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facets 1998-1998
facets cover 1998-1999 WELCOME to the 1998 - 1998 version of  Facts About Columbia Essential To Students! This newest edition of  facets has been entirely revised, and includes a new living-history timeline containing pictures and information about Columbia students and alumni like Paul Robeson, Madeleine Albright, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Boutros-Boutros Ghali, Lou Gehrig, and Paul Auster.

facets 1998-1999 also contains information that you might find valuable on a number of University subjects, from locating music practice rooms to finding a work-study job or internship; from listing the University's library locations to giving a phone number for free security escorts home at night.

You may download the entire file [5 MB] of  facets in its Portable Document Format (pdf) by opening this version of  Adobe Acrobat Reader. Also using Adobe, you may download individual chapters of facets as follows:

1. Academic Calendar [size: 0.011 MB]
Dates of interest for 1998 - 1999 and 1999-2000, including the first day of classes, academic holidays, and exam periods.

2. The University [size: 1.4 MB]
Columbia's history in an illustrated timeline form. General information about the University's schools, programs, departments of instruction, institutes, and centers. Resources for information about the University, including the Office of Public Affairs and various publications.

3. Academic Resources [size: 0.7 MB]
Detailed listing of the University's academic services, including Library services and locations as well as academic computing, bookstores, photocopying, and Registrar services, such as registration, certifications, transcripts, graduation, and diplomas.

4. Student Resources [size: 0.8 MB]
Services provided by the University to support students, including career services, student employment, financial services, personal finances, disability services, heath services, day care programs, recycling, shuttle bus information, voter registration, international student services, the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, and the Ombuds Office.

5. Student Life [size: 0.6 MB]
Everything students need to know for their day-to-day needs and interests, such as the arts, athletics, religious and spiritual services, community outreach programs, student activities, dining services, housing, the new student center Lerner Hall, University ID cards, mail, and telecommunications services.

6. Campus Security [size: 0.3 MB]
Information on a variety of University security services, such security patrols, the Morningside Area Alliance, emergency information, as well as tips on crime prevention, personal safety, and fire safety. Crime statistics for Columbia's six campuses.

7. Appendices [size: 0.3 MB]
University policies, including: Academic Information Systems (AcIS) Computer Usage Policy; Policy on Access to Student Records under the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974; University Regulations; Policies on Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco; Policy Statement on Discrimination and Harassment, Policies on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct, Statement of Nondiscriminatory Policies, and Discrimination Grievance Procedure; and the Romantic Relationship Advisory Statement.

8. Index [size: 0.15 MB]

9. Maps [size: 1.1 MB]

10. Directory Information [size: 0.021 MB]