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Brian Boyd

Adjunct Assistant Professor; Program Co-ordinator
Room 961/961A Schermerhorn Extension

work: 212-854-1390
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Brian Boyd
Adjunct Assistant Professor; Program Co-ordinator
Columbia University

Department of Anthropology; Center for Archaeology


Brian Boyd (M.A. Glasgow 1991: Ph.D. Cambridge 1996) is Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology. He was previously Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Wales Lampeter (1997-2006). He teaches "The Social Production of Technologies", " Holy Lands , Unholy Histories: Archaeology Before the Bible" and (Fall 2008) "Humans & Other Animals: Critical Perspectives on Human-Animal Relations".

Brian's research interests focus on the archaeology of the prehistoric Levant , social technologies, human-animal relations, the history and philosophy of science, queer theory, and cultural politics in Israel/Palestine. He has published several articles on theoretical aspects of the Epipalaeolithic (Natufian) Levant and his first book Beyond Bones: Towards a Social Archaeology of Human-Animal Relations Will be published by Cambridge University Press in 2008. He has been carrying out research and fieldwork in Israel and the Palestinian Territories for a number of years and will be starting new projects there in 2009.

Selected publications
2001 The Natufian burials from el-Wad: beyond issues of social differentiation. Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society. 31: 185-200.

2002a. Ways of eating/ways of being in the Later Epipalaeolithic (Natufian) Levant . In Hamilakis, Y., M. Pluciennik and S. Tarlow (eds.) Thinking through the body: archaeologies of corporeality. New York : Kluwer/Plenum, pp. 137-152.

2002b. The Myth Makers: archaeology in Doctor Who. In Russell, M. (ed.): Digging holes in popular culture: archaeology and science fiction. Oxford : Oxbow, pp. 30-37.

2004. Agency and landscape: abandoning the nature/culture dichotomy in interpretations of the Natufian. In Delage, C. (ed.) The last hunter-gatherer societies in the Near East . Oxford : BAR. I.S. 1320, pp. 119-136.

2005. Transforming food practices in the Later Epipaleolithic and Pre-Pottery Neolithic Levant. In Archaeological Prespectives on the Transmission and Transformation of Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean (ed. J. Clarke). Oxford : Oxbow Books, pp. 106-112.

2006. On "sedentism" in the Later Epipaleolithic (Natufian) Levant . World Archaeology. 38/2: 164-178.

Forthcoming (a). Beyond Bones: Towards a Social Archaeology of Human Animal Relations. Cambridge University Press.

Forthcoming (b). The Prehistory of Southwest Asia. Cambridge University Press.

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