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The Heart of the Enterprise

Some Research Projects at the School of Social Work
(Under Way or Completed in 2000)

Domestic Violence and Urban Preschool Children
Focus: Impact of witnessing domestic violence on the behavioral and emotional functioning of children ages 3 to 5. The research will inform the development of age-appropriate and empirically-based intervention
Funding: National Institute of Mental Health
Principal investigator: Ellen DeVoe, assistant professor

Economically Disadvantaged Youth and Alcohol Abuse Prevention
Focus: Identify factors that contribute to and predict substance and alcohol abuse in different subgroups of Latino pre-adolescents in order to develop culturally grounded interventions
Funding: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Addiction
Principal investigator: Professor Steven Schinke and Claudia Moreno, assistant professor

Evaluating "Beyond Emergency Relief" and Assessing the Well-being of Soup Kitchens
Focus: Effectiveness of New York City Community Trust's "Beyond Emergency Relief" program, which provides grants to a number of emergency soup kitchens and shelters to promote self-sufficiency among those served
Funding: New York City Community Trust
Principal investigator: James Kunz, assistant professor (with Professor Irwin Garfinkel)

Hartford Geriatric Social Work Faculty Scholar
Focus: Self-health care by African-American elders in New York City
Funding: John A. Hartford Foundation of New York City and the Gerontological Society of America
Principal investigator: J. Denise Burnette, associate professor

HIV Prevention with Minority Women and Male Sex Partners
Focus: Evaluate effectiveness of a social-cognitive preventive intervention designed to assist low-income African-American and Latina women and their main sexual partners in the South Bronx
Funding: National Institute of Mental Health
Principal investigator: Nabila El-Bassel, associate professor

Medical Application High Precision in Body Composition
Focus: Quality of life self-assessments of normal, obese, and HIV-infected individuals in AIDS and obesity clinics
Funding: National Institutes of Health
Principal investigator: Richard Pierson, professor of clinical medicine, and Ada Mui, associate professor of social work, with Marianne Yoshioka, associate professor of social work

Promoting Urban Child Mental Health and Service Use
Focus: Examine factors that influence the mental health of low-income African-American children as well as their involvement in mental health prevention and intervention programs
Funding: National Institute of Mental Health
Principal investigator: Mary McKay, associate professor

Quality Assurance Reviews of Union Assistance Programs
Focus: Development of more effective response to substance abuse in the mass transit workplace
Funding: New York City Transit Authority
Principal investigator: Sheila Akabas, professor

Welfare Reform Devolution and Well-being in New York City
Focus: Immediate and ultimate consequences of welfare reform: (1) changes in households' sources and levels of external support; and (2) changes in individual and family well-being
Funding: Ford Foundation
Principal investigator: Irwin Garfinkel, Mitchell Ginsberg Professor of Contemporary Urban Problems


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