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Barry Chafkin

First Year Advisor

Email: [email protected]

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Barry Chaffkin, LCSW is CEO and co- founder for CT Wocat (Changing The World One Child At a Time). Mr. Chaffkin has worked in child welfare for over 20 years and has directly supervised the reunification of over 900 children with their families as well as the finalized adoptions of over 900 children from the New York foster care system.

Mr. Chaffkin is a nationally recognized speaker and trainer and was named Adoption Activist of the Year in August 2005 by the North American Council on Adoptable Children.

Mr. Chaffkin is an adjunct lecturer at the Columbia University School of Social Work in New York City and has guest lectured in Family Counseling at St. Joseph’s College in Patchogue, N. Y.

Mr. Chaffkin believes strongly that every child deserves a safe and permanent family. All of those who work with children can Change The World One Child At a Time…So that one child can change the world.

1255 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027   |   (212) 851-2300   |   [email protected]