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  • American Anthropological Association (AAA), Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program:; The American Anthropological Association invites minority doctoral candidates in anthropology to apply for a full-year dissertation fellowship of $10,000. This program is designed to demonstrate the Association's support for promising minority graduate students in anthropology and to demonstrate its commitment to the long-range goal of increasing diversity in the discipline.
  • Fulbright-Hays Fellowships Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Grants (DDRA): Fulbright-Hays DDRA Fellowships are to support Doctoral candidates pursuing research in areas other than Western Europe. US citizens or permanent residents who have completed all requirements for the Doctorate but the dissertation are eligible to apply. Travel to more than one location for research purposes is possible. Stipends vary depending upon which countries and cities the applicant wishes to visit. For more information, please contact Kerry Gluckmann, at (212) 854-3808 or [email protected]. Deadline: contact GSAS
  • Fulbright Study Abroad Grants, Institute on International Education (IIE): Study Abroad Grants support graduate students at all levels for 9 months while they pursue research for the dissertation abroad. US citizens are eligible to apply for grants to study in all areas of the world, including Western Europe. The proposed project must be completed in only one country. Stipends vary according to the country the student visits. Required knowledge of the language is dependent upon country of application. Applications MUST be picked up from 107 Low Library and become available during the summer months. Please note: students from Columbia College, General Studies, and Teachers College should see their respective representatives on campus. For more information, please contact Kerry Gluckmann, Director of Financial Aid, at (212) 854-3808 or [email protected]. Deadline: contact GSAS
  • IREX Fellowships: IREX administers a range of programs between the US and the countries of Eastern Europe, the New Independent States, Asia, and the Near East.
  • National Science Foundation (NSF): The Cultural Anthropology Program promotes basic scientific research on the causes and consequences of human social and cultural variation. The program solicits research proposals of theoretical importance in all substantive and theoretical subfields within the discipline of Cultural Anthropology. For more information about the Crosscutting Research and Training Opportunities, please visit the Cross-Directorate Activities webpage. Here, you will find a brief synopsis about each program, as well as links guiding you to the appropriate Program Solicitations. Also, for more information on the Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants please visit the Cultural Anthropology specific page.
  • Social Science Research Council (SSRC), International Dissertation Research Fund (IDRF): The IDRF program supports full-time graduate students in the humanities and social sciences who are enrolled in doctoral programs in the U.S., regardless of citizenship, conducting dissertation field research in all areas and regions of the world. Fifty fellowships of up to $20,000 will be awarded annually with funds provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Deadline: November 10, 2005
  • Traveling Fellowship of Columbia University: Columbia University offers Traveling Fellowship for doctoral students in the research or writing stages of their dissertation who require overseas travel to complete their research. Previous stipends were $17,750 for a nine month period. An additional stipend of up to $1,000 is available to help defray travel expenses. For more information, please contact Kerry Gluckmann, Director of Financial Aid at (212) 854-3808 or [email protected]. Deadline: contact GSAS
  • Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork: Awarded to individuals to aid doctoral dissertation or thesis research. Applicants must be enrolled for a doctoral degree. Application must be made jointly with a thesis advisor or other scholar who will undertake responsibility for supervising the project. Awards are contingent upon the applicant's successful completion of all requirements for the degree other than the dissertation/thesis. Applications may be submitted before such requirements have been met; however, should an award be approved, the foundation will at that time request evidence of that the applicant is "all-but-dissertation/ advanced-to-candidacy". Qualified students of all nationalities are eligible. Deadlines: May 1 and Nov. 1

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