The 47 R�nin are Introduced to the World
A. B. Mitford
by Makiko Arima

A. B. Mitford, "The Forty Seven Ronins" in Tales of Old Japan (1871), pp. 15-41.

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Whoever told A. B. Mitford the story of the forty-seven r�nin clearly told a different version from the one told to Alcock. Mitford might have translated a Japanese version of the story. In his retelling, Mitford ends the story by stating that the legend paints a "picture of fierce heroism which it is impossible not to admire" (Mitford 37). He begins his account of the forty-seven r�nin with a description of Sengakuji, where the forty-seven and Asano are buried. Mitford then proceeds to tell the story of Ch�shingura in great detail. He begins from the situation that Asano was in, with the Imperial ambassadors visiting Edo, and proceeds to tell the rest of the story fairly accurately as well. He ends with an in-depth follow-up to the seppuku of the forty-seven retainers. He conveys a legendary aspect of the Ak� incident, not a historical account, but merely repeating what he had heard in the oral tradition.

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Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford came from a distinguished British literary family. From the time of his birth in 1837, Mitford moved from country to country as his parents lived in various European countries. In 1865, he took up a post in Beijing and began his studies in Chinese. He became an attach� in the British legation to Edo from 1866 to 1870. The time of his arrival coincided with the Meiji Restoration upheaval, which he witnessed and experienced during his stay. Mitford also began studying Japanese upon his arrival in Edo under Sir Ernst Satow. In 1873, he retired from the Foreign Office. He is most famous for his Tales of Old Japan (1871).

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Comparison to actual history:
Mitford's attempt to retell the story as accurately as he understood it is apparent. He most likely believed everything he was told as factual, for he takes bold stances on some ambiguous aspects of the story. For example, he states that Kira "conceived a great hatred" against Asano and the other appointed daimyo (Kamei Sama) due to their "mean and unworthy" presents (Mitford 20). He, therefore, made "laughing-stocks" out of them in their duties welcoming the imperial envoys, instead of teaching and guiding them, as the story of Kira's making Asano tie "the ribbon of a sock" (Mitford 23). This "sock incident" is the final push that forces Asano to draw his sword. This is an aspect of the legend that has no factual basis, but Kira's greedy nature is well known. Mitford also adds an anecdote on Kamei Sama's intentions to kill Kira before Asano. He most likely retrieved this part of the legend from the third act of Kanadehon Ch�shingura, in which the daimyo Wakasanosuke and his retainer Honz� take the same actions as Kamei Sama and his councilor. 

Similar to the legend of Kamei Sama, Mitford infuses the legend of Murakami Kiken into his retelling of Ch�shingura. Kiken appears in Mitford's account as a "Satsuma man." The man from Satsuma first appears as an angry critic of �ishi's. The man cursed and spat into the face of a drunken �ishi, lying on the street. The "Satsuma man" called �ishi a "faithless beast" that was "unworthy of the name of a Samurai" (Mitford 25). After the attack, the "Satsuma man" goes to Sengakuji, and performs seppuku in front of �ishi's grave in apology for what he had said before. According to James Murcoch, a man from Satsuma actually did erect a stone in honor of Hayano Sampei, who killed himself over serving another master nearly a year prior to the night attack. (Murdoch, James. A History of Japan. Vol. 3. London: Paul, 1926. 226.) This is legend of Murakami Kiken is well known in Japan, and Mitford must have heard it from someone, and included it in his retelling.

Mitford also creates a dramatic ending to Kira's life, as he adds a battle between Kira's top swordsmen and �ishi's son Chikara after Kira is discovered in his hiding place. The battle is won by the r�nins, and the forty-seven proceed to show respect for his high rank by allowing him to commit seppuku. However, Mitford depicts Kira as a coward unable to kill himself, and so �ishi finally avenges his lord by cutting off Kira's head. Such dramatization adds to Kira's villainous nature and the virtuosity of the forty-seven r�nin that makes for a better heroic legend.

Story vs. History:
Mitford over-dramatizes climactic parts of the story of the forty-seven r�nin, but he gives a very detailed account of the Japanese legend. He provides background information on Japan's society, and the social and political climate of Japan while he is writing his account. He gives accurate descriptions of the geography, places the events in historical context, and names every significant character's name, each city, and province. His attention to detail reflects his attempt to retell the story as was told to him, and as close to the actual course of events--as he understood it--as possible, which results in a fairly accurate account of the Ak� incident, embellished by famous legends as the story of Kamei and Murakami Kiken. Mitford also seems genuinely interested in the story of the loyal retainers, as he visits Sengakuji (which he actually lived near during his years in Japan), and examines relics pertaining to the forty-seven retainers. He even transcribes actual documents that the retainers had on them when they committed seppuku at the end of his account. These documents are statements by the loyal retainers on their reasons for their attacking and killing Kira. Mitford also realizes the significance of Sengakuji to the Japanese, as he observes citizens paying homage to the 47 r�nin's graves. One should also take note of his opening his retelling with a scenic description of Sengakuji, and ends with personal accounts pertaining to Sengakuji.

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