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2005 News

May 2005

Irwin Garfinkel receives award from GSAC
Professor Irwin Garfinkel has been presented with a Faculty Mentoring Award by the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC). The award honors faculty members who exemplify the ideals of PhD mentoring. Read more.

June 2005

Tami Farber (MS'02) and Natasha Dachos (MS'02) honored on World Refugee Day
On June 11, 2005, two recent CUSSW grads were honored for their contributions to the welfare of refugees. Both did volunteer work with Nah We Yone, an organization that provides services to African refugees and asylees. Read more.

Dr. Grace Christ receives a September 11 recovery grant from the American Red Cross Liberty Disaster Relief Fund
The FDNY/Columbia University Family Assessment and Guidance Program, directed by CUSSW Associate Professor Grace Christ, recently received a $235,000 September 11 recovery grant from the The American Red Cross Liberty Disaster Relief Fund. Read more.

Professor Vincent Guilamo-Ramos Receives New 5-Year CDC Grant for $1.5 million
Professor Vincent Guilamo-Ramos was recently awarded a new 5-year research grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. His project seeks to examine familial and cultural factors associated with sexual risk taking among Latino adolescents. Read more.

July 2005

Dr. Cheryl Franks appointed Executive Director for Diversity, Human Rights, and Social Justice
On June 1, after completion of a competitive nationwide search, Dean Jeanette Takamura announced the appointment of Dr. Cheryl Franks to a new position at CUSSW. Read more.

Second Social Work Summit on End-of-Life and Palliative Care Co-Chaired by Dr. Grace Christ in Washington, DC
The second Social Work Summit brought together 60 representatives of more than 35 social work and other organizations with a commitment to improve care for the terminally ill, dying, and bereaved. Read more.

August 2005

Social Work History in the United States: A Tale of Sense and Sensibility
Dr. Barbara Levy Simon delivered the inaugural lecture of new Social Work Seminar in Professional Identity to incoming MS students at Orientation 2005. She explored the history of tensions within the social work profession, which she views as rooted in the conflict between romanticism and rationalism prevalent in the 19th century. An audio file is available for download. Read more.

September 2005

Steven Schinke awarded grants from NIDA and NIAAA
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has awarded CUSSW Professor Steven Schinke a grant to study drug abuse prevention among adolescent girls. Schinke has also been awarded a grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) to continue his study, "Economically Disadvantaged Youth and Alcohol Abuse Prevention". Read more.

Associate Dean for Research Allen Zweben co-chairs NIH Summer Institute
Allen Zweben and Dan Herman of Mailman School of Public Health co-chaired the NIH Summer Institute on Behavioral and Social Intervention Research in Washington, D.C. on July 18-22, 2005. Read more.

October 2005

Fred Ssewamala awarded two-year grant by NIH
Dr. Ssewamala, Assistant Professor of Social Work, has been awarded a $457,000 grant to expand the SUUBI Program in Uganda. The Program works with organizations that provide aid to orphaned children and their caregiving families, and includes an asset-ownership/family economic empowerment intervention. Read more.

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