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Professor Kamerman Presents to UNESCO/Council of Europe

CUSSW's Professor Sheila B. Kamerman presented a paper entitled "Welfare States, Family Policies, Early Childhood Education, Care and Family Support" at a UNESCO / Council of Europe Consultation Meeting in Budapest, Hungary in September. The meeting, entitled "Family Support Policy in Central and Eastern Europe" was aimed at educating government officials from ministries of education, health, and social welfare, from 22 of the CEE and CIS countries about the gamut of policy options and, specifically, those that would be most appropriate for these countries given their structure, history and culture.

In addition to presenting her paper, which is being distributed via the UNESCO web site, Dr. Kamerman chaired two sessions, was key in facilitating discussion among the participants, and aided in preparing the summary recommendations.

McVickar Hall, 622 West 113th Street, New York, New York 10025   |   (212) 854-4088   |   [email protected]