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The Technological Change Lab (TCLab) is a research and advisory program associated with the Urban Planning program at Columbia University. It is housed at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) and brings together economic development and social policy concerns underlying technological changes in urban city-regions and countries today. TCLab works across multiple industrial sectors with ongoing and planned projects across several industrialising countries.

News & Events

Tilly, Marcuse, Srinivas, Davis, in Theory and Society journal double volume in honour of Charles Tilly "Cities, States, Trust, and Rule"

Upcoming Indian Institutes of Human Settlements...

Interviews with IIHS Senior Advisors

Congratulations Dr. Luciana Pereira! TCLab Affiliate and TERI researcher, now Assistant Professor of Innovation Economics at the Center for Engineering, Modeling, and Applied Social Sciences at the Federal
University of ABC
(UFABC), Brazil.

TCLab doctoral Affiliate Neil Lee, London School of Economics and Political Science, publishes novel research on Innovation and Inequality in Europe

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TCLab welcomes new Board member Jorge Katz, Professor of Economic Growth and Innovation at the Universidad de Chile.

Photo of Prof. Jorge Katz



" I felt like my research with the Lab opened my mind to new areas of scholarship that I had previously thought unrelated to my interests in energy technology, environmental conservation, and industrialization.

In my view the Lab is one of the most promising activities in the Masters of Science in Urban Planning program at Columbia University."

-Past TCLab Affiliate Matthew Crosby, California Public Utilities Commission, Lead Analyst Alternative-fueled vehicle proceeding.


A 2009 Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP) seed grant at Columbia awarded to Srinivas. The proposal's title:"Logics of Industrialism in the World's Largest Democracy: Analyzing Technological Change and Health Insurance Empirics in India."

Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh

INDIA TODAY: Innovation, Industry, and Education

Course and speakers

Patricia Beeson/Loren Brandt/ Lee Branstetter/ John Camillus/ Rabikar Chatterjee/ Arvind Panagariya/ Smita Srinivas/ Sunil Wadhwani 

Research Initiatives

1 of 3

Daily Labor in Karnataka

Technology, Employment and
Regional Inequality

The new industrial and economic research initiative with Brazilian collaborators: the Brazil-India Technology, Employment and Regional Inequality (TERI) Project. The study focuses on the industrial policy impact on technological changes, regional employment and social protection of investments in both countries. The focus is regional and local and aims to contribute to re-envisioning developmental states and future economic practice.

Recent Publications


Cover of Technology in Society journal

S. Srinivas and J. Sutz. 2008. Developing Countries and Innovation: Searching for a New Analytical Approach

Technology in Society 30 (2) April, pp. 129-140.

SSRN version

Cover of Regional Studies journal

S. Srinivas and K. Viljamaa. 2008. Emergence of Economic Institutions: Analysing the Third Role of Universities in Turku, Finland, Regional Studies, 42 (3) April, pp. 323-341.

SSRN version


Cover of UNCTAD LDC Report 2009

Read LDC Report 2009

Smita Srinivas 2009 Industry Policy, Technological Change, and the State (BP7) UNCTAD LDCR 2009

Other Background Papers

Media responses

UNCTAD: bigger state role needed to help poor countries, © Reuters

Steve Schifferes: Poor countries 'need to change' (BBC), BBC © MMIX

Hamish McRae: Here is a chance to reboot the world's development machine (The Independent), © 2009 Independent News and Media

Hannah Stewart: Charity Begins at Home for the Rich Nations (The Guardian) © Guardian News and Media Limited 2009

NEW! Journal Millennial Asia-Asian economy, polity, society (Association of Asian Scholars)

Millennial Asia journal