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Sylvia Rosenberg, Medalist and CUSSW Alum, Recognized For Service by CU Alumni Federation.

The following is an excerpt from an article by Colin Morris, appearing in the Columbia Record Special 2003 Commencement Issue.

"This year's Columbia graduates join a rich legacy of alumni who are actively engaged in their diverse communities while maintaining a strong bond to Alma Mater. In honor of this spirit, eleven distinguished alumni will receive awards for their diligent work from the Columbia University Alumni Federation at the 105th Commencement Day Luncheon on May 21st in Low Library. . .

"The following is a profile of the 11 alumni medallists for 2003. . .

"Sylvia Rosenberg, Social Work '58, has been an active alumna as well as an assistant professor of social work at the School and a fieldwork supervisor at the Kingsbridge Center of the Department of Social Services. She was also chief psychiatric social worker of Presbyterian Hospital and assistant professor of clinical social sciences at the College of Physicians & Surgeons. In addition . . . she provides psychoanalytic psychotherapy for individuals and couples. A Board Certified Diplomate Emeritus, Rosenberg retired from clinical social work in 1994. For more than three decades, she has been a member of the ongoing committees of the Alumni Association. During the School's Centennial Celebration in 1998 she was an active participant on the Alumni Planning Advisory Committee. As co-chair of the Alumni Student Relations Committee, she developed the Alumni Mentoring Program, which provides services to new graduates. Rosenberg is a member of the Annual Fund's Mary Richmond Society for special donors, an active participant on the Alumni Association Development Committee, and, until recently, a member of the School's Advisory Council."

Read the complete Record article.


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