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Visiting Scholar to Speak

Dr. Dalmar D. Hoskins, the first Visiting Scholar of 2003, gave a presentation on the future of social security on Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at Columbia University's Faculty House. View video.

Dr. Hoskins has served as Secretary General of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) since his election to the post in May 1990. Headquartered in Switzerland, the ISSA brings together the government departments, public and private institutions responsible for administering statutory social security programs throughout the world. It serves as a clearinghouse for information on all aspects of social security and assists member organizations in their efforts to improve their administrative and policy-making capacities.

Dr. Hoskins received his master's and Ph.D. in political science from the University of Michigan, with additional studies at the University of Tokyo and the Sorbonne. Before assuming the post of Secretary General at the ISSA he occupied a series of posts in the US Government, including Director of the Office of Policy Development at the Social Security Administration; Director of the Office of Public Trustees of Social Security and Medicare; Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Legislation in the Department of Health and Human Services; Fellow of the Employees Benefits Research Institute; and Director of the Office of International Policy at the Social Security Administration.

Dr. Hoskins is a frequent speaker at international conferences on social security reform, labor market trends, gender issues and the demographic aging of the population in industrialized and developing countries. He has served as a board member and advisor for the International Council on Social Welfare, Rehabilitation International, the UN International Institute on Aging, and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Social Law.

Read more about the Visiting Scholars Program.


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