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Social Work Graduate Films PBS Documentary: 'A Brooklyn Family Tale'

Murray Nossel's film, "A Brooklyn Family Tale" (made in collaboration with Roger Weisberg) will be premiering in New York on Channel Thirteen on Thursday October 24, 2002 at 10pm.

This broadcast is the culmination of four years of ethnographic research in Sunset Park Brooklyn, where the film-makers documented the unique and inspiring practices of the Center for Family Life.

Murray was introduced to the Center for Family Life while, as a doctoral student at The Columbia University School of Social Work (CUSSW), he was a research assistant to Peg Hess and Brenda McGowan. The Center for Family Life later became the subject of his doctoral dissertation.

The founders of the Center for Family Life, Sister Mary Paul Janchill (DSW) and Sister Geraldine Tobia (MSW), are both alumni of CUSSW

To learn more about Peg Hess and Brenda McGowan's research and to further
explore the film's characters, and history, please visit:

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McVickar Hall, 622 West 113th Street, New York, New York 10025   |   (212) 854-4088   |   [email protected]