Kermit Software Omnibus License Order Form


Use this form to order a set of CDROMs containing Kermit 95 software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 and/or IBM OS/2; C-Kermit for Unix and VMS, and MS-DOS Kermit for DOS, with the right to make and deploy the licensed number of copies of any combination of Kermit 95, or MS-DOS Kermit, or C-Kermit, as appropriate to each target platform; the total number of copies of Kermit software deployed and installed may not exceed the licensed number of copies. The minimum number of copies that can be ordered under this plan is 100. All prices are in US dollars.

Shipping is by Federal Express or other fast method, and is included in the price. Or you can choose to have it delivered electronically by HTTP, FTP, or Kermit itself. CLICK HERE for Kermit Project vendor information.

Return this form by e-mail to [email protected],
or by fax to +1 (212) 662 6442,
or by post to:
  The Kermit Project
  Columbia University
  612 West 115th Street
  New York NY  10025-7799

    Quantity     Price
    100-249      10.00
    250-499       8.50
    500-999       7.20
   1000-2499      6.00
   2500-4999      5.00
   5000-9999      4.00
  10000-19999     3.30
  20000-39999     3.05
  40000-99999     2.80
 100000-149999    2.50
 150000-199999    2.25

Minimum Quantity: 100

   Quantity    Unit Price

1. ________  x __________ =  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_________

[   ] Government Agency or Nonprofit Institution:
2.  Check box and calculate 20% of Line 1: . . . . . . . . . . $_________

A. Net price, Line 1 minus Line 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_________

Company name as you would like it to appear in the K95 registration screen, 31 characters maximum:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Now please fill out one of the following three payment sections and then fill out the shipping information at the end. For an explanation of the various order processing fees, CLICK HERE.


NOTE: We can accept only MasterCard and Visa.

[ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa   AMOUNT OF YOUR PAYMENT . . . . . . . $_________

Cardholder's name: ______________________________________________________

Card Number _____________________________   Expiration Date _____________

Signature _______________________________   Today's Date ________________

Purchase order number, if any: ___________________

Amount from Line A above . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $________

If your check is not drawn on a US bank,
please add a $65.00 check-cashing fee: . . . . . .  $________

TOTAL AMOUNT OF YOUR CHECK:  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $________
Please enclose a check for the total amount payable in US dollars. Make your check payable to:
The Kermit Project - Columbia University
Note: The $65.00 collection fee on non-domestic checks is charged by Columbia University's bank, The Chase Manhattan Bank. We have no control over it. Address complaints to The Chase Manhattan Bank, 4 Chase MetroTech Center, 6th Floor, Brooklyn NY 11245, USA.

Company PO Number:__________________

B. Amount from Line A above:                       $________
C. Add $25 invoicing (billing) fee:                $________
D. If your check will not be drawn on a US bank,
      add $65 check-cashing fee:                   $________
E. If you will pay by wire transfer,
      add $25 bank fee:                            $________

TOTAL, Lines B, C, and D, and and E.
Please enclose your purchase order for this amount: . . . . . . $________




City:__________________________________ State/Province:__________________

ZIP or Postal Code: ___________________ Country: ________________________

E-mail: _______________________________ Telephone: ______________________

[ ] If BILL TO address is different from SHIP TO, include Bill-to on PO.

[ ] DELIVER ELECTRONICALLY (we will contact you by e-mail):
    ( ) By FTP ( ) By HTTP ( ) By Kermit

(Thank you!)