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Large research grants to CUSSW include:

  • Professor Nabila El-Bassel was awarded a National Institute on Drug Abuse grant for a Social Work Research Development (SWRD) Program to develop the profession's capacity to conduct intervention research on HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among drug-involved women, their partners, and their children. Junior researchers are being trained to do interdisciplinary research that will advance theoretically-sound HIV interventions.
  • Assistant Professor Vincent Guilamo-Ramos is the recipient of Centers for Disease Control funding for a 5-year project to develop and evaluate a school-based parent involvement intervention to prevent or reduce sexual risk behavior and tobacco use by young adolescents.
  • With NIMH support, Assistant Professor Ellen DeVoe and Barnard College Department of Psychology researchers are studying the responses of NYC parents and their young children to 9/11, their support and intervention needs, and the long-term needs of daycare providers and teachers.
  • The NIMH has granted Assistant Professor Richard Francoeur funding for an investigation to determine how "masked" depression in older adults: 1) differs in prevalence across progressive cerebrovascular disease and in diastolic hypotension; and 2) is aggravated by age, social stressors, and social isolation.
  • Professor Jane Waldfogel is the recipient of The National Institute of Children's Health and Human Development funding for researchers to study the impacts of changes to maternity, paternity, and childcare leave policies on parents' care of their children.
    McVickar Hall, 622 West 113th Street, New York, New York 10025   |   (212) 854-4088   |   [email protected]