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CUSSW Welcomes 2003 SOROS Fellows

This fall, CUSSW welcomed the eight newest Soros Fellows to the School. The 2003-04 Soros Fellows class hails from Tajikistan, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. Among them is an Oxfam-GB advocacy and lobbying consultant and two trained doctors, and their collective interests range from reorganizing the jail system in Kazakhstan and introducing family therapy in Mongolia, to remedying the HIV / AIDS epidemic in Uzbekistan and lowering unemployment levels in Tajikistan. CUSSW is one of only two schools of social work nationwide to have been chosen to participate in this Open Society-funded program. The product of a collaboration between CUSSW and directors of the Open Society Institute (OSI), the Soros Fellowship program at CUSSW provides social work training for these individuals with the intent that they will implement reform, create policy and foster the development of social work in their respective native countries. They join eight other Soros Fellows who are now in their second year at the School.

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