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June 5, 2009

Paper on Mother's Employment after Child Birth Selected as Best Article by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

An article written by Wen-Jui Han, Chris Ruhm, Jane Waldfogel, and Elizabeth Washbrook for the June 2008 issue of the Monthly Labor Review entitled "Timing of Mother's Employment after Child Birth" was selected as the best article written by authors from outside of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

The article was selected by a group of experts from within and from outside of the BLS. The group is charged with assessing all of the articles written for the Monthly Labor Review, the principal journal of fact, analysis, and research of the BLS.

The BLS is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics. The BLS is an independent national statistical agency that collects, processes, analyzes, and disseminates essential statistical data to the American public, the U.S. Congress, other Federal agencies, State and local governments, business, and labor. The BLS also serves as a statistical resource to the Department of Labor.


About Jane Waldfogel
Jane Waldfogel is a professor of social work and public affairs at the Columbia University School of Social Work and a research associate at the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Waldfogel has written extensively about the impact of public policies on child and family well-being. Her research includes studies of work-family policies, inequality in early childhood care and education, and the black-white achievement gap.

About Wen-Jui Han
Wen-Jui Han is an associate professor at the Columbia University School of Social Work.  Han has an extensive background in the issues surrounding policies and services designed to enhance the welfare of children and their families.  She has extensive research experience in the area of child care, maternal employment, and child well-being.

About SSW
For 110 years, the Columbia University School of Social Work has been a leader in social work practice and social policy. Located in New York City, the School offers Master’s and Doctoral programs which are nationally and internationally recognized for their excellence. With a signature curriculum and far-reaching field education options, the School continues to be at the forefront of clinical and community practice, social policy and social enterprise administration, education, research and social work innovation in the 21st Century.

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