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Stephen Burke, New Dean of Development and Alumni Relations

Stephen Burke is no stranger to the art of financing non-profit endeavors. As a veteran of Columbia Business School, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, and Beth Israel Medical Center, Burke is very familiar with successful, large-scale fundraising campaigns.

Says Burke about his new position as Assistant Dean of Development and Alumni Relations, "I am delighted to have the opportunity to lead the development and alumni relations team at the Columbia School of Social Work, which has done so much to shape the social work profession and is now poised to be the leading social work school in coming years."

Burke built a career in development within the healthcare sector prior to coming to Columbia to work at the business school as a senior member of their development team. At Beth Israel Medical Center, Burke spearheaded fundraising for a long-term care facility for HIV-infected patients and played a key role in generating an unprecedented income growth of over 10% annually for five consecutive years for the United Hospital Fund. Later, Burke and his development staff raised a record-breaking $78 million for Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center. According to Burke, his years of working with New York City teaching hospitals allowed him to "see firsthand how vital social workers are to our hospitals and neighborhoods throughout New York City."

Lisa Ferri       
May 8, 2003       



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