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One of three recipients of Third Millennium Foundation Award

CUSSW recent graduate Laura Myers ’04 was named one of three winners of the Third Millennium Foundation Human Rights Fellowships. The Center for the Study of Human Rights chooses three graduating Columbia University students annually to receive the fellowships.

The Fellowship provides each student with $27,000, which funds each student to complete two 6-month internships at human rights organizations – one in a developing country, the other in an industrialized country.  This is the first year the Third Millennium Foundation Awards have been granted at Columbia University.

Laura Myers plans to work in London and later South Africa.  She will explore the application of creative education techniques and drama to anti-violence and HIV training. The Third Millennium Foundation is a private foundation whose mission is to support initiatives that promote tolerance, particularly among the young.  Laura Myers and the other Columbia Third Millennium Fellows will meet Third Millennium Fellows from other universities across the nation later in the year.

Congratulations Laura!

Lisa Ferri    
June 2, 2004   

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