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Pegi Vail

Adjunct Professor
959 Schermerhorn Extension
Office Hours: Thursdays 5:00-7:00pm

work: 212-854-4552

[email protected]

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Pegi Vail
Adjunct Professor
Columbia University


Pegi Vail (Ph.D. New York University 2004) is an anthropologist, filmmaker, and curator. Her current academic work focuses on the political economy of tourism in the developing world, exploring the role travel stories in print and media have in shaping experience and destination perspectives. Right of Passage, a book based on this research among backpackers in Bolivia, is forthcoming (Duke University Press). Gringo Trails, her documentary-in-progress shot in West Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America looks at the long term impact of travelers and their narratives globally. Prior documentaries include the award-winning, The Dodger's Sym-phony, broadcast on PBS/WNET and screened in New York and national museums, international festivals, and on Northwest Airlines. Vail has previously taught documentary filmmaking through the NYU Department of Anthropology's Culture and Media Program, on tourist productions in NYU's Tisch School of the Arts, and leads documentary workshops worldwide, most recently in Azerbaijan with the Soros Open Society. Vail is a former Fulbright scholar who serves as guest lecturer for the Columbia Alumni Travel Study Program, National Geographic, and Smithsonian. As a curator, she has collaborated with colleagues at NYC arts and cultural institutions such as the National Museum of the American Indian, American Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), and through organizations such as the The Moth, the storytelling collective she was a founding board member for. She currently serves on the Moth's curatorial board and general council.
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