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Steven Schinke awarded grants from NIDA and NIAAA

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has awarded Steven Schinke a grant to study drug abuse prevention among adolescent girls. His hypothesis is that gender differences in risk and protective factors for substance use may explain in part why girls are not responding favorably to drug abuse prevention messages. His 5-year study will pursue a promising computer-based intervention that relies upon mother-daughter relationships.

Schinke has also been awarded a grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) to continue his study, "Economically Disadvantaged Youth and Alcohol Abuse Prevention". This effort extends work begun in a randomized community-based trial to test individual and family interventions for preventing alcohol use among economically disadvantaged urban youth. Findings to date demonstrate the efficacy of youth intervention and show added benefits for youths whose parents received intervention.

September, 2005   


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