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Message from the Dean

October 10, 2007

Dean Jeanette Takamura's Statement on the Incident at Teachers College

Dear Members of the CUSSW Community:

You may have heard by now about the horrific, unimaginable incident that occurred yesterday at Teachers College.  As you may know, the Hate Crimes professionals are conducting an investigation. I am more familiar than most with the work of the Hate Crimes Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. Based on this, provided there have been no changes in their modus operandi, I can assure you that there will be a thorough addressing of this despicable act and that law enforcement officials from all levels of government will be working intensively with TC.

While this is occurring, we join with TC in condemning the heinous act that was committed by someone who must be very deeply disturbed.  Leaving a noose on the door of any individual, irrespective of color, creed, religious preference, sexual orientation, gender, language preference, country of origin, region of the country, physical or mental status -- of ANY human being, is an abhorrent act that must not be tolerated. Indeed, it must be condemned in the strongest terms, and evermoreso by all of us who are part of the social work profession.

I ask that we join together and recommit to solidarity in support of human rights and social justice and, in so doing, send our highest thoughts and our best energies to the faculty member who was subject to a truly deranged act. Please remember that the School has an Executive Director of Diversity, Human Rights, and Social Justice, Dr. Cheryl Franks, and that we have a Diversity Committee led by Professors Shelley Akabas and Ron Mincy. All stand ready, as do I and the administrative team of Deans, to be of any assistance as we contend with this unimaginable, horrific, horrific incident.

The very best to you,

Jeanette Takamura

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Three informal gatherings have been set up for students in the CUSSW community who are interested to come together for discussion, reflection, and/or support. The times are as follows:

Tonight, Wednesday, October 10th, 4:15-5:45, Room CO3
Tonight, Wednesday, October 10th, 6:15-7:45, Room CO3
Tomorrow, Thursday October 11th, 4:15-5:45, Room CO5

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