Street and Park Row is French's
Hotel. The Tribune Building, on the corner of Spruce Street and Park Row, is shown under
construction, next to which appears the Times Building on the corner of Nassau Street.

The shot tower at 63-65 Centre Street (built In 1854 and demolished in 1908) Is seen
above the roof of the County Court House, and the shot tower in the rear of 82 Beekman
Street appears just south of the New York pier of the Brooklyn Bridge. This latter tower
was erected In 1858-9 and demolished In 1907,

Reproduced here for the first time.

Plate 155-b

Sanitary & Topographical Map of the City and Island of New York

[The Viele IVlap]

Lithograph.                                         63 x 17^^                          Date depicted: 1864.

Author: Egbert L. Viele.                                                            Date issued: 1865.

Publishers: D. Appleton & Co.
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