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Raye Barbieri

Second Year Advisor

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Raye Barbieri currently serves as the Director of Implementation for the Center for Court Innovation, a non-profit think tank that helps courts and criminal justice agencies aid victims, reduce crime and improve public trust in justice. Ms. Barbieri is currently responsible for developing, planning and implementing a host of new initiatives each year while overseeing several problems-solving community court projects including the Harlem Community Justice Center and Bronx Community Solutions. Recently, Ms Barbieri has developed and launched two highly regarded alternative-to-detention programs in New York City: Queens Engagement Strategies for Teens (QUEST) and Project READY, in Staten Island. Beyond project management and community engagement work, Ms. Barbieri also provides ongoing guidance for the Center regarding policy development and quality assurance for the provision of social services and programming at all sites. Since 1994, Ms. Barbieri has held numerous positions at various Center for Court Innovation projects including the Midtown Community Court and the Brooklyn Treatment Court. She also served as Director of the Manhattan Family Treatment Court and the Harlem Community Justice Center. Prior to joining the Center, Ms. Barbieri served as a social worker with the Legal Aid Society’s Parole Revocation Defense Unit.

Ms. Barbieri is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Columbia University School of Social Work. She has taught Advocacy as well as Advance Generalist Programming and Practice foundations course. She holds a BSW from Wheelock College in Boston and an MSW from Columbia University.

Last updated October 12, 2010.

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