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For Immediate Release

October 26, 2006  

Social Work Professor Receives “Best of Community” Award

New York, NY – Dr. Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, an associate professor at the Columbia University School of Social Work, has been selected to receive the 2006 Comité Noviembre “Lo Mejor de Nuestra Comunidad” [The Best of Our Community] Award.  The award honors Puerto Ricans whose pride in their heritage and strength of character have empowered themselves and inspired others to make a significant impact in Puerto Rican communities.

“My work with Puerto Rican and other Latino families is a result of my deep commitment and understanding of the contexts in which many Latinos in the United States reside. HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and unintended pregnancies too often affect young people of color, including Latinos,” says Dr. Guilamo-Ramos. “I am honored to be a recipient of the ‘Lo Mejor de Nuestra Comunidad’ Award because of its recognition that my work has significantly contributed to the wellbeing of the Puerto Rican community.”  

Established in 1987, Comité Noviembre seeks to create an awareness of the rich culture, language and heritage of the Puerto Rican community and to acknowledge its numerous contributions to this state and nation. Through Lo Mejor de Nuestra Comunidad award, Comité Noviembre recognizes outstanding individuals who are unsung heroes in the community. Past recipients of the award include Orlando Figueroa, Space Mission Director, Deputy Associate Administrator for Programs, NASA Headquarters; Ada Rodríguez, Chief Marketing Officer, Health Plus, and; Angelo Figueroa, editor-in-chief, PEOPLE en Español.

For more information or to interview Dr. Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, please contact Jeannie Yip at 212-851-2327 or [email protected]


About CUSSW (

For more than 100 years, the Columbia University School of Social Work has been the leader in practice and policy. Located in New York City, the School offers Master’s and Doctoral programs which are nationally and internationally recognized for their excellence. With a signature curriculum and far-reaching field education experience, CUSSW continues to be at the forefront of clinical practice, public policy, teaching, research and social work innovation in the 21st Century. 

About Vincent Guilamo-Ramos

Dr. Guilamo-Ramos has worked primarily with minority youth and their families. His interests are related to family based approaches to reduce adolescent risk behaviors. Dr. Guilamo-Ramos was employed at the Hetrick Martin Institute, a social service agency dedicated to meeting the unique needs of gay, lesbian, transgender, and questioning youths. In addition, he has worked at a number of New York City based social service agencies serving Latino youths and their families. Currently, Dr. Guilamo-Ramos is a national trainer on the "HIV /AIDS Spectrum Project (NASW-National Office). In this role, he has trained social workers around the country on the mental health aspects of HIV disease.

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