Stokes, I. N. Phelps The iconography of Manhattan Island 1498-1909 (v. 5)

(New York :  Robert H. Dodd,  1915-1928.)



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City and by many of its wealthy and Infiucntid citizens, praying
that the embargo, which, on April 4 (qv.), had been laid for 90
days on American shipping, be continued, and urging that non¬
importation laws would produce aU the benefits of war, whUe
preventing its calamities.—Guernsey, JV. Y. City & Vicinity
duringthe War of iSi2-iS,!- 17; WUson, Afm. Hfii. o/A'. T.,
HI:  234-35.  SeeJe 18.

After visiting the brideweU, tbe jail, and the Collect, tbe grand
jury makes certain suggestions to the common council regarding
improveraents in sanitation. Two rooms in the bridewdl, one con¬
taining 61 white feraalea; and one, 36 black females, are too
crowded, and more roora is recoraraended.

With regard to the Collect, they "find rauch to coraplain ot;
beridea great quantities of stagnant water it aeems to be raade the
common place of deposit for dead animals k filth of aU kinda, where
they are left to corrupt the air and endanger the health of the

City; besides all this, the Cdlars in tbe neighborhood & particularly   June
in tiie lower end of Orange Street are fiUed with water, w'^^ from    15
its appearance has been in them some time, tor aU which reasons
they present the said Collect as a pubUc nuisance to the city."—
Af. C. C. (1784-1831), VU:  168-69.

On June 22, the common council agreed upon recommendations
for remedying the evils at the Collect, both in tbe public and private
lots. It was decided that the cdlars in Little Water St. and Orange
St. should be &lled.—Ibid; VU:  178.

The comraon council requests that a warrant be issued to John    "
Youle tor four box stoves tor the city hall—Af. C. C. (1784-1831),
VII: 175-

The City Bank of New York Is incorporated,—Laiui ofN. Y.    16
{1812), chap. 175.  This bank was organized to replace the First
Bank of the U. S., whose charter expired in 1811 (q,V; Mr 4).—
N. Y. Times, Jl 18, 1921.  See Je 23.
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